Graduate Programs
NUR 6510 Health Economics, Policy, and Professional Issues for APNs Cr. 3
Examination of the major health policy and professional issues relevant to the advanced-practice nurse. Students will be assisted in the synthesis of theoretical and pragmatic aspects of issues of concern in order to develop confidence in their skills and establish an APN practice. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7000 Statistics in Nursing Cr. 3
Introduction to statistical analysis in nursing research. Topics include: levels of measurement, statistical inference, selected descriptive and inferential statistics for parametric and nonparametric conditions, and selected statistics used to summarize results from multiple studies (i.e., meta-analytic statistics). Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: NUR 3400 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7030 Advanced Nursing Assessment Cr. 4
Development of advanced physical psychosocial assessment skills. Development of critical thinking skills in relation to differential diagnosis (medical and nursing) that are required in the performance of advanced nursing practice. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisite: PTH 7500 with a minimum grade of C and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $100
NUR 7035 Family Centered Health Promotion and Risk-reduction Cr. 3
The purpose of this course is to facilitate student’s understanding and application of family systems approach to the theoretical foundation for health promotion and risk reduction across the lifespan. The emphasis is on family theory, health promotion theories and research to promote and preserve wellness lifestyles in client populations using epidemiological principles, disease risk appraisal and reduction and other tools. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7105 Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Cr. 3
Theory course: foundations for nurses in practice and leadership roles. Discussion of diverse perspectives that influence knowledge development in nursing, including, systems, communication, developmental, health promotion, stress and coping theories. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7115 Special Topics: Interprofessional Education Cr. 2
This interprofessional course is for health professional student learners in the areas of advanced practice. The course allows health professional students to learn about, from and with each other, how each discipline contributes to the healthcare team, the importance of effective communication, the role of team collaboration and preparing health care professionals for collaborative practice with a focus on clinical decision making in interdisciplinary teams. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate, Medical or Professional level students.
NUR 7200 Advanced Neonatal Pharmacology Cr. 3
Basic concepts of pharmacology; application and integration of content to advanced practice nursing with high-risk neonate. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7207 Advanced Pediatric Pharmacology Cr. 3
Preparation of advanced practice nurses to apply concepts of pediatric pharmacology when assessing, managing and treating the pediatric patient in a variety of environments, including acute/critical and primary care. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7222 Leadership in Health Policy, Ethics and Change Cr. 3
Examines health systems and health policy within evolving sociopolitical contexts from a national and international perspective. Content includes human diversity, social issues, systems theory, health systems analysis, ethics, health policy analysis, and policy formulation. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7415 Physical and Psychosocial Issues in Aging Cr. 3
This course prepares the student to analyze the predominant physical and psychosocial aspects of aging encountered by older adult clients. The course also prepares students to understand the interdisciplinary functioning of the gerontological specialist (nurse practitioner, case manager, social worker, etc.). Normal age-related changes and an interdisciplinary approach to adaptive responses are emphasized. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Adult Gero Nur Prac - Acute, Adult Gero Nur Prac - Primary or Gerontology; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7425 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Community Based Participatory Research - Didactic Cr. 2
This course explores common issues and methods involved in conducting community based participatory research (CBPR). Students engage in building the necessary skills and support for community based participatory work for change. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7222 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7105 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 8895 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7426
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7426 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Community Based Participatory Research - Clinical Cr. 1
This course explores common issues and methods involved in conducting community based participatory research (CBPR). Students learn how to collaborate across interdisciplinary perspectives to engage in research that leads to community change, the improvement of public health, and enhances the quality of life. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7222 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7105 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 8895 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7425
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7427 Adult-Gerontology ACNP: Management of Neurological, Endocrine & Musculoskeletal Problems - Didactic Cr. 2
This didactic course is meant to develop clinical expertise to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” The emphasis is on patients challenged with neurological, endocrine, and musculo-skeletal problems across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. Offered Fall.
Corequisite: NUR 7428
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7428 Adult-Gerontology ACNP: Management of Neurological, Endocrine & Musculoskeletal Problems - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course is meant to develop clinical expertise to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” This course emphasis is on patients challenged with neurological, endocrine, and musculo-skeletal problems across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. Offered Fall.
