Academic Catalog

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor

The minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation was designed by the Mike Ilitch School of Business to provide students with specialized knowledge and skills to develop and launch startup ventures or social impact ventures. The Minor is open to all majors and offers a track for business school students, and non-business school students. 

For a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, each student must complete 15 credits. There will be a track for business school students and a different track for non-business school students.

Business School Student Track

Business school students must take three required courses, and two electives from the options below. All prerequisites for each class must be completed. Courses used to fulfill the Minor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation cannot be classes that are required for your major. Each student must complete 15 credits.

Required Courses for Business School Majors
EI 5000Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation3
MKT 5610Marketing New Ventures3
EI 6000Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capstone3
Elective Courses for Business School Majors
Select two of the following courses:6
Management and Leadership for Entrepreneurs
Special Topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Directed Study in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Startup Funding and Profitability
Entrepreneurs' Ecosystem
Product Engineering
Marketing Research and Analysis
Consumer Behavior
Music Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Software Tools for Business Applications
Total Credits15

Non-Business School Student Track

Non-Business School students must take three required courses, and two courses from the electives listed below. All prerequisites for each class must be completed.

Required Courses for Non-Business School Majors
EI 5000Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation3
MKT 5610Marketing New Ventures3
EI 6000Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capstone3
Elective Courses for Non-Business School Majors
Select two of the following courses:6
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Management and Leadership for Entrepreneurs
Special Topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Directed Study in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Business Finance
Startup Funding and Profitability
Entrepreneurs' Ecosystem
Product Engineering
Marketing Management
Marketing Research and Analysis
Consumer Behavior
Music Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Business Information Systems
Software Tools for Business Applications
Total Credits15
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