Academic Catalog

Biological Sciences (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science degree is for those students who wish to follow a career in the sciences and/or those planning to enter post-graduate professional schools. Students contemplating a major program in biological sciences should consult with a Departmental undergraduate advisor no later than the beginning of the sophomore year. 

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.

Program Requirements

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the departmental major  requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. Students must receive a grade of C-minus or better in all biology courses. A grade point average of 2.0 (C) in both biology and general required courses is required for graduation.

Major Requirements 

A minimum of 40 credits of BIO starting at BIO 1500 are required of the major as defined below. Courses through the 6000 level may be elected providing the proper prerequisites have been successfully completed.

BIO 1500
BIO 1501
Basic Life Diversity
and Basic Life Diversity Laboratory
BIO 1510
BIO 1511
Basic Life Mechanisms
and Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory
BIO 2600Introduction to Cell Biology4
BIO 2700Evolution: Basic Concepts and Applications3
BIO 3070Genetics 24-5
Students must complete additional coursework in BIO courses to reach 40 credits in BIO. Electives in BIO must be at the 3000 level or above. One course must include an upper level lab. One course must include Scientific Communication. Undergraduate research may be applied up to a max of 6 credits including the research seminar, UG research credits and honors thesis. 1
Courses that include upper level labs. BIO 3070 (satisfies the lab requirement only when elected for 5 credits), BIO 3250 & BIO 3251, BIO 3800, BIO 4120, BIO 4130, BIO 4350, BIO 4630, BIO 5040, BIO 5100, BIO 5440, BIO 5610.
Courses that include Scientific Communication. BIO 4110, BIO 4120, BIO 4130, BIO 4370, BIO 5150, BIO 5240, BIO 5280, BIO 5610/BIO 5620.

Courses required to complete major requirements listed above cannot also be used as BIO elective credit.


If elected for honors credit, BIO 3070 is 5 credits and includes a lab.

Cognate Requirements

CHM 1100
CHM 1130
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHM 1140
CHM 1150
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
CHM 1240Organic Chemistry I4
CHM 2220Organic Chemistry II4
Select one of the following sequences:10
Option 1
Physics for the Life Sciences I
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Physics for the Life Sciences II
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Option 2
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics I Experimental Laboratory
University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics II Experimental Laboratory
MAT 2010Calculus I 14
MAT 2020Calculus II4
or STA 2210 Probability and Statistics

Students must start in the appropriate math course based upon placement exam or valid SAT/ACT scores.  Students may attempt to place into a higher MAT course by taking the Placement Examination of the Department of Mathematics upon entry into the university.  

Biological Sciences Honors (B.A. and B.S. Programs)

The Department participates in the honors program and works with individual students to develop a curriculum that satisfies honors degree requirements. Students interested in an honors degree should contact the departmental honors advisor.

Program Requirements: To achieve honors designation with the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, students are required to complete all University and major requirements (see above) including fourteen honors credits in Biology and an honors seminar  (HON 4200-HON 4280).

The fourteen credits in Biological Sciences are comprised of:

8 credits of BIO courses with honors 18
Basic Life Diversity
Basic Life Mechanisms
Introduction to Cell Biology
Cellular Biochemistry
Human Physiology
Ecology and the Environment
BIO 6890Introduction to Research Practice - Honors1
BIO 6893Honors Undergraduate Research in Biological Sciences (Student needs 3 credits of honors research (BIO 6891, 6892, 6893, 6894). Credits can be spread across multiple terms but must total a minimum of 3 cr. Honors UG research.)3
BIO 6999Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis 2
Total Credits14
Honors Seminar3
Seminar in Philosophy and Letters
Seminar in Physical Science
Seminar: Global Perspectives on Historical Studies
Seminar in Foreign Culture
General Honors Seminar
Total Credits3

To be awarded a BIO honors degree, students must accumulate seventeen honors credits as defined above.  Students must also maintain a cumulative g.p.a. of at least a 3.3.  Students completing department honors must also maintain a 3.3 g.p.a in BIO coursework.   


 BIO courses without an honors section may be used if the professor is willing to do an honors option.  Paperwork to do an honors option on a course is available from the Honors College.

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