Academic Regulations: Mike Ilitch School of Business
- Admission to Class
- Admission to the School
- AGRADE - Accelerated Graduate Enrollment
- Application for Degree
- Attendance Policy
- Change of Major
- Dean's List
- Degrees
- Directed Study
- Double Major
- Grade Appeals Procedure
- Graduation with Distinction
- Honors Program
- Incomplete Marks
- Normal Program Load
- Passed/Not Passed Registration
- Probation and Exclusion
- Retaking Courses
- Records Retention by Instructors
- Residence Requirement
- Student Conduct
- Transfer of Courses in Major
- Waiver of Degree Requirements
- Withdrawals from Class
For complete information regarding academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult the Academic Regulations section of this bulletin. The following additions and amendments pertain to the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
All students must fulfill the upper-division requirements of the Mike Ilitch School of Business in effect at the time of admission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
Admission to Class
Please consult each term’s Schedule of Classes for appropriate dates and deadlines for registration, late registration, and add/drop period. Students may not attend a class for which they are not officially registered and will not be added retroactively.
Admission to the School
Students seeking a business degree must be granted regular admission to the University to be eligible for admission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
AGRADE - Accelerated Graduate Enrollment
The Mike Ilitch School of Business has established an accelerated combined undergraduate and graduate program ('AGRADE') whereby qualified students in the Mike Ilitch School of Business may enroll simultaneously in undergraduate and graduate courses of the School. A maximum of twelve credits may be applied towards both undergraduate and graduate degrees in a student's major field if the major department is an AGRADE participant. Those who elect the 'AGRADE' program may expect to complete the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in five years of full-time study.
AGRADE accelerated graduate program option
Save money and time toward your graduate business degree with the Accelerated Graduate Enrollment (AGRADE) program.
Highly qualified Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business students are eligible to participate in the AGRADE program. AGRADE students can cut substantial time and as much as one-third off the total cost of a WSU graduate business degree program by applying up to 12 credits toward both their undergraduate and select graduate degrees.
AGRADE benefits
- Start earning your master of business administration (M.B.A.), master of science in accounting (M.S.A.), master of science in finance or executive master of science in automotive supply chain management while completing your bachelor's degree
- Earn graduate credits at undergraduate tuition rates
- Apply up to 12 credits of selected graduate courses as dual credit for undergraduate and eligible graduate programs
- Option to move immediately to the graduate program or rejoin the program later
- Earn both your bachelor's and master's degrees in as little as five years
AGRADE requirements
- Undergraduate major in accounting, finance, global supply chain management, technology information systems & analytics, management or marketing
- Senior standing (~90 credits earned)
- Overall GPA of 3.5 or higher at WSU
- Major GPA of 3.6 or higher at WSU
- Meet with undergraduate and graduate advisors to discuss program requirements
- Complete the Dual Credit Enrollment Form
- Courses apply to M.B.A., M.S.A., master of science in finance or executive master of science in automotive supply chain management degrees only
Transfer of courses
Only those AGRADE-approved courses in which the student has earned a B or higher will transfer to the graduate transcript. Once in the master's program, students may be required to repeat an AGRADE course in which they earn less than a B grade. AGRADE courses will not be transferred to the student's graduate transcript until one semester of graduate course work has been successfully completed.
Approved AGRADE courses
For students approved to participate in the AGRADE program, four of the following courses from any one of the program areas listed below may be counted toward both their bachelor's degree and M.B.A. All courses are three credits.
Take no more than four courses or 12 credits from any one of the following program areas.
