Business Administration (B.A. and B.S.)
Admission Requirements
Effective for students admitted Fall 2009 and thereafter admission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business Undergraduate Program is based upon two criteria: Preprofessional Program Standing and Professional Program Standing, as defined below.
Preprofessional Program Standing is the classification for entering high school students or transfer students admitted directly to the Mike Ilitch School of Business through the WSU Undergraduate Admissions Office. Typically, students are admitted at the freshmen or sophomore levels and pursue Business Foundation requirements, entry level Business Core classes and General Education Requirements. The purpose of the preprofessional coursework is to provide students with business instruction that prepares them for advanced level Business Core courses and business major courses.
Professional Program Standing is the classification for students entering or continuing in the Mike Ilitch School of Business with the completion of fifty-four semester credits at Wayne State University or fifty-four transferable semester credits, and requires a minimum 2.50 grade point average as described in the Mike Ilitch School of Business requirements (consult Frederick Hessler Student Success Center, Room 101 Mike Ilitch School of Business). Entry into Professional Program Standing grants students approval to enroll in advanced Business Core courses and degree-applicable major courses. Students not meeting the grade point average requirement will NOT be allowed to enroll in either of these course groups until the required grade point average is achieved.
High School Students
High School students who meet the University requirements for regular admission are eligible for admission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
Transfer Students
Students must meet University requirements for regular admission. Students currently in another program at WSU must have a minimum 2.00 g.p.a. to be admitted to the Business School. WSU students with less than a 2.00 g.p.a. will not be considered for admission. Transfer students from outside WSU are required to have a minimum 2.00 g.p.a. from their transfer institution. Transfer students with a 2.0-2.49 g.p.a. will not be allowed to take any Business School Core Courses beyond MGT 2530 and MKT 2300, at the 3000 level or higher or major courses until a minimum 2.5 WSU g.p.a. is achieved. WSU does not limit transfer credit hours from community colleges. However, students must complete a minimum of 30 cr. hrs. at WSU, and the last 30 cr. hrs. must be completed only at WSU. Equivalency tables have been developed with area community colleges which identify lower-division community college courses that are equivalent to lower-division business foundation courses at Wayne State University. Equivalency tables have been developed with area community colleges which identify lower division community college courses that are equivalent to the lower-division business foundation courses at Wayne State University. Articulation Agreements have been signed with Henry Ford CC, Jackson CC, Macomb CC, Oakland CC, Schoolcraft CC and Washtenaw CC to transfer 82 hours for certain Associate Degrees. Contact an Iltich Business Advisor for more details.
Application for admission and all official collegiate transcripts must be submitted by transfer students to the Undergraduate Admissions Office of Wayne State University. Qualified applicants will then be referred to the Mike Ilitch School of Business’ Frederick Hessler Student Success Center.
Admission Appeals
There is no guarantee of admission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Formal written appeals of admission denial may be made to the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Student Services of the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
Program Requirements
Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration must satisfactorily complete 120 credits including: General Education Requirements, Business Foundation Curriculum, Business Core, Major, and Elective Requirements as outlined below. Within the student's degree program, no more than sixty-four credits in business subjects and upper division economics may be applied toward the degree. All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic rules of the University and those of the Mike Ilitch School of Business. The courses listed below are required of all business students. No substitute courses are permitted except as noted.
Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration must complete the same degree requirements as for the Bachelor of Science with the additional requirement that a student must attain a level of proficiency in a single foreign language equivalent to the completion of eleven credits through university-level course work or placement by examination administered by the University’s Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. In some instances, completion of the Bachelor of Arts foreign language requirements may result in course work beyond the 120 credit minimum.
To be eligible for the degree, students must have earned a minimum 2.0 grade point average in the major requirements and a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0 in all undergraduate course work completed at Wayne State University.
Students must also satisfy University General Education Competency and Group Requirements as part of the Business Administration curriculum.
Foundation Requirements
In the following curricula all courses satisfying General Education Requirements are cited with their appropriate title-prefix codes. Students should consult the Schedule of Classes for all prerequisites.
