Academic Catalog

Neuroscience (B.S.)

The goal of the Neuroscience major is to provide students with a strong background in fundamental basic sciences and exposure to the integrative nature of neuroscience to allow students to understand nervous system function from a variety of perspectives. Students will emerge with a strong foundation in basic science and applied neuroscience that will make them competitive for post-graduate studies or employment in industry, government, health, and education.

The degree program is offered jointly through the Departments of Biological Sciences and Psychology. During the freshman year, or as early as possible, students interested in neuroscience should consul one of these departments to obtain information from an undergraduate advisor.

The Neuroscience major will lead to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the major requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Major Requirements

Major requirements are divided into three categories: (A) Basic science courses, (B) Neuroscience core courses, and (C) Electives. Elective courses are organized into two sub-categories and students must select from each; this is to ensure breadth of exposure.  Students must receive a grade of C-minus or better in all required major courses. A grade point average of 2.0 (C) is required for graduation.  The major requires a minimum of three unique courses that do not count towards requirements of other declared majors.

Basic Science Courses

 Students may double-count up to 11 - 12 credits with University General Education requirements.

Calculus I
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Elementary Statistics
Probability and Statistics
Basic Life Mechanisms
and Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory
Fundamentals of Cell Biology for Neuroscience
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
Cellular Biochemistry
Survey of Biochemistry
Select one of the following sequences:
Option 1:
Physics for the Life Sciences I
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Physics for the Life Sciences II
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Option 2:
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics I Experimental Laboratory
University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics II Experimental Laboratory
Social/Behavioral Science4
Introductory Psychology
Total Credits46-47

Neuroscience Core Courses

BIO 3200Human Physiology3
PSY 3330Systems Neuroscience3
Total Credits6

Elective Courses

Select 18 credits, with a minimum of 6 credits each from the Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience categories. Students may choose directed study courses to complete the 18 credit requirement.

Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
BIO 4220Biological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology3
KIN 3550Motor Learning and Control3
NEU 4200Neurobiology of Addiction3
NFS 5170Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Brain3
PHI 5230Philosophy of Science4
PHI 5550Philosophy of Mind4
PSY 3040Psychology of Perception: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 3060Psychology of Learning and Memory: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 3080Cognitive Psychology: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 4140Hormones and Behavior3
NEU 4795Special Topics in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 5040Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 5070Neuropharmacology3
PSY 5080Cellular Basis of Animal Behavior3
PSY 5330Human Neuropsychology3
PSY 5440Developmental Neuropsychology3
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
BIO 3070Genetics4-5
BIO 4120Comparative Physiology4
BIO 4690Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology3
NEU 4895Special Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience3
BIO 5040Biometry4
BIO 5620Developmental Biology3
BIO 5660Neural Signaling in Health and Disease3
BIO 5890Neuroplasticity3
BIO 5996Senior Research1-2
BIO 6055Biology of the Eye3
BIO 6180Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipids3
BIO 6190Advanced Special Topics6
BIO 6690Special Topics in Neurobiology3
NEU 5470Preclinical and Clinical Assessments of Neurologic Disease I3
NEU 6470Preclinical and Clinical Assessments of Neurologic Disease II3
PHY 3750Introduction to Computational Methods1
PHY 6290Survey of Biophysics3
PHY 6750Applied Computational Methods2
ROC 6710Physics in Medicine3
Directed Study
NEU 4050Science Advocacy and Public Engagement2
NEU 4990Introduction to Research Practice1
NEU 4991Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience1
NEU 4992Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience2
NEU 4993Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience3
NEU 4994Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience4
NEU 6990Honors Introduction to Research Practice1
NEU 6992Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience2
NEU 6993Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience3
NEU 6994Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience4
NEU 6998Honors Thesis in Neuroscience3

Neuroscience Honors (B.S. Program)

To be recommended for an honors degree from this program, a stu­dent must maintain a cumulative g.p.a. of at least 3.30 and complete a minimum of 14 honors course credits including:

One 42XX level Honors Seminar3
NEU 6990Honors Introduction to Research Practice1
Complete at least two credits of Honors research with one of the following2
Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience
Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience
Honors Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience
Complete an Honors thesis3
Honors Thesis in Neuroscience
Remaining credits to be earned in honors sections or honors options within the Neuroscience major coursework.5
Total Credits14
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