Corequisite: NUR 7427
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7435 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Comprehensive Community Assessment - Didactic Cr. 2
This course provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge and skills essential to conducting comprehensive community assessments. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 7425 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7426 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7000 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 8625 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7436
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7436 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Comprehensive Community Assessment - Clinical Cr. 3
This course provides opportunities for students to engage with interprofessional team members, community agencies, and diverse populations to conduct a comprehensive assessment. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 7425 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7426 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7000 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 8625 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7435
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7437 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP: Management of Cardiopulmonary and Renal Problems - Didactic Cr. 2
This clinical course is meant to develop clinical expertise to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” with illness trajectories related to pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal systems across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. In addition, common problems in acute care such as, pain, infections and discharge barriers are also addressed. Emphasis is placed on use of strong differential diagnoses skills, interpretation of normal and abnormal physical assessment and diagnostic test results, clinical decision making, family-patient-nurse psychosocial interactions, and other evidence-based interventions. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 7370 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7438
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7438 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP: Management of Cardiopulmonary and Renal Problems - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course is meant to develop clinical expertise to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” with illness trajectories related to pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal systems across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. In addition, common problems in acute care such as, pain, infections and discharge barriers are also addressed. Emphasis is placed on use of strong differential diagnoses skills, interpretation of normal and abnormal physical assessment and diagnostic test results, clinical decision making, family-patient-nurse psychosocial interactions, and other evidence-based interventions. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 7370 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7437
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7444 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan for APRNs Cr. 4
General physiology and pathologic principles for promoting health and treating disease across the lifespan. This course builds upon previous courses in anatomy and physiology and is a core competency that provides the basis for critical thinking in the role as an advanced practice nurse. Further, it provides an in-depth study of principles of advanced physiology and pathophysiology applicable across the lifespan, including enhancement of knowledge of human physiology of organ systems as well as the etiology, developmental considerations, pathogenesis, morphology, and clinical manifestations of common disease processes. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7445 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Health Promotion and Prevention with Diverse Populations - Didactic Cr. 2
The course focuses on the development of advanced public health nursing knowledge and collaborative practice skills essential to integrating theoretical frameworks. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7435 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7436 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7446
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7446 Advanced Public Health Nursing: Health Promotion and Prevention with Diverse Populations - Clinical Cr. 3
The course focuses on the development of advanced public health nursing knowledge and collaborative practice skills essential to integrating comprehensive community assessments and diverse perspectives when designing and implementing health promotion and prevention programs. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7435 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7436 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7445
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7447 AG-ACNP: Management of Patients with Oncology, Hematology, Mental Health & Life Changes - Didactic Cr. 2
This didactic course prepares the APN student to synthesize the experience of providing care to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” This course emphasis is on patients challenged with oncological, hematological, mental health and life style changes across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. In addition, common problems and skills required in acute care such as, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management strategies to ameliorate physical and behavioral symptoms are also addressed. Offered Spring/Summer.
Corequisite: NUR 7448
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7448 AG-ACNP: Management of Patients with Oncology, Hematology, Mental Health & Life Changes - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course prepares the APN student to synthesize the experience of providing care to manage patient populations across the entire spectrum of adults, including young adults, adults, and older adults. The AG-ACNP scope of practice encompasses the provision of care to patients who are characterized as “physiologically unstable, technologically dependent and/or highly vulnerable to complications.” This course emphasis is on patients challenged with oncological, hematological, mental health and life style changes across the continuum of care from wellness to illness, with differing and unique developmental needs. In addition, common problems and skills required in acute care such as, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management strategies to ameliorate physical and behavioral symptoms are also addressed. Offered Spring/Summer.
Corequisite: NUR 7447
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7455 Adv Public Health Nursing: Program Planning, Quality Improvement and Evaluation Residency - Didactic Cr. 2
This residency course focuses on the development of knowledge, skills and leadership strategies essential for advanced public health nurses to transform complex systems, and to improve the health of communities and diverse populations. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7445 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7446 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7456
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7456 Adv Public Health Nursing: Program Planning, Quality Improvement and Evaluation Residency - Clinical Cr. 3
This residency course focuses on the development of knowledge, skills that emphasizes the application of concepts and theories germane to planning, improving, and evaluating health programs to advance public health, and enhance quality of life. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7445 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7446 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7455
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7460 Family Psychiatric Mental Health NP: Adv Practice Nursing with Individuals and Communities -Didactic Cr. 3
This didactic course is designed to give Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students opportunities to integrate content about individuals and communities within cultural contexts. Advanced theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills in relation to the nursing process will be demonstrated. Concepts of individual and community interventions will be applied in a wide range of service environments. Evidence based practice will be highlighted. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7615 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7625 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7650 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7465
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7465 Family Psychiatric Mental Health NP: Adv Practice Nursing with Individuals and Communities -Clinical Cr. 5
This clinical course is designed to give Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students opportunities to integrate content about individuals and communities within cultural contexts. Advanced theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills in relation to the nursing process will be demonstrated. Concepts of individual and community interventions will be applied in a wide range of service environments. Evidence based practice will be highlighted. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7615 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7625 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7650 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7460
