Academic Catalog

Law Minor

Through a partnership between the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Law School, undergraduate students can earn a minor in law. This includes special undergraduate courses taught by Law School faculty. Students should visit the CLAS website for more information.

The minor in law requires a minimum of 19-20 credits.

LEX 5000Law in Social Context3
LEX 5010Law and Harm3
LEX 5020Legal Procedure3
Select one of the following Political Science courses:4
American Legal Systems and Processes
Theories of Justice
Select one of the following Philosophy courses:3
Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Human Rights
Foundations of Law
Select one elective course from Appendix A (below):3-4
Total Credits19-20
Appendix A
AFS 2210Black Social and Political Thought4
AFS/SOC 5580Law and the African American Experience4
CRJ 2550Race, Crime and Justice3
CRJ 2650Gender and Crime3
CRJ 2750Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice3
CRJ 3050Mental Health and Crime3
CRJ 3120Politics of the Criminal Justice Process3
CRJ 3400Juvenile Delinquency and Justice3
CRJ 4050Crime and Public Health3
CRJ 4705Wrongful Conviction and Justice System Error3
CRJ 4740Constitutional Criminal Procedure3
ECO 5250Economic Analysis of Law4
LEX 5100Law and Regulation3
LEX 5110Access to Justice3
PH 3800Law and Public Health3
PHI 1120Professional Ethics3
PHI 2320Introduction to Ethics3
PHI 2330Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy3
PS 2410Introduction to Public Policy4
PS 2420Ethics and Politics of Public Policy4
PS 2510Introduction to Political Philosophy: What is Politics?4
PS 2710Introduction to Comparative Politics4
PS 3030Political Interest Groups4
PS 3040The Legislative Process4
PS 3050Politics of the American Presidency4
PS 3060State Government and Politics4
PS 3070Michigan Politics4
PS 3080Gender and Politics4
PS 35153-4
PS 3520Theories of Justice4
PS 5110Constitutional Law4
PS 5120Constitutional Rights and Liberties4
PS 5820International Law4
PS 5850Human Rights4
PS 5999 (Special Topics in Political Science) may count as an elective in some cases, depending on the topic taught. The use of PS 5999 must be pre-approved by the Law minor advisor.
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