Academic Catalog

Applied Health Sciences (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science with a major in Applied Health Sciences provides an interdisciplinary program for students with an interest in health care. Students will emerge with strong foundations in medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, communication within a health care setting, interdisciplinary patient care, critical thinking and writing, ethics, and diversity across the health care continuum. The curriculum consists of a variety of pathways to prepare students for application to a health care professional program or as a stand-alone degree to work in various health science settings.

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the general education requirements, departmental major requirements, departmental minor requirements, program concentration or program elective requirements (for the general concentration) and supplemental free elective requirements, as necessary.  All coursework must be completed in accordance with the academic regulations of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the academic regulations of the University.

Major Requirements (Health Science Core)

All major courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

BIO 1510
BIO 1511
Basic Life Mechanisms
and Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory
BIO 2870Anatomy and Physiology5
MLS 3330Medical Terminology1
AHS 2010Introduction to Applied Health Sciences3
AHS 2020Applied Health Sciences Communication3
AHS 2030Advanced Statistics for Applied Health Sciences4
AHS 3010Advanced Applied Health Sciences Professions 3
AHS 3020Diversity in Applied Health Sciences3
AHS 3030Human Physiology for Applied Health Sciences3
AHS 4010Interprofessional Education in Applied Health Sciences3
AHS 4020Pathophysiology for Applied Health Sciences3
AHS 4090Capstone in Applied Health Sciences3
Total Credits38

Minor Requirement

Any approved university minor (18-25 credits) is acceptable. It must include at least three courses that have not been used to fulfill requirements for any major or other minor.

Free Electives

Free electives are variable, as necessary to complete the minimum 120 credits required for the program.

Other Degree Requirements

  • Students must complete a minimum of 15 credits in program concentration coursework.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 30 credits at Wayne State University.
  • At least 15 credits in the Health Sciences Core must be taken at Wayne State University.
  • 21 credits must be taken at the 3000 level or higher.

Program Concentrations

Courses within this section of the undergraduate program are designed to prepare students for a high demand career in a health profession.

General Concentration

In the General Concentration, students must work with the program's Academic Advisor to develop a personalized plan of work that meets all degree requirements. The plan must be approved by the Program Director.

Pre-Occupational Therapy 

KIN 3580Biomechanics3
PSY 2400Developmental Psychology4
PSY 3310Introduction to Psychopathology4
Concentration courses below fulfill general education credits and are needed as prerequisites for the admission to the OT graduate/professional degree program.
COM 1010Oral Communication: Basic Speech3
PS 1010American Government4
PSY 1010Introductory Psychology4
STA 1020Elementary Statistics3
Social Inquiry course (cannot be satisfied using PS 1010)3-4
Total Credits28-29

 Pre-Pathologists' Assistant

BIO 2270
BIO 2271
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Lab
Organic Chemistry with Lab5
Concentration courses below fulfill general education credits and are needed as prerequisites for the admission to the Pathologists' Assistant graduate degree program
General Chemistry with Lab5
ENG 1020Introductory College Writing3
MAT 1000 or above OR STA 10203-4
Total Credits21-22


BIO 2270
BIO 2271
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Lab
CHM 1140
CHM 1150
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
CHM 1240
CHM 1250
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
CHM 2220
CHM 2230
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CHM 5600Survey of Biochemistry3
Concentration courses below fulfill general education credits and are needed as prerequisites for the admission to the Pharmacy graduate/professional degree program.
CHM 1100
CHM 1130
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
ENG 1020Introductory College Writing3
COM 1010Oral Communication: Basic Speech3
MAT 2010Calculus I4
STA 1020Elementary Statistics3
PHY 2130
PHY 2131
Physics for the Life Sciences I
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Total Credits46

Pre-Physical Therapy 

Chemistry (CHM) course3
PHY 2140
PHY 2141
Physics for the Life Sciences II
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
Concentration courses below fulfill general education credits and are needed as prerequisites for the admission to the PT graduate/professional degree program.
ENG 1020Introductory College Writing3
PHY 2130
PHY 2131
Physics for the Life Sciences I
and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory
STA 1020Elementary Statistics3
PSY 1010Introductory Psychology4
Chemistry (CHM) course with lab4-5
Total Credits27-28

Pre-Physician Assistant 

BIO 2270
BIO 2271
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Lab
CHM 1030Survey of Organic/Biochemistry4
PSY 2400Developmental Psychology4
Concentration courses below fulfill general education credits and are needed as prerequisites for the admission to the Physician Assistant graduate degree program.
CHM 1020Survey of General Chemistry4
ENG 1020Introductory College Writing3
ENG 3010Intermediate Writing3
STA 1020Elementary Statistics3
NFS 2030Nutrition and Health3
Total Credits29
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