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7470 Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Practice Nursing with Groups -Didactic Cr. 3
This didactic course provides the student with advanced knowledge to use group psychotherapy to intervene clients experiencing dysfunctional interpersonal patterns. The clinical portion of this course assists students to develop group therapy clinical skills to treat with clients across the lifespan experiencing acute and chronic psychiatric disorders and mental health issues. Emphasis is on utilization of theoretical and conceptual models for assessing, planning, treating and evaluating dysfunctional patterns in groups, including promotion, maintenance, and restoration of mental health in age-appropriate groups. Additionally, promoting and maintaining effective communication patterns in a variety of groups is addressed. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7460 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7465 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7885 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7475
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7475 Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Practice Nursing With Groups -Clinical Cr. 5
This clinical course provides the student with advanced knowledge to use group psychotherapy to intervene clients experiencing dysfunctional interpersonal patterns. The clinical portion of this course assists students to develop group therapy clinical skills to treat with clients across the lifespan experiencing acute and chronic psychiatric disorders and mental health issues. Emphasis is on utilization of theoretical and conceptual models for assessing, planning, treating and evaluating dysfunctional patterns in groups, including promotion, maintenance, and restoration of mental health in age-appropriate groups. Additionally, promoting and maintaining effective communication patterns in a variety of groups is addressed. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7460 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7465 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7885 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7470
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7480 Family Psychiatric Mental Health NP: Advanced Practice Nursing with Families - Didactic Cr. 3
This didactic course provides the student with the advanced knowledge base and clinical skills necessary to use family therapy to intervene with clients experiencing dysfunctional intrafamily patterns. Emphasis is placed on utilization of family theoretical and conceptual models for assessing, planning, and treating dysfunctional patterns and for assessing, promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health to families and individuals. The impact of political, legal, economic, social, cultural, and technological factors on families, and the mental health care system are also addressed. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7470 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7475 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7485
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7485 Family Psychiatric Mental Health NP: Advanced Practice Nursing with Families - Clinical Cr. 5
This clinical course provides the student with the advanced knowledge base and clinical skills necessary to use family therapy to intervene with clients experiencing dysfunctional intrafamily patterns. Emphasis is placed on utilization of family theoretical and conceptual models for assessing, planning, and treating dysfunctional patterns and for assessing, promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health to families and individuals. The impact of political, legal, economic, social, cultural, and technological factors on families, and the mental health care system are also addressed. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7470 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7475 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7480
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7555 Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Cr. 3
This is a foundational course for the Advanced Practice Nurse programs that addresses, across-the-lifespan, fundamental principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic in major drug classes and the organ systems they impact. Students will develop the necessary foundational knowledge to prescribe appropriate medications for major disease and illnesses in a safe and evidence-based manner. Students should have previously completed an undergraduate pharmacology course such as NUR 2060. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice, MS in Nursing or PhD in Nursing programs.
NUR 7615 Psychopathology and Therapeutic Frameworks Across the Lifespan for PMHMP Cr. 2
This course provides an overview of psychopathology and common theoretical frameworks utilized in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary therapeutic frameworks, theoretical models and selected current research pertinent to psychopathology across the lifespan. The professional, ethical, and cultural issues related to psychopathology and its treatment will also be discussed. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
NUR 7625 Psychopharmacology Cr. 2
The course will focus on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of psychotropic and neurologic medications used across the life span. Emphasis will be on the neuroscience and neurobiology of pharmacological treatments, safety and efficacy of medications, selection of individualized plans, and titration of dosages. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7555
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
NUR 7650 Advanced Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning Cr. 1
This course provides students with a knowledge base in mental health assessment of clients across the life span within the context of the advanced psychiatric mental health nursing role. Emphasis is on the acquisition and analysis of relevant data for the development of a comprehensive and holistic mental health assessment and subsequent diagnoses. Focus is on history taking, analysis, data categories, and specific techniques used to identify mental health problems and differential diagnoses in clients across the life span. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisite: NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B- and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B- and NUR 7615 with a minimum grade of B- and NUR 7625 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7030
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 2 Credits
NUR 7670 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management I - Didactic Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs of the infant, children, and adolescent while providing the conceptual basis for advanced nursing. Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, prescription of therapeutic management/interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, bio-psychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Nurse practitioner management models of care are used in the provision of care to clients. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge necessary to care for infants, children, and adolescents from a variety of cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds. The specialty seminar component focuses on beginning application of the specialty knowledge of the infant, child, and adolescent health within a broad social context. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7675
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7675 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management I - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on incorporating and using diagnostic reasoning, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7670
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7680 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management II - Didactic Cr. 3
This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to further develop and demonstrate use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar focuses on strengthening and further development of the application of the specialty knowledge of children’s health within a broad social context. Students manage the care of children while assessing for deviations from normal, which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of children are included. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7675 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7685
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7685 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management II - Clinical Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner management model, roles of advanced practice nurses and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7675 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7680
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7690 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management III -Didactic Cr. 2
