Academic Catalog

Academic Regulations for the Mike Ilitch School of Business

For complete information regarding the academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult the Academic Regulations of this bulletin. The following additions and amendments pertain to the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Graduate students are advised that, in addition to the policies, procedures, and rules specified by the Mike Ilitch School of Business, other regulations and requirements of Wayne State University’s Graduate School may apply. 

The Graduate Programs Office is responsible for credential evaluation, admissions processing, advising, and graduation certification of business administration graduate students. In addition, personnel prepare and distribute the Plan of Work for students enrolled in graduate programs. Any student seeking academic, vocational or personal counseling should make an appointment to see a member of the counseling staff: 313-577-4511.

Academic Standing

Students who have been admitted to the Graduate Program on a ‘qualified’ or conditional basis are expected to remove that status by the completion of the first twelve credits in course work with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program.

Students admitted to regular status or those who have attained regular status following a ‘qualified’ admission, will be given an academic warning at any time their graduate grade point average falls below 3.0. After an academic warning, students will be permitted nine credits to restore their cumulative grade point average to a 3.0 level. Failure to do so within this credit limit will result in dismissal from the program. The second (or subsequent) time(s) a student is placed on probation, he or she is subject to immediate dismissal from the Mike Ilitch School of Business.


No credit will be allowed for concentration courses taken below the 7000-level or courses taken outside of the Mike Ilitch School of Business without prior written approval of the Graduate Director.

Students may not modify core course requirements without approval of the Graduate Director.

The Graduate Director retains final authority for the approval of all concentration courses.

For advising, students should contact the Graduate Programs Office at 313-577-4511.

Application for Degree

Prior to the semester in which a student intends to graduate, an online degree application must be filed with the University Records Office, 5057 Woodward. Applications and instructions are available on the University website.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is a necessary condition for success in university study. Course content includes classroom lecture and discussion, certain aspects of which may not be covered in examinations, quizzes, term papers, or homework assignments. Each Instructor will announce his or her attendance standards at the beginning of the term.

All candidates for degrees are expected to be present at commencement.


Each student is subject to the Student Due Process statute governing student activities and student behavior. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the principles of academic integrity. Academic integrity includes the requirement that a student is honest with him/herself, fellow students, instructors, and the University in matters concerning his or her educational endeavors. For example, a student should not falsely claim the work of another as one’s own, or misrepresent him/herself so that the measures of one’s academic performance do not reflect his/her own work or personal knowledge. Assignments submitted for any class are expected to be original, not resubmissions of work submitted in a previous or concurrent class.

If there are reasonable grounds to believe that a student has disregarded the regulations or student responsibilities, he or she may be disciplined. Such discipline may include suspension or dismissal, but no dismissal will be directed without reasonable opportunity for an appropriate hearing, as provided in the Student Due Process statute.

For more information, please reference the University Code of Conduct or the Mike Ilitch School of Business Code of Ethics.

Course Level Requirement

Graduate business students are required to take all core and concentration/elective course work in classes reserved exclusively for graduate students. At Wayne State University, these classes are numbered at the 7000 level or above. A graduate student must obtain the specific written approval of the Graduate Officer prior to registering for a course that is not reserved exclusively for graduate students. Credit will not be applicable to the degree if prior approval has not been obtained.

Course Sequencing

The M.B.A., M.S.A. and M.S.T. curricula have been designed to provide logical sequencing of subject matter. This means that students must observe all course prerequisites and limitations, and must complete all required foundation courses prior to beginning any core or concentration/elective courses.

The Strategic Management course (MGT 7080) is an integrative capstone course that may only be taken in the last twelve credits, and only after completion of the other five core courses in the M.B.A. curriculum.

Similarly, the Seminar in Tax and Accounting Policy (ACC 7998) must be elected as part of the final nine credits in the M.S.A. and M.S.T. student’s program.

Students who do not adhere to these regulations will be administratively withdrawn from the out-of-sequence course(s) and may not be allowed to register for further course work.

Exception: A student taking his/her last foundation course(s) may simultaneously enroll for one or more core courses, if the relevant foundation course or prerequisite courses for the core course(s) has been satisfactorily completed.

Course Repetition Policy

Graduate business students may not routinely repeat courses taken as part of their degree program requirements. While the repetition of certain required courses may be necessary if failing or unsatisfactory grades are earned, this should not be done without first consulting the Graduate Programs Office at 313-577-4511.

Upon petition by the student, the Graduate Committee may authorize the repetition of two graduate courses during a student’s graduate business program, whereby the grade earned in the initial course attempt is deleted from the grade point total and grade point average calculations.

Directed Study

A student can apply up to three credits of directed study course work to a Mike Ilitch School of Business degree. Credit allowances (1-3) are predicated on the amount of time and effort to be spent in the study. Prior to enrollment, students must have completed all core courses in their respective graduate program (other than the capstone course) with a passing grade. If enrolled in the Master of Science in Accounting or the Master of Science in Taxation programs, students must have completed at least twelve credits of graduate accounting courses or obtained the approval of the Chairperson of the Department of Accounting.

