Academic Catalog

Pharmacy Practice

Office: 2190 EACHPS; 313-577-0115
Chairperson: Lynette R. Moser

The WSU Doctor of Pharmacy program educates students to become valued providers of health care services. Our graduates use evidenced-based practice to ensure optimal health of the patient and of the public and will provide leadership in advancing pharmacy practice and health policy.

The practice of pharmacy has experienced profound changes during the past three decades as its traditional role in drug distribution has increasingly expanded to incorporate the concept of comprehensive medication management. This philosophy charges pharmacists with the responsibility for providing drug therapy that achieves defined results and improves a patient's quality of life. Pharmacists are expected to interact with patients and other health care providers to assure that the drug therapy prescribed is appropriate, administered, and monitored in a way that assures achieving the desired outcomes.

The ability of pharmacists to play an increasingly active role in drug therapy is being recognized at state and national levels. At the state level pharmacists have been recognized as having the ability to initiate or modify drug therapy, either through collaboration with a physician or by independent authority. In Michigan, pharmacists are allowed to prescribe under delegated authority of a licensed practitioner. Examples of services provided by pharmacists include:

  • disease state screening (examples are: blood pressure monitoring for hypertension, glucose monitoring for diabetes, cholesterol monitoring, bone densitometry for osteoporosis)
  • monitoring and adjusting anticoagulation therapy
  • monitoring and adjusting antibiotic therapy.

A major impetus for these changes is a result of the realization of the added value of pharmacists input into therapeutic decision making in a manner that can result in cost reduction through prevention of problems arising from adverse drug experiences, drug-drug and drug-food interactions, errors in prescribing or administering medications, and poor adherence.

The Doctor of Pharmacy program at Wayne State University is offered through the Departments of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The pre-professional components of the program are described in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences section of this bulletin. The professional curriculum is described in detail in the Wayne State University Graduate Bulletin.

BARNES, BRIAN: Pharm.D., University of Kansas; M.S. University of Kansas Medical Center; Associate Professor

BERLIE, HELEN: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; Clinical Associate Professor

BERTI, ANDREW: Pharm.D., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin; B.S., University of Rochester; Assistant Professor

BURGHARDT, KYLE: Pharm.D., University of Michigan; Associate Professor

DAVIS, SUSAN: Pharm.D., University of Michigan; Professor (Clinical) and Associate Dean

FAVA, JOSEPH: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Clinical)

FERRARI, HANNAH: Pharm.D., B.H.S., Wayne State University ; Assistant Professor (Clinical)

GARWOOD, CANDICE: Pharm.D., University of Texas at Austin; Professor - Clinical

GIULIANO, CHRISTOPHER: Pharm.D., University of Toledo; M.P.H., Wayne State University; Professor (Clinical)

GORTNEY, JUSTINE: Pharm.D., Purdue University; Associate Professor (Clinical)

JABER, LINDA A.: Pharm.D., B.S., Wayne State University; Professor

KALE-PRADHAN, PRAMODINI B.: Pharm.D., Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science; B.S., University of Wisconsin; Clinical Professor

KILGORE, PAUL: M.D., Wayne State University; M.P.H., B.S., University of Michigan; Professor and Director of Research

LIPARI, MELISSA: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; Associate Professor (Clinical)

LOBKOVICH, ALISON: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; B.S., Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Clinical)

LUCAROTTI, RICHARD: Pharm.D., Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh; Professor Emeritus

MARTIROSOV, AMBER LANAE: Pharm.D., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.Sc., University of Texas; Associate Professor (Clinical)

MILLER, DOUGLAS A.: Pharm.D., Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science; B.S., Ohio State University; Professor Emeritus

MOHAMMAD, INSAF: Pharm.D., B.H.S., Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Clinical)

MOSER, LYNETTE R.: Pharm.D., University of Illinois at Chicago; Clinical Associate Professor and Chair

O'CONNELL, MARY ELIZABETH: Pharm.D., University of Minnesota; B.S., Wayne State University; Professor

PARKER, DENNIS: Pharm.D., University of Michigan; B.S., Eastern Michigan University; Clinical Associate Professor

RABINAK DAVIE, CHRISTINE: Ph.D., M.S., University of Michigan; B.S., University of Iowa; Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Research

RYBAK, MICHAEL J.: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; B.S., Northeastern University; Professor

SAAD, ALINE: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; B.S., American University of Beirut; Associate Professor (Clinical), Director of Faculty Development, Coordinator of Interprofessional Education

SALINITRI, FRANCINE: Pharm.D., B.H.S, Wayne State University; B.S., B.Ed., University of Windsor; Professor (Clinical) and Director of Experiential Education

SMYTHE, MAUREEN A.: Pharm.D., B.S., Wayne State University; Clinical Professor

STEWART, BRITTANY: Pharm.D., B.S., Wayne State University; Assistant Professor - Clinical

TUTAG-LEHR, VICTORIA: Pharm.D., Wayne State University; B.S., Ferris State University; Professor - Clinical

VEVE, MICHAEL: Pharm.D., Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences; MPH, Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Clinical)

WILHELM, SHEILA: Pharm.D., University of Michigan; Professor - Clinical and Patient Care Laboratory Coordinator

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