This course is designed to provide the student with opportunities to further develop and demonstrate the use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar aims to strengthen and further develop the application of specialty knowledge of infant, child, and adolescent health within a broad social context. Students manage the care of infants, children, and adolescents while assessing for deviations from normal, which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of infants, children, and adolescents are included. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7680 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7685 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7695
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7695 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care & Management III -Clinical Cr. 6
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on the strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/ or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7680 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7685 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7690
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7710 Theoretical Perspectives of Teaching in Nursing Cr. 3
Theories of learning and teaching, critical thinking, value development, and psychomotor skill development as basis for teaching in nursing. Teaching methods in nursing for classroom and clinical practice. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7720 Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education Cr. 3
Development of educational program in nursing. Test construction, clinical and performance evaluation, and grading. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7730 Practice Teaching in Nursing Cr. 3
Application experience in educational setting appropriate to student's needs and goals. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 7865 Foundations of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Cr. 3
Philosophical, historical, physiological basis of CAM; use in advanced practice nursing. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7920 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care and Management I - Didactic Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs of the infant, children, and adolescent while providing the conceptual basis for advanced nursing. Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, prescription of therapeutic management/interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, bio-psychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Nurse practitioner management models of care are used in the provision of care to clients. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge necessary to care for infants, children, and adolescents from a variety of cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds. The specialty seminar component focuses on beginning application of the specialty knowledge of the infant, child, and adolescent health within a broad social context. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7925
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7925 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care and Management I - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on incorporating and using diagnostic reasoning, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7920
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7930 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management II -Didactic Cr. 3
This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to further develop and demonstrate use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar focuses on strengthening and further development of the application of the specialty knowledge of children’s health within a broad social context. Students manage the care of children while assessing for deviations from normal, which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of children are included. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7920 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7925 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7935
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7935 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care and Management II -Clinical Cr. 5
The clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner management model, roles of advanced practice nurses and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7920 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7925 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7930
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7940 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care and Management III- Didactic Cr. 2
This course is designed to provide the student with opportunities to further develop and demonstrate the use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar aims to strengthen and further develop the application of specialty knowledge of infant, child, and adolescent health within a broad social context. Students manage the care of infants, children, and adolescents while assessing for deviations from normal, which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of infants, children, and adolescents are included. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7930 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7935 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7945
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7945 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care and Management III -Clinical Cr. 6
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on the strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7930 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7935 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7940
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7950 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management I - Didactic Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs of well, low- and high-risk neonates while providing the conceptual basis for advanced nursing. Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. The nurse practitioner management model of care is used in the provision of care to clients. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge necessary to care for neonates from a variety of cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds. The specialty seminar component focuses on beginning application of the specialty knowledge of normal and high-risk neonatal care within a broad social context. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7200 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7955
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7955 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management I - Clinical Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on incorporating and using diagnostic reasoning, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within this specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7200 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 7950
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7960 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management II - Didactic Cr. 3
This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to further develop and demonstrate use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar focuses on strengthening and further development of the application of the specialty knowledge of high-risk neonatal care within a broad social context. Students manage the care of high-risk neonates while assessing for deviations from normal which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of neonates are included. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7950 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7955 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7965
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7965 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management II - Clinical Cr. 5
This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to further develop and demonstrate use of a model of advanced practice nursing. The specialty seminar focuses on strengthening and further development of the application of the specialty knowledge of high-risk neonatal care within a broad social context. Students manage the care of high-risk neonates while assessing for deviations from normal which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of neonates are included. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 7950 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7955 with a minimum grade of B) or NUR 7225 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7960
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7970 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management III - Didactic Cr. 2
This course focuses on synthesis of an advanced practice nursing model for the care of high-risk neonates. Emphasis is on health promotion, development, and long term care of vulnerable populations within a broad social context. The specialty seminar component focuses on strengthening and applying the specialty knowledge of high-risk neonatal care within a broad social context. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7960 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7965 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7975