Enrollment Eligibility

Graduate-level courses offered by the Mike Ilitch School of Business are open only to students who have been formally admitted to a Wayne State University graduate program or admitted as a graduate guest student. Students having undergraduate, post-bachelor, or any non-matriculated status are not eligible to take graduate courses. Graduate business courses include all courses numbered 6000-6100 and 7000 and above. All electives must be taken in accordance with an approved Plan of Work.

Grade Appeal Procedure

Students disputing a final grade should first contact the instructor of the course informally. Should the dispute remain unresolved, the student may initiate a formal appeal. A copy of the Mike Ilitch School of Business’s grade appeal procedure is available in the Graduate Programs Office, 103 Prentis Building, and on the School's website.

Non-grade-related grievances should be brought directly to the appropriate departmental chairperson or to the Graduate Programs Office. Additionally, University Ombuds Services are available to all students for assistance in the resolution of University-related problems.


Graduate Students can earn up to three credits in internships (ACC 7990, FIN 7890, GSC 7890, MGT 7895MKT 7890 or TIS 7890) offered as S or U grades only, which can be applied toward their elective courses. In order to satisfy requirements for these courses, the student is expected to perform assigned tasks and responsibilities in a professional manner under the supervision of an employer for a minimum of 160 hours during the semester, and abide by the rules and regulations established by the employer and expected of all employees. The student commitment is for the entire semester even if the 160 hours have been completed prior to the end of the semester. Further, to be eligible, students must have completed all core courses in the respective graduate program (other than the capstone course) with a passing grade. If enrolled in the Master of Science in Accounting or the Master of Science in Taxation programs, students must complete at least twelve credits of graduate accounting courses or obtain the approval of the Chair of the Department of Accounting in order to enroll in an internship.

‘Incomplete’ Marks

The mark of ‘I’ which is not converted to a letter grade within one year from the time it was received will be changed to an ‘F’ (failure).

Maximum Credit Load

A student employed full-time will normally not register for more than six to nine graduate credits. Graduate assistants are required to register for at least eight credits each semester.

Online Courses

The Mike Ilitch School of Business offers online sections of some courses available to Traditional M.B.A. students. Students who enroll in online sections of any M.B.A. course should anticipate that, at the discretion of the instructor, they may be required to attend an in-class session for the final examination in the course.

Passed-Not Passed Registration

Graduate students may not take graduate program requirements on a passed-not passed basis.

Plan of Work

All course work must be in accordance with an approved Plan of Work on file in the Graduate Programs Office, 103 Prentis Building. No credit will be granted for graduate courses in business administration taken at Wayne State University prior to admission to the graduate program in the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Only the Graduate Committee is authorized to approve changes affecting a student’s foundation requirements or core courses.

Time Limitation for Program Completion

Students have a six-year time limit to complete all 7000-level requirements. The six-year period begins at the start of the semester during which the student takes his/her first 7000-level courses. Students who expect to exceed the time limitation must file a written request for an extension with the Graduate Programs Office. The School reserves the right to re-validate credits which are over-age. In re-validation cases, the Graduate Committee will set a terminal date for completion of  all degree requirements, including  such additional requirements as may be prescribed to re-validate the over-age credits.

Transfer of Core and Concentration/Elective Courses

Graduate transfer credit for core and concentration/elective courses from either a Wayne State University graduate program or a graduate program at another institution is not routinely granted. Students with a non-business undergraduate degree may only petition to transfer credit from an AACSB accredited M.B.A. program. A petition for transfer credit must be initiated by the student in the form of a letter to the Graduate Committee, prior to the completion of the first twelve credits in graduate course work. To be eligible for consideration for transfer of credit, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  1. The course must have been taken at an AACSB accredited college or university;
  2. The course must have been taken in a class reserved exclusively for graduate students;
  3. A letter grade of ‘B’ (3.0) or higher must have been awarded; passed-not passed credit is not acceptable. A letter grade of ‘Bminus’ or less is not acceptable.
  4. The course must be relevant to the student’s Plan of Work as approved by the Graduate Committee.
  5. The course may not be more than six years old at the time of graduation.
  6. The course cannot have provided credit toward a prior degree.

A maximum of six semester credits (normally two courses) may be considered for transfer credit. In addition to evidence regarding the above six conditions, the student must submit additional supporting materials concerning any proposed transfer course. Course syllabi, examinations, class notes, texts, and the like constitute such materials.

Waiver of Course Prerequisites

Requests for waiver of course prerequisites are not routinely granted. Waiver requests must be made in writing to the Graduate Committee and must include full documentation of the case. No waiver will be granted if the supporting documentation consists solely of professional experience proposed in lieu of course work.

Waiver of Foundation Courses

Students are allowed to waive foundation course requirements (except FIN 6005) based on equivalent course work taken at a regionally-accredited college or university. A grade of ‘C’ (2.0 g.p.a.) or above must have been earned in this course work. Normally these waivers are granted after review of the student’s transcript(s). Students who believe additional waivers are warranted must submit evidence of course equivalency, including course syllabi, class notes, and textbooks. Waivers will not be granted on the basis of professional experience.

Withdrawals from Class

Students should consult the instructor as to his/her policy on withdrawal from class, as well as the Drop/Add procedures.

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