Academic Regulations
For complete information regarding academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult the Academic Regulations section of this bulletin. The following additions and amendments pertain to College of Nursing students.
Academic Regulations Terminology
- Professional course is any course required in the professional nursing curriculum.
- Satisfactory grade is a grade of C (2.0) or better.
- Unsatisfactory grade is a grade below 2.0.
- Probation is a restricted status in the nursing program.
- Exclusion from the program means that the student may not register in the program. (Continued registration in the University will necessitate that the student processes a change of major to another academic program.)
Attendance in classes and clinical practice is not just a requirement; it's a serious commitment. Students are expected to maintain an exemplary attendance record, demonstrating their dedication to their studies and future profession. Tardiness or failure to report to class may result in a reduction of the final course grade or even dismissal from the course, underlining the importance of punctuality and regular attendance.
First Day of Class: Due to time constraints and the specific nature of the curriculum, the first day of each clinical course is compulsory, e.g., MANDATORY. Unjustified first-day absences may lead to the student's administrative withdrawal from the course and could impede program progress. Moreover, non-attendance may result in an inability to secure clinical placement in subsequent course offerings.
Travel Requirements: The student is responsible for making all travel arrangements necessary to complete degree requirements, including travel arrangements required to reach all clinical agencies.
Final Examinations
Final Examinations for courses are offered on two occasions: the day the University sets as the final examination date and 2) the Wednesday immediately following this date. The College will not make any other arrangements for final examinations. If students miss both examination opportunities due to circumstances covered by one of the Special Circumstances (see below), they will receive an incomplete (I) grade for the course. They will have twelve months to convert the "I" grade into a passing grade (A to C). If the course is a clinical course, the College will make every effort to enable the student to take the next course offering, subject to space availability. However, the College cannot guarantee when a place will become available.
Other Examinations or Assessments (e.g., Midterms)
The regulations for other exams will be outlined in the specific course syllabus. However, the rules for informing the College about missing an exam and the requirements for meeting the Special Circumstances Rule (detailed below) to take a makeup exam will still be in effect.
Online Learning Assessments
The College of Nursing integrates various educational software packages into the UG Nursing curriculum. These include tutorials, reviews, and assessments incorporated into specific courses. If course assessments are not completed as outlined in the course syllabi, students can potentially receive an incomplete "I" grade for that assignment/course unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus. Students will have twelve months to convert the “I” grade into a passing grade (A to C). While carrying an “I” grade, students will not be permitted to progress in their studies.
Missing an Examination
Students must initiate contact with their course coordinator or faculty of record before any missed examination to arrange alternative examination arrangements. This communication should occur at least 24 hours before the scheduled exam unless unforeseen circumstances prevent such notice.
Special Circumstance Rules
Below are examples of events that are considered Special Circumstances for missing examinations. Students must provide documentation when claiming these circumstances.
- Illness on the examination day or receiving health treatment: A healthcare provider note must be provided upon return to campus.
- Death in the "immediate" family only: Valid obituary information or a Death Certificate is required.
- Jury Duty or Court Summons: A Jury duty notification or Court notice of summons is necessary.
- Incarceration: A “court notice” is required.
- Military Service: A “service notice” is required.
- Natural Disasters: verified by the university through a posting on the university website
If students are in any of these circumstances, they must immediately notify the course coordinator/faculty of record. Such students must provide the necessary documentation as evidence of their need to take the make-up examination. Documents must be submitted to the instructor within forty-eight hours of missing the examination.
Time Limitation
The Traditional Program (including B.S.N. Direct Admit for First Year students) is ideally completed within three calendar years of program admission unless the UG Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee grants an extension.
The Second Career/Second Degree Program (including B.S.N. for Veterans students) is ideally completed within five consecutive semesters following program admission unless the Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee grants an extension.
Students who experience delays in their programmatic progress due to academic failure or extended leaves of absence may need to retake courses or complete additional coursework to ensure they are adequately prepared for professional nursing practice upon graduation. The Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee will decide whether to repeat or take additional coursework.
Authorized Leave of Absence
A student may request a leave of absence when personal circumstances impede their ability to allocate sufficient time to academic pursuits, jeopardizing the reasonable expectation of success in a specific program. Such requests are processed by the Associate Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs in conjunction with the UG Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee. Students are advised to liaise with the Office of Student Affairs for the requisite documentation and pertinent deadlines for leave of absence requests. Leaves of absence are exclusively granted to students in good academic standing. Students approved for a leave of absence may only resume their studies if space is available in their designated program of study. Any student undertaking an unauthorized leave of absence will be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from the program and must reapply for admission to the College.
Licensure Preparation
All new undergraduate students entering the program from Fall 2002 onwards who do not hold Registered Nurse (RN) status must undertake nationally normed tests at various points throughout their undergraduate program, e.g., the HESI examinations. The course syllabi will specify the application of this requirement and the weightage of the test scores in the course grading based on the CON UG HESI Testing policy. The successful completion of these test requirements is fundamental to the successful completion of the respective courses. Furthermore, passing the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam, administered during the senior year, is an essential program requirement for degree certification by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). Although this HESI Exit exam requirement is currently in NUR 4060, this remains a CON programmatic graduation requirement.