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7975 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Pathophysiology, Clinical Care, and Management III - Clincal Cr. 6
This course focuses on synthesis of an advanced practice nursing model for the care of high-risk neonates. Emphasis is on health promotion, development, and long term care of vulnerable populations within a broad social context. The specialty seminar component focuses on strengthening and applying the specialty knowledge of high-risk neonatal care within a broad social context. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7960 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 7965 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 7970
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 7990 Directed Study in Nursing Cr. 1-8
Individually designed courses of study in nursing. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 16 Credits
NUR 8011 Scientific Writing in Nursing Cr. 1
This seminar assists students in becoming more effective scientific writers in order to be successful nurse scholars and scientists. Students will conduct a mini-review of the literature related to a specific aspect of urban health. After identifying a precise statement to focus their review, students will synthesize the literature and write iterative drafts of their review. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8012 Philosophical Basis of Nursing Cr. 3
This course focuses on the philosophical underpinnings of the discipline in order to assist students in understanding the tripartite role of a PhD-prepared nurse as scholar, scientist, and steward of the discipline. Students will explore the interaction of historical, theoretical, and philosophical contexts within which nursing science has developed, discuss the role each has played in the process of developing nursing as an academic research discipline, and examine these for congruence with contemporary thinking. Emphasis is on analyzing epistemological and ontological assumptions underlying the discipline, the science, and the practice of nursing. Debates arising from philosophy and the history of science and nursing inform discussions about the nature of science and nursing’s past, present, and future directions in theory and knowledge development. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8014 Health Interventions Cr. 3
This seminar evaluates of intervention research to create nursing knowledge to improve health outcomes for urban populations. Students will examine select intervention designs to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions related to their phenomenon of interest. The course also addresses important considerations of measurement, feasibility, fidelity, and data safety monitoring plans when conducting intervention research. Ethical concerns related to intervention research are discussed. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8020 Theoretically-Based Nursing Inquiry Cr. 3
This course provides students with an opportunity to synthesize and apply knowledge from the theoretical and empirical literature to a phenomenon of interest. It will assist students in translating philosophical and theoretical perspectives into research methodologies. Concept analysis and construction, theory development, and relationships among conceptual frameworks, theories, and empirical referents are critically analyzed. The course will enable students to develop or further explicate a theoretical framework to guide a study within an emerging program of research in urban health. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8040 Quantitative Research Methods Cr. 3
This is the first of a two-part sequence research methods course. The course focuses on the fundamental principles of research as a foundation to prepare PhD educated nurses in their scientific endeavors. Concepts related to reliability and validity, sampling theory, measurement strategies, data collection strategies, and ethical conduct in research are discussed. Strategies for maintaining data quality and integrity are also discussed. The emphasis of this course is on research principles as it relates to a quantitative approach. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8060 Qualitative Research Methods Cr. 3
The emphasis of this course is on the relevance of qualitative approaches to the advancement of knowledge and practice in nursing and healthcare. An overview of qualitative traditions will be covered. Sampling, measurement, data collection, data management, and analysis will be discussed relative to various qualitative approaches. Strategies to maintain data quality and integrity are also discussed. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8065 Health Economics and Policy Evaluation of Nursing Care for Vulnerable Populations Cr. 3
The intersection of vulnerable populations and their health care needs will be explored from a health economics and health policy approach. The course will promote discourse on the economic structure of the American health system as it relates to disparities. Further, it will explore the economic analytical evaluation of health care through current economic models of analysis. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: FPH 7240 with a minimum grade of C and NUR 8630 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.
NUR 8070 Advanced Qualitative Methods Cr. 3
Focuses on analysis and critique of various traditions within qualitative methods phenomenology, grounded theory, case study) and an in-depth examination of various methodological approaches and technical skill related to participant recruitment, ethical issues, data collection, data management and analysis, and interpretation of for qualitative methods. Students must have a data set for analysis, even if they are in the process of collecting data or receive permission to use a faculty member's data set. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 8060 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8085 Pilot Study - Part I Cr. 3
This individually-tailored course is designed to provide BSN-PhD students with additional opportunity to gain experience in applying all aspects of the research process. The Pilot study is separate from, and may not replace, the one semester of required Research Residency. Part I of the Pilot Study focuses on the preliminary work and proposal development needed to implement a small study. The Pilot Study is done with the permission and direction of the student's academic/research advisor. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: NUR 8040 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 8060 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 8610 with a minimum grade of B, and NUR 8612 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8185 Pilot Study - Part II Cr. 3
This individually-tailored course is designed to provide BSN-PhD students with additional opportunity to gain experience in applying all aspects of the research process. The Pilot study is separate from, and may not replace, the one semester of required Research Residency. Part II of the Pilot Study focuses on the implementation of a small study developed in Part I, including analysis of the data collected, and preparation of a report of the findings. Part II of the Pilot Study is done with the permission and direction of the student's academic/research advisor, and with required IRB approval. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: NUR 8040 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 8060 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 8610 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 8612 with a minimum grade of B, and NUR 8085 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8210 Determinants of Health and Health Disparities Cr. 3
This course examines multiple determinants of health and issues related to health disparities among vulnerable populations in urban environments. Course content addresses biophysiological, genetic, behavioral, cultural, environmental (social and physical), economic, and health policy factors that affect health and contribute to health disparities. It prepares students to generate questions of concern to health and health outcomes; and to collaborate in interdisciplinary research teams regarding determinants of health and health disparities. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8335 Grant Writing Cr. 3
This course focuses on writing a research grant application. In-class content will address essential aspects of research grant application and development. Out-of-class time will be spent on writing a grant proposal. The course provides students with an iterative process to develop their grant writing skills. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8040 with a minimum grade of B- (may be taken concurrently), NUR 8060 with a minimum grade of B- (may be taken concurrently), NUR 8610 with a minimum grade of B- (may be taken concurrently), and NUR 8612 with a minimum grade of B- (may be taken concurrently)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8340 Family Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 3
This course will address the foundational knowledge and skills, from a family centered physiological systems-based approach, necessary to diagnose, treat and manage 1) common acute and chronic health care problems across the lifespan and 2) pregnancy and fertility issues for women of child-bearing age. Focus on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic reasoning, diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, management, and outcomes assessment. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7035 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8345
