Academic Catalog

Theatre and Dance (M.A.)

The Master of Arts degree includes a three-year part-time program of advanced studies in theatre and dance, designed to provide specialized training in research methods and assessment, pedagogical foundations of teaching artistry, artistic practice and inquiry, and community engagement.

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School.


The program requires a total of thirty two (32) credits, and can be completed in one of two options:

  • Plan A (Thesis): Includes 24 credits of coursework and 8 credits of Master’s Thesis Research and Direction
  • Plan B (Essay): Includes 28 credits of coursework and 4 credits of Master’s Essay Direction

Plan A: Thesis

Three-Year Part-Time Plan

THD 7951Foundations of Theatre and Dance Pedagogy3
THD 7901Research Methods in Theatre and Dance3
THD 8875Seminar: Research Topics in Theatre and Dance3
THD 8951Arts and Human Development3
The following courses should be taken twice for credit:12
Principles of Teaching Artistry
Research in Art Creation and Production
Plan A capstone experience:8
Master's Thesis Research and Direction
Total Credits32

Plan B: Essay

Three-Year Part-time Plan. Coursework includes:

THD 7951Foundations of Theatre and Dance Pedagogy3
THD 7901Research Methods in Theatre and Dance3
THD 8875Seminar: Research Topics in Theatre and Dance3
THD 8951Arts and Human Development3
The following courses should be taken twice for credit:12
Research in Art Creation and Production
Principles of Teaching Artistry
Plan B capstone experience:
Directed Study
Master's Essay Direction
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