Academic Catalog

Neuroscience Minor

Neuroscience is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the nervous system. It encompasses and combines a broad array of disciplines including biology, biochemistry, computer science, physiology, psychology, philosophy, and more. This diversity reflects the complexity of the nervous system and the challenges in understanding how nervous systems function on multiple levels underlying behavior: molecular, cellular, network, and systems. The overarching goal of the Neuroscience minor is to allow students who may be focusing their studies in a traditional discipline with certain levels of analysis to broaden their perspective and knowledge to areas outside of their primary field of study. 

The minor requires the completion of a minimum of 18 credits.

Core Courses
BIO 3200Human Physiology3
PSY 3120Brain and Behavior3
or PSY 3330 Systems Neuroscience
Elective courses
A minimum of three additional courses taken outside of the student’s major from the approved list of courses below.
Cellular and Molecular Courses
BIO 3070Genetics4-5
BIO 4120Comparative Physiology4
BIO 4690Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology3
BIO 5620Developmental Biology3
BIO 5660Neural Signaling in Health and Disease3
BIO 5890Neuroplasticity3
BIO 6055Biology of the Eye3
BIO 6180Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipids3
BIO 6690Special Topics in Neurobiology3
NEU 4895Special Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience3
NEU 5470Preclinical and Clinical Assessments of Neurologic Disease I3
NEU 6470Preclinical and Clinical Assessments of Neurologic Disease II3
PHY 6290Survey of Biophysics3
Behavioral and Cognitive Courses
BIO 4220Biological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology3
KIN 3550Motor Learning and Control3
NFS 5170Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Brain3
NEU 4200Neurobiology of Addiction3
NEU 4795Special Topics in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 2080Introduction to Drugs, Behavior, and Society3
PSY 3040Psychology of Perception: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 3060Psychology of Learning and Memory: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 3080Cognitive Psychology: Fundamental Processes3
PSY 4140Hormones and Behavior3
PSY 5040Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 5070Neuropharmacology3
PSY/BIO 5080Cellular Basis of Animal Behavior3
PSY 5330Human Neuropsychology3
PSY 5440Developmental Neuropsychology3
Philosophy Courses
PHI 2550Introduction to Philosophy of Science3
PHI 2650Minds and Machines3
PHI 5230Philosophy of Science4
PHI 5550Philosophy of Mind4
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