Academic Catalog

Law Minor

The Law minor requires a minimum of 18 credits, after the completion of BLW 2510. Students take three classes for three credits each in Business and Law. 

Requirements for Business Majors

BLW 5190Business Law II3
LEX 5000Law in Social Context3
LEX 5010Law and Harm3
LEX 5020Legal Procedure3
LEX 5030Law and Transactions3
LEX 5100Law and Regulation3
Select two courses from the following list:6
Introduction to Taxation: Individuals
Introduction to Taxation: Business Entities
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Principles of International Finance
Strategic Procurement
IT Security
Ethics in Information Technology
Sales Management
Human Resource Management
Employee Relations
Staffing and Selection
Project Management
Total Credits24

Requirements for Non-Business Majors

BLW 2510Business Law I3
LEX 5000Law in Social Context3
LEX 5010Law and Harm3
LEX 5020Legal Procedure3
LEX 5030Law and Transactions3
LEX 5100Law and Regulation3
Select two courses from the following list:6
Business Law II
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Business Finance
Advanced Business Finance
Principles of International Finance
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Global Supply Chain Management
Strategic Procurement
Management of Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Employee Relations
Staffing and Selection
Project Management
Business Information Systems
IT Security
Ethics in Information Technology
Total Credits24
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