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8345 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 5
This clinical course will address the application of foundational knowledge and skills, from a family centered physiological systems-based approach, necessary to make complete an appropriate history and physical exam, differential diagnosis and development of treatment and management plan for selected acute and chronic diseases across the lifespan and care of the childbearing female. Focus will be on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment across the lifespan within the social context. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7035 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8340
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8350 Family Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course will address the synthesis of knowledge and skills, from a family centered physiological systems-based approach, necessary to diagnose, treat and manage 1) chronic health care problems based on selected systems across the lifespan and 2) problems of pregnancy 3) non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches 4) common psychiatric issues, and 5) Gerontologic approaches. Focus on continued refinement and further development of clinical diagnostic reasoning, diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, management, and outcomes assessment in the systems covered. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8340 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8345 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8355
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8355 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
The clinical component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner management model, roles of Family Nurse Practitioner. Knowledge and skills, from a family centered systems-based approach, necessary to diagnose, treat and manage, and interventions to promote and/or restore health will be applied. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8340 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8345 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8350
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8360 Family Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 3
This course will address the synthesis of knowledge and skills, from a family centered increasing complexity physiological systems-based approach, necessary to diagnose, treat and manage 1) chronic health care problems based on selected systems across the lifespan and 2) non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches; 3) office emergencies 4) Gerontologic disease; and 5) professional and transition into practice issues. Focus on continued refinement and further development of clinical diagnostic reasoning, diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, management, and outcomes assessment in the systems covered. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8350 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8355 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8365
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8365 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 5
The clinical course focuses on the continued synthesis and application of specialty knowledge foundational to the Family Nurse Practitioner. Emphasis is placed on preparation for transition into practice based on the nurse practitioner management model, roles of Family Nurse Practitioner. Knowledge and skills, from a family centered systems-based approach, necessary to diagnose, treat and manage, and interventions to promote and/or restore health will be applied. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8350 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8355 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8360
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8370 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8375
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8375 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. The lab component includes 180 hours of clinical practice. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8370
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8380 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8370 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8375 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8385
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8385 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. The lab component includes 225 hours of clinical practice. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8370 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8375 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8380
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8390 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 2
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8380 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8385 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8395
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8395 Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 6
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8380 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8385 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8390
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8410 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7615 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7625 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7650 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8415
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8415 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. The PMHNP specialty content is designed to give Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students opportunities to integrate content about individuals and communities within cultural contexts. Advanced theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills in relation to the nursing process will be demonstrated. Concepts of individual and community interventions will be applied in a wide range of service environment. Evidence based practice will be highlighted. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7615 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 7625 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7650 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8410
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8420 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner I: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and opportunity to further develop and demonstrate use of a model of advanced practice across the developmental lifespan. The specialty seminar focuses on strengthening and further development of the application of the specialty knowledge of acute care, children, community, neonates, primary care, psychiatric and women’s health within a broad social context. Students manage the care of clients in their designated specialty area while assessing for deviations from normal which may result in collaboration or referral. Development of the advanced practice role, provision of a supportive clinical practice environment, and examination of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of clients across the developmental lifespan are included. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8410 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8415 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8425
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8425 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8410 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8415 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8420
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8430 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the adult developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. The APN management models of care are used in the provision of care to clients. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge necessary to care for clients across the adult developmental spectrum from a variety of cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8420 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8425 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8435
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8435 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 5
The clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8420 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8425 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8430
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8440 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8445
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8445 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8440
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8450 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8440 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8445 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8455