To successfully fulfill the requirements of the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam, students must attain a minimum score of 900, e.g., “C” on their testing attempt. Suppose a score below 900 is achieved on the first try. In that case, non-registered nurse graduating students must complete an approved NCLEX Review course in preparation for the NCLEX licensure examination as an integral component of the program and degree certification.
Students who obtain a score of 900 or higher on the initial HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam are exempt from the requisite NCLEX Review course, although they retain the option to partake in the review. The financial responsibility for the NCLEX Review course rests with the individual student, with the average cost typically amounting to ~ $90.00. However, if the review is completed within two weeks of purchase, Elsevier will waive the cost of the review (considered a “trial period.” All program requirements must be met before a student can be officially certified as having fulfilled their degree requirements with the State of Michigan Licensing Board. This includes all coursework in your senior year courses.
Students are permitted three opportunities to complete the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam. The initial attempt is scheduled for the second week of NUR 4060 during the senior year, and subsequent exit exams will occur starting week 14 of NUR 4060. If students score 900 or higher on their first attempt on the HESI Exit exam, they have met the criteria and are not required to take subsequent HESI Exit scheduled exams. The students' fees cover all expenses related to the HESI Exit exam. If a student does not attain a score of 900 after three attempts, a grade of "C" will be assigned for NUR 4060 only if all coursework has been duly fulfilled; otherwise, an "I" grade will be issued until all coursework is completed. Non-compliance with this criterion may impact their degree certification and NCLEX exam eligibility. Moreover, failing to meet the established metric will prompt counseling by the ASO regarding its repercussions on NCLEX success. Fulfilling these CON program requisites is mandatory before the certification of a student's completion of degree requirements with the State of Michigan Licensing Board.
To embark on a career in professional nursing, success on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) is imperative to practice legally. State boards of nursing oversee this examination and serve as a critical component in evaluating the eligibility of registered nurse candidates for licensure. Developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the NCLEX-RN is specifically designed to assess a candidate's capacity to practice safely and proficiently as a generalist registered nurse in an entry-level capacity. Its primary focus is evaluating the practical application of knowledge and skills in healthcare scenarios commonly encountered in entry-level nursing practice.
Prospective graduates must satisfactorily complete the requirements of this licensure examination before assuming professional responsibilities as registered nurses (RNs).
- All students must maintain a satisfactory (2.0) grade point average (g.p.a.) in both:
- Cumulative grades (general education and nursing); and
- Professional nursing courses.
- Students must achieve a 2.0 g.p.a. in each nursing course. A student may not continue in subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite until a minimum of 2.0 has been achieved.
- A grade below C (2.0) in a nursing course is unsatisfactory for progression in UG programs.
- If space is available, Students may apply to repeat a nursing course. The course may only be repeated once to raise the grade to 2.0 g.p.a. or above.
- A maximum of one UG nursing course within the program may be repeated.
- No UG nursing course for which a student has received a passing grade may be repeated without written approval of the Associate Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs.
- A student receiving a C- minus (1.67 g.p.a.) grade or less in either the theory or the clinical portion of any nursing course will have recorded no higher than a C-minus for the total course and will be required to complete the re-entry process to repeat it before progressing to the next clinical course.
- The mark of "I" is appropriate if the student encounters a catastrophic situation that prevents completion of the final requirements of a course. The mark of I is not suitable for unsatisfactory academic performance. If a mark of ‘I’ is given, the time limit for completion will be determined by the instructor but may not exceed one year. If the mark of "I" is received for a prerequisite course, the ‘I’ must be removed before enrollment in the subsequent course. After one year, if the incomplete is not completed, the grade will automatically change to an F (failure) and be treated as a failing grade.
Probationary status warns students to improve their academic performance to remain in their program.
- Students are placed on probation if they do not maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (g.p.a.).
- Students are placed on probation if they do not maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (g.p.a.) in professional nursing courses.
- To remove probationary status, A grade point average must be returned to a minimum of 2.0 (g.p.a.). Probationary status must be removed within one calendar year.
- Students on probation are not eligible to represent the College in any student activity.
A student may face expulsion from the College under the following conditions:
- Inability to satisfactorily complete a nursing course after two attempts.
- Failure in more than one professional nursing course.
- Inability to remove probationary status within one calendar year.
- Demonstrating irresponsible attendance and performance/nonprofessional behavior at any time during enrollment in the program.
- Failure to meet specific conditions required by the UG College Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee for continuation in the program.
- Inability to complete the program within the specified time limits unless an extension is granted by the UG Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee
- Engaging in unsafe clinical practice and/or unprofessional/unethical conduct in the classroom or the clinical setting, as outlined/defined in the BSN student handbook and the WSU Student Code of Conduct.
