Academic Catalog

Arts Administration (M.A.)

The Master of Arts in Arts Administration program offers a broad arts administration education as well as focus within specific areas of practice. The program fosters leadership and management skills, explores processes of innovation and creativity, examines networks and sources of support, while drawing on sound business and administrative training.  The program also makes use of local dynamic arts institutions and the smaller entrepreneurial arts and cultural organizations.
Students will receive the background to lead arts and cultural organizations such as theaters, galleries, museums, arts and culture festivals, arts centers, arts councils, local and regional arts boards, dance companies, community arts and cultural organizations, and musical ensembles including symphonies, orchestras, jazz and choral groups. 

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School.

Program Requirements

The program requires a minimum total of 30 credits. This is plan C program, as such no Master's Essay or Thesis are required for graduation.

Required Core Courses10
State of the Arts: Contemporary Creative and Curatorial Practices
Leadership and Team Building in the Creative Industries
Art as Social Action: Realizing Impact Through Community-Driven Art
Writing for the Arts: Narrative Strategies for Artists and Entrepreneurs
Marketing and Public Relations in The Arts
Performance Studies and Collaborative Thinking
Research in Art Creation and Production
Development II: Advanced Topics
General Electives (select 1 of the following)6
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Foundations of Nonprofit Management
Entrepreneurship in the Arts
Departmental Electives14
Public Relations and Social Media
Journalism and New Media
Societal Effects of New Technologies
Communication Skills for Contemporary Workforce
Museum Practicum
Marketing and Artist Management in Music
Music Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Strategy and Organization in Music
Art Gallery Management
Art Gallery Internship
Museum Culture: Histories, Critiques, Practices
Entrepreneurship in the Arts
Strategy and Organization in Music
Grant Writing and Fundraising for the Arts
Performance Studies and Collaborative Thinking
Marketing the Theatre
Board Governance in the Theatre
Human Resources and Financial Management for the Arts
The Media and the Theatre
Internships in Theatre Management
Total Credits30
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