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8455 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8440 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8445 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8450
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8460 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8450 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8455 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8465
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8465 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8450 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8455 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8460
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8470 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8475
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8475 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7207 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8470
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8480 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8470 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8475 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8485
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8485 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8470 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8475 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8480
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8490 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 2
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8480 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8485 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8495
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8495 Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 6
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8480 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8485 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8490
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8540 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8545
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8545 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7555 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8540
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8550 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8540 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8545 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8555
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8555 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8540 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8545 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8550
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8560 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8550 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8555 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8565
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8565 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty III: Advanced Cr. 5
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8550 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8555 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8560
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8570 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner I: Foundations Cr. 4
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7200 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8575
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8575 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Clinical I: Foundations Cr. 4
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: NUR 7030 with a minimum grade of B, NUR 7200 with a minimum grade of B-, and NUR 7444 with a minimum grade of B-
Corequisite: NUR 8570
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8580 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner II: Intermediate Cr. 3
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8570 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8575 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8585
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8585 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Clinical II: Intermediate Cr. 5
This clinical course component focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (NUR 8570 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8575 with a minimum grade of B) or (NUR 8670 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8675 with a minimum grade of B)
Corequisite: NUR 8580
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8590 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner III: Advanced Cr. 2
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to manage the health care needs across the developmental spectrum, while providing the conceptual basis for advanced practice nursing (APN). Course content focuses on refinement and further development of basic clinical diagnostic skills, including physical examination, diagnosis, management, interventions, and outcomes assessment. Health promotion/wellness models, biopsychosocial and cultural theories are integrated throughout the course. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8580 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8585 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8595
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8595 Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Clinical III: Advanced Cr. 6
This clinical course focuses on the continued application of specialty knowledge foundational to advanced practice nursing or nurse-midwifery. Emphasis is placed on strengthening and further development of the nurse practitioner/nurse-midwifery management model, roles of advanced practice nurses, and interventions to promote and/or restore health within each specialty area. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 8580 with a minimum grade of B and NUR 8585 with a minimum grade of B
Corequisite: NUR 8590
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8610 Applied Statistical Analysis for Health Care Research I Cr. 3
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the application of selected univariate statistical procedures commonly used in nursing and health research. Topics will include descriptive and inferential statistics such as measures of central tendency and variability, sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression and correlation, analysis of covariance, analysis of frequency and nonparametric procedures. Emphasis is on the utilization and interpretation of basic univariate procedures applied in nursing and health research. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8612 Applied Statistical Analysis for Health Care Research II Cr. 3
This course provides students with an opportunity to apply advanced multivariate statistical procedures. It will cover a range of advanced quantitative techniques, such as discriminant analysis, logistic regression analysis: dichotomous response, logistic regression analysis: polytomous response, principal component analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis and survival analysis. It also addresses statistical analysis for advanced quantitative designs such as analysis of variance for some unbalanced designs, analysis of variance for some fixed-, random-, and mixed- effects models, nested or hierarchical designs, multivariate repeated-measures analysis of variance and power analysis and sample size determination. An introduction to psychometric theory for instrument development also will be addressed. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 8610 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8615 Informatics Innovations in Nursing Cr. 3
Development of understanding of concepts in health care informatics relevant to the advanced practice nurse. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8620 Foundations of Nursing as a Discipline Cr. 3
Students will critically examine factors that have contributed to the development of the discipline of nursing, including the impact of philosophical, epistemological, and historical factors on the development of nursing science and its translation. Relevant theories and models from nursing and related disciplines for applicability to Doctor of Nursing practice role will be explored. Strategies for evaluating theory as a foundation for the DNP project will be developed. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8625 Evidence Based Nursing Practice: Theoretical and Methodological Issues Cr. 3
Scientific foundation for integration of evidence based knowledge into clinical practice. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8650 Advanced Professional Leadership Cr. 3
Preparation of advanced nurses and others to effectively transition into the role of leader and change agent. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 8653 Healthcare Analytic Methods, Data Management, Evaluation, and Outcomes Cr. 4
This course prepares students to appraise data for use in design, delivery, and evaluation of evidence-based care. This appraisal includes use of mechanisms for securing data and use of properly designed data collection instruments to assist with making practical conclusions about empirical data using clinical judgement to set clinical benchmarks and assess organizational culture with the goal of improving patient, population, and health system. Offered Spring/Summer.