Grade Appeals Policy
Basic Principles
Students and faculty are encouraged to contact the Assistant Dean of the College of Nursing, the Enrollment and Student Services office (OSA), or the Wayne State University Ombudsperson for assistance regarding final course grades or course grade appeals.
Timeliness of appeals process
Failure of a faculty member or any appeal officer to respond within the designated time frame of the formal appeal entitles the student to proceed to the next level of appeal. It is important to note that a failure to respond at any level does not signify a granting of the appeal. Furthermore, failure of the student to adhere to the time frames specified in the policy will result in nullification of the appeal process, meaning that the appeal will not be heard.
All formal grade appeals must be submitted in written letter format, with the option of email correspondence. All submitted information must be time-stamped and dated upon receipt.
Academic dishonesty
The aforementioned policy guidelines do not pertain to allegations of student academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty Matters are addressed per the WSU Student Code of Conduct and as outlined in the Undergraduate BSN Student Handbook.
Patient safety
Students may be dismissed from a clinical course at any time if faculty, clinical faculty, or clinical agency staff identify any issues that would constitute unsafe or unprofessional practice in the clinical setting, posing a potential risk to patient safety.
*Note that "days" are counted as Sunday-Saturday, excluding University holidays.
Appeal of Grade
Before commencing the formal appeal process, the student must engage in a face-to-face discussion with the course coordinator/faculty of record regarding the contested course grade within ten days of being notified of the course grade, e.g., the final grade posted in Academica). The faculty member will provide a written response, with copies distributed to the student, the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs, and the Assistant Dean, Enrollment and Student Services (OSA). If the dispute remains unresolved, the student may initiate a formal appeal.
All steps of the appeal process must be followed within the specified time frame, as failure to do so will nullify the process, rendering it ineffectual.
Grade Appeal Process
The final course grade may only be appealed based on the method by which it was assigned. Course, Coordinators/Faculty of Record, are required to assess student work in accordance with established academic principles. If a student believes the final grading method was unjust and can provide evidence that the injustice was rooted in one of the three criteria outlined below, they can initiate an appeal following the prescribed procedure. The student bears the responsibility of substantiating their claim in the appeals process.
Grounds for appeal include:
- The utilization of non-academic criteria in grading, as specified in the university's non-discrimination/affirmative action statute: race, color, sex (including gender identity), national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran status.
- Instances of sexual harassment or discrimination
- Assessment of student work using criteria not directly aligned with course requirements outlined in the syllabus.
Steps to Initiate a Formal Appeal
- Student must submit a written statement detailing their objections to the faculty response, along with supporting documentation, to the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs with copy to the Assistant Dean for Enrollment and Student Services. Documentation of any communication between student and faculty outlining the concern should be included. This statement must be submitted within 30 days following the response of the faculty member who assigned the grade.
Upon review of the documentation, the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs will notify the student in writing within 21 days of receiving the student’s written appeal of the decision. As the Dean’s designee, the decision of the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs shall be the final decision at the College level.
Student/faculty may contact the College of Nursing, Assistant Dean, Enrollment and Student Services and/or the Wayne State University Ombuds Services at any time for assistance with any problem associated with a grade decision or grade appeal.
According to the Provost: If, after your School/College appeal path is exhausted and you wish to continue with the grade appeal process, per the University Academic policy, you may request a Provost Review within 30 days of this decision. The request should be submitted via the online appeal form. For assistance with the appeal process, you may contact Ombuds Services.
Graduation Residency Requirement
The last thirty semester credits of the degree must be taken in residence at Wayne State University.
Graduation with Distinction
A candidate eligible for the bachelor’s degree may receive a special diploma with Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude indicated. For the University guidelines regarding these distinctions, see Graduation with Distinction.
Dean’s List and Honors List
Students completing twelve semester credits in study at Wayne State University are eligible for appointment to academic recognition lists each semester. The semester grade point average at Wayne State must be 3.75 or above to qualify for the Dean’s List, or a 4.0 g.p.a. for students registered for six to eleven credits. The Honors List requires a minimum grade point average of 3.50. Lists of students on the Dean’s List and Honors List will be posted in the College of Nursing. Students who receive marks of I or W or X and grades of N or U are not eligible. (For explanation of grades and marks, see Grading System, University.)
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Continuance in the College is contingent upon compliance with official rules, regulations, requirements, and procedures of the University and the College of Nursing. The student is responsible for reading this bulletin's contents pertinent to the College of Nursing and otherwise becoming informed and fulfilling all course and degree requirements in proper sequence with satisfactory scholarship. In case of doubt regarding any matter affecting their standing as a student, the student should consult with a College of Nursing ASO. The faculty reserves the right to amend or revise the policies and requirements outlined in the College of Nursing section of this bulletin.
A student may be required to withdraw from the College when, in the faculty's judgment, behavior demonstrates that the student is unsuited for nursing, unsafe practice, and/or unethical conduct in the program without having been previously warned. (See also Exclusion, above.)