Academic Catalog

Integrative Neuroscience (Ph.D.)

The discipline of neuroscience is concerned with all aspects of the development, maturation, function and malfunction of the nervous system within a single individual as well as across populations and societies. The field of neuroscience is vast and intersects with many other biological fields, such as pharmacology, toxicology, kinesiology, and behavioral biology, as well as non-biological fields, including computer science, engineering, education, epidemiology, and human relations. The INSPIRE program is designed to leverage a basic understanding of how the nervous system operates and to interconnect that with tightly linked fields towards specific training and specialization in one of five major areas of neuroscience: Behavioral, Cellular & Molecular, Cognitive, Computational, and Sensorimotor Neuroscience. Tightly interwoven with scientific coursework are various professional developmental opportunities that will ensure that each student is well prepared for the next step of their scientific career, whether in an academic setting, in industry, or at a research or governmental institution.

All students in INSPIRE will be required to complete a minimum of 67 credits beyond their baccalaureate degree, which includes 49 credits from coursework, and 18 credits from dissertation research and preparation, in accordance with the WSU Graduate School guidelines. Completion of approximately 40 credits (prior to the end of Y2) of coursework is required for PhD Candidacy. 

Students are required to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA for all coursework. A maximum of one course for which a ‘C’ grade is earned may be applied toward graduation requirements, provided a 3.0 average is maintained. In addition, a maximum of 2 courses for which a ‘C’ or lower grade is received may be repeated with approval from the Advisor and Graduate Officer.

The total number of credits in the Plan of Work for a student in the Integrative Neuroscience program will vary depending on their area(s) of interest. The distribution of coursework is as follows (see example plan of work for details):

  • Fundamental courses (required for all students): 13
  • Research Area Specific / Professional Development courses (per student interest): 36
  • Dissertation: 18
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