Prerequisites: NUR 7000 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8665 Health Policy, Economics, Ethics and Evaluation in Advanced Practice Nursing Cr. 4
Upon completion of this course, students will attain knowledge and skills that will allow them to critically analyze problems, assess feasibility of policy and program implementation, and to propose policy initiatives, that are integral competencies for practice in the heavily regulated discipline of nursing. Students will engage in discourse on the economic structure of the American health system as it relates to disparities. The focus will be on the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in setting a policy agenda that identifies the gaps in policy and economics impacting vulnerable populations. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8890 Special Topics in Nursing Cr. 1-8
Exploration and analysis of topics significant to the development of nursing science and professional practice at the doctoral level. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
NUR 8895 Population Health for Nursing Cr. 3
Introduction to the basic concepts of epidemiology as tools that will promote understanding of the complexity of local, national, and global healthcare systems. Emphasis is on the use of epidemiologic reasoning in deriving inferences about the etiology of health outcomes from population data and in guiding the design of health service programs. Discussion of behavioral and contextual factors that converge to impact the health of individuals, families, and communities in relationship to strategies that advanced practice nurses use to mitigate these factors. Students will be challenged to develop approaches for using epidemiology to influence, create, and lead change. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 8990 Directed Study Cr. 1-8
Individually designed courses in nursing for doctoral students whose needs and interests are not met in scheduled classes. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
NUR 9508 DNP Project Proposal Development Practicum I Cr. 4
This course requires the student to engage faculty and community leaders in the development of their translation of science into practice through application of theory, evidence-based practice, leadership, and DNP focused methods. The students will utilize the required core courses to develop a project proposal ready for implementation at completion of the semester. The student will establish working relationships with community or organizational leaders and develop a broader perspective of their specific practice change topic. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: NUR 7000 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 8620 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 8625 with a minimum grade of B-, NUR 8650 with a minimum grade of B-, (NUR 8653 with a minimum grade of B- or (NUR 8635 with a minimum grade of B- and NUR 8604 with a minimum grade of B-)), and (NUR 8665 with a minimum grade of B- or (NUR 8630 with a minimum grade of B- and NUR 8065 with a minimum grade of B-))
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9510 DNP Project Practicum III Cr. 4
This is an individualized practicum supervised and approved by the DNP Project Chair. This course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the core courses. The student, working with their DNP Project Chair, will implement the project as approved by the student’s DNP Project Committee. The DNP student will meet with relevant organizational leaders as it relates to the development and implementation of the DNP Project. The DNP Project will be implemented in a setting approved by the DNP Project Committee. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: NUR 9505 with a minimum grade of B- or NUR 9508 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 9520 DNP Project Cr. 4
This is an individualized practicum supervised and approved by the DNP Project Chair. This course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the core courses. The student, working with their DNP Project Committee, will prepare the final DNP Product as required by the DNP Program. The course provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze, synthesize and apply clinical inquiry knowledge and competencies through written and public presentation. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: NUR 9510 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in the College of Nursing.
NUR 9530 DNP Project Proposal Development Practicum Cr. 3
The purpose of this course is to facilitate development of a comprehensive, approved DNP Project Proposal endorsed by the DNP Project Team Chair and Reader. Students will actively engage with faculty & community leaders (institutional, community, and political spheres) to translate scientific evidence into practice through application of relevant theories, evidence-based practices, leadership principles, DNP-focused methodologies. Students will build collaborative relationships with community and organizational leaders to gain a broader perspective on their specific practice change topics. The Chair, with these leaders and subject matter experts, will provide guidance and support to ensure the proposal is both relevant and feasible. This course requires a minimum of 135 practicum hours, with at least 24 hours dedicated to direct engagement with identified leaders. By the end of the semester, students will have developed a project proposal ready for implementation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9540 DNP Project Implementation Practicum Cr. 3
In this individualized, supervised practicum, the DNP student will implement their project as approved by the DNP Project Team, under the guidance of their DNP Project Chair. Building on the knowledge and skills developed in core courses and NUR 9508, students will engage with key leaders in institutional, community, and political settings to support the successful implementation of their DNP Project. The project will be carried out in a setting approved by the DNP Project Team, providing students with practical experience in translating evidence-based research into practice. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9550 DNP Project Cr. 2
This individualized practicum is supervised and approved by the DNP Project Team. Building on the knowledge and skills developed in core courses, students will collaborate with their DNP Project Team to prepare their final DNP project, as required by the DNP program. The course provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze, synthesize, and apply evidence-based knowledge and competencies through both written and public presentations of their project outcomes. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9990 Pre-Doctoral Candidacy Research Cr. 1-8
Research in preparation for doctoral dissertation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
NUR 9991 Doctoral Candidate Status I: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9992 Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: NUR 9991 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9993 Doctoral Candidate Status III: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: NUR 9992 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9994 Doctoral Candidate Status IV: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: NUR 9993 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
NUR 9995 Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 0
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $434.8
Repeatable for 0 Credits