Academic Catalog

Physiology (Ph.D.)

The mission of the Ph.D. program in the Department of Physiology is to provide an outstanding educational experience for future scientists, researchers, and academicians in one or more areas of cellular and organ system physiology or developmental biology and reproductive systems. By combining a contemporary curriculum with innovative research, our goal is to develop skilled investigators in the physiological sciences who, by utilizing their advanced problem solving and presentation skills, are qualified to succeed as educators, independent researchers, and as scientists in a wide variety of professional venues.

Admission to these programs is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School and the graduate programs of the School of Medicine, respectively.  In addition, applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy degree are normally expected to have a personal interview with one or more members of the Departmental Graduate Committee.

All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the School of Medicine governing graduate scholarship and degrees.

Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy degree must complete a minimum of sixty credits beyond the bachelor’s degree, of which at least eighteen credits must be in doctoral research and dissertation direction. For the remaining credits, 3 courses must be physiology advanced courses (for the Reproductive Sciences concentration, a minimum of ten credits in required from the Physiology-Reproductive Sciences coursework) and six from multidisciplinary courses other than Physiology (minor). Ph.D. students holding IBS Fellowships are required to take additional credits from courses in the IBS curriculum. Remaining credits to obtain the required total are taken as electives in subjects pertinent to the student's chosen field of research. Requirements of the Department of Physiology Graduate Program must also be satisfied.

Cardio-Metabolic Physiology Concentration

The Cardio-Metabolic Physiology concentration is designed to appeal to students who wish for a deeper study in the areas of cardiovascular physiology and metabolism. Students in this concentration will be expected to follow the basic requirements of the Physiology Ph.D. program, but their elective course work will include 10 credits of coursework oriented around cardiovascular and metabolic physiology. These credit hours can be chosen by the student from within the approved list of courses in the concentration, with a view toward the research interests of the student. Courses will be taught by both Physiology department faculty and faculty from other departments. Students in this concentration are free to select any dissertation mentor that is a member of the Physiology Graduate Faculty, and are expected to choose a research topic related to cardiovascular and/or metabolic physiology. Research projects for students in this concentration may center on understanding of basic cardiovascular physiology and metabolism, understanding of cardiovascular and/or metabolic diseases, impact of lifestyle changes on cardio-metabolic physiology, or other related topics.

Reproductive Sciences Concentration

Students pursuing this concentration are expected to follow the requirements of the Physiology Ph.D. program but their curriculum is oriented around courses in the reproductive sciences taught primarily by Obstetrics and Gynecology graduate teaching faculty. Students taking the Reproductive Sciences concentration will select dissertation mentors from the Obstetrics and Gynecology graduate teaching faculty and perform their dissertation research in the basic science facilities of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Physiology Courses

PSL 5680Basic Endocrinology3
PSL 6010Advanced Exercise Physiology3
PSL 6300Biotechnology: Techniques and Applications2
PSL 6310Biotechnology: Techniques and Applications Lab2-5
PSL 7010Basic Graduate Physiology Lecture I4
PSL 7011Basic Integrative Graduate Physiology I4
PSL 7020Basic Graduate Physiology Laboratory I2
PSL 7030Basic Graduate Physiology Lecture II4
PSL 7031Basic Integrative Graduate Physiology II4
PSL 7040Basic Graduate Physiology Laboratory II2
PSL 7060Current Literature in Physiology1
PSL 7215Nanobioscience3
PSL 7400Sleep and Breathing in Health and Disease2
PSL 7420Organizing and Communicating Hypothesis Testing in Physiology3
PSL 7550Advanced Renal Physiology2
PSL 9995Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction0
PSL 7600Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology2
PSL 7640Cell and Molecular Physiology3
PSL 7685Reproductive Physiology Seminar1
PSL 7660Advanced Neurophysiology3
PSL 7680Endocrinology (RPS approved)4
PSL 7690Principles and Techniques of Reproductive Biology (RPS approved)3
PSL 7700Embryonic Stem Cell Biology (RPS approved)3
PSL 7710Disease States and Reproductive Processes (RPS approved)1
PSL 7730Reproductive Sciences: Teratology (RPS approved)3
PSL 7775Current Research Topics in Reproductive Science (RPS approved)3
PSL 7825Membrane Physiology: Protein Transport, Lipid Metabolism and Human Diseases2
PSL 7880Special Problems in Physiology1-8
PSL 7890Seminar1
PSL 7996Arranged Research1-15
PSL 8888Survey of Research at the Chemistry Biology Interface3
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