Code | Title | Credits |
ACC 3010 | Introduction to Financial Accounting 1 | 3 |
ACC 3020 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting 1 | 3 |
BLW 2510 | Business Law I | 3 |
COM 1010 | Oral Communication: Basic Speech ( Minimum 'C' Pre-requisite for COM 3300) | 3 |
COM 3300 | Business and Professional Presentations 1 | 3 |
ECO 2010 | Principles of Microeconomics 1 | 4 |
ECO 2020 | Principles of Macroeconomics 1 | 4 |
ENG 1020 | Introductory College Writing 1 | 3 |
ENG 3010 | Intermediate Writing 1 | 3 |
MGT 1000 | Student Success and Career Development for Business Students | 1 |
PSY 1010 | Introductory Psychology | 4 |
TIS 1500 | Business Tools and Applications | 3 |
TIS 2300 | Quantitative Methods I: Probability and Statistical Inference | 3 |
Total Credits | 40 |
- 1
A minimum grade of 'C' (2.0 g.p.a.) must be earned
Core Requirements
All students must complete the following core courses. Students are responsible for observing all course prerequisites and limitations.
Code | Title | Credits |
FIN 3290 | Business Finance | 3 |
GSC 3600 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | 3 |
TIS 3630 | Business Information Systems | 3 |
MGT 2530 | Management of Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MGT 6890 | Strategic Management and Business Policy 1 | 3 |
MKT 2300 | Marketing Management | 3 |
TIS 3400 | Quantitative Methods II: Statistical Methods | 3 |
Total Credits | 21 |
- 1
To be taken as one of the last five courses toward bachelor’s degree and after completion of all other core courses.
Major Requirements
Majors and specializations are offered through four academic departments:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Global Supply Chain Management
- Management
- Marketing
- Technology, Information Systems and Analytics
Majors in Accounting, Finance, Global Supply Chain Management, Technology, Information Systems and Analytics, Management and Marketing require six courses (eighteen credits). Students also have the option to double major. Each of the undergraduate majors employs a capstone course as a vehicle to assess a student's knowledge of the discipline. Students in all of the majors also complete the capstone course for the undergraduate program:.
Students should refer to the respective departmental section of this bulletin for specific majors and specializations. After selecting a major, students must consult the Frederick Hessler Student Success Center of the Mike Ilitch School of Business to obtain an official Academic Plan. All courses must be taken in accordance with an approved Academic Plan and all course prerequisites and limitations must be observed.
Electives form an integral part of an education in business. A student's selection of elective courses should be guided, in part, by his or her career objectives. Elective courses constitute study in addition to the business foundation, core, and major requirements listed on the student's Academic Plan.
Each student is encouraged to use elective courses to pursue a double major within the Ilitch School of Business or within another discipline at the University. Elective courses also allow a student to pursue Ilitch Business School Study Abroad opportunities, a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Law minor, and minors in other disciplines at the University.
Language Electives
Students who are preparing for careers in the global economy or employment opportunities overseas or with multinational corporations should consider electing foreign language courses. In addition, students who wish to earn the Bachelor of Arts degree may utilize their electives toward the satisfying of the Bachelor of Arts foreign language requirements.
Cooperative Education Program
The Mike Ilitch School of Business actively participates in the University Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program in which students alternate semesters of work and academic study. Eligibility begins in the junior year or upon having earned more than the minimum fifty-four semester credits. Students interested in this program should contact Ilitch School Career Services, Suite 299, Mike Ilitch School of Business, 2771 Woodward, 313-577-4871.
Students admitted to the program with minimum junior standing should recognize that an additional calendar year may be needed to fulfill the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. No academic credit is granted for participation in the Co-op Program; Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (‘S/U’) grades are given, however, and are entered on the official University transcript.
*The following courses are introductory courses offered by the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Please see the individual department and program sections for courses offered by the specific department or program.
MGT 1000 Student Success and Career Development for Business Students Cr. 1
Designed to assist all incoming Mike Ilitch School of Business students in a successful transition to Wayne State University through interactive exercises and engaging assignments, student will develop the insights, skills and attitudes necessary for becoming a successful student. No credit after former BA 1000. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the School of Business.
MGT 1040 Managing Diversity in the Workplace Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry
This course prepares students to become effective coworkers and managers in today’s diverse workplace. Traditional management theories are analyzed within a multicultural framework and students will be exposed to current diversity management practices in the field. Practical and experiential activities designed to help students understand the concepts are provided. No credit after former BA 1040. Offered Yearly.