Code | Title | Credits |
Accounting | ||
ACC 7120 | Introduction to Taxation: Individuals | 3 |
ACC 7122 | Advanced Accounting I | 3 |
ACC 7130 | Intermediate Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 7145 | Accounting Systems: Design and Controls | 3 |
ACC 7148 | ERP Systems and Business Integration | 3 |
ACC 7165 | Internal Audit I | 3 |
ACC 7180 | Auditing | 3 |
ACC 7188 | Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting | 3 |
ACC 7320 | Introduction to Taxation: Business Entities | 3 |
Finance | ||
FIN 7000 | Applied Financial Analysis | 3 |
FIN 7220 | Advanced Managerial Finance | 3 |
FIN 7230 | Investment Policies | 3 |
FIN 7280 | Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital | 3 |
FIN 7870 | International Finance | 3 |
FIN 7990 | Portfolio Management/Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) | 3 |
Global Supply Chain Management | ||
GSC 7620 | Global Logistics Management | 3 |
GSC 7650 | Strategic Procurement | 3 |
GSC 7670 | Special Topics in Supply Chain Management | 3 |
GSC 7680 | Manufacturing Planning and Control | 3 |
GSC 7920 | Supply Chain Process Analysis and Costing | 3 |
GSC 7991 | 3 | |
Management | ||
MGT 7620 | Complex Organizations | 3 |
MGT 7640 | Management of Human Resources | 3 |
MGT 7650 | Strategic Human Resource Management | 3 |
MGT 7660 | Entrepreneurial Management | 3 |
MGT 7730 | People Analytics | 3 |
MGT 7750 | Managing Employee Relations | 3 |
MGT 7900 | Project Management | 3 |
Marketing | ||
MKT 7150 | Global Automotive Marketing Strategy | 3 |
MKT 7430 | Advertising Management | 3 |
MKT 7450 | Business Research and Methodology | 3 |
MKT 7470 | Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior | 3 |
MKT 7500 | International Marketing Strategy | 3 |
MKT 7700 | Management of Retail Enterprises | 3 |
Technology, Information Systems and Analytics | ||
TIS 7505 | Information Analytics: Inbound Information Technology | 3 |
TIS 7510 | Database Management | 3 |
TIS 7520 | Information Systems Design | 3 |
TIS 7530 | Societal and Ethical Issues in the Information Age | 3 |
TIS 7560 | Survey of E-Commerce | 3 |
TIS 7570 | Advanced Business Analytics | 3 |
TIS 7900 | Project Management | 3 |
TIS 7994 | Digital Content Development | 3 |
'AGRADE' applicants must have an overall g.p.a. of 3.5 through their junior year. Applicants are also expected to have performed at a superior level in their major, as determined by the major department and reflected in a g.p.a. in the major of at least 3.6 at the time of application. Students approved for AGRADE cannot complete Senior Rule.
A student seeking 'AGRADE' status should present to the Mike Ilitch School of Business Graduate Programs Office all of the materials which that department requires for normal graduate admission, EXCEPT for the GMAT or Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Specific graduate admission requirements can be found in this bulletin or obtained from the Graduate Programs Office of the Mike Ilitch School of Business at 313-577-4511.
The earliest date by which a student may apply for the 'AGRADE' program is during the semester in which he/she completes ninety credits toward the undergraduate degree. AGRADE application deadlines are the same as graduate admissions deadlines as posted on the Mike Ilitch School of Business Admissions Web Page.
AGRADE Credits
Students may elect a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve 'AGRADE' credits. These will be used to complete the baccalaureate degree as well as to serve as the beginning of graduate study. Upon formal admission to a master's program, 'AGRADE' credits are transferred as if they were graduate credits transferred from a graduate program at another university. The remaining graduate credits required for the master's degree will be earned in the conventional manner following formal admission to the graduate program.
For more details about the 'AGRADE' program, contact the Frederick Hessler Student Success Center by calling 313-577-4505, or contact the Graduate Programs Office at 313-577-4511 or email
Application for Degree
Each candidate must file an Application for Degree, NO LATER THAN FRIDAY OF THE FOURTH WEEK OF CLASSES for that semester, in which he or she expects to complete the requirements for the degree. If an Application for Degree was filed for a previous semester in which the student did not graduate, a new application and fee is required.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is a necessary condition for success in college study. This policy recognizes that the course content includes classroom lecture and discussion, certain aspects of which may be covered on examinations, quizzes, term papers, or homework assignments. Each instructor will announce his or her attendance standards at the beginning of the term.
Change of Major
Students wishing to change majors or their Academic Plan within the Mike Ilitch School of Business must submit a request in writing to the Undergraduate Advisor in the Hessler Student Success Center. An Academic Plan for the requested major will then be mailed. Students are advised that such changes occurring late in their program may result in additional coursework beyond the minimum requirement of 120 credits.
Dean's List
The Mike Ilitch School of Business Dean’s List is a means of recognizing undergraduate students who have excelled academically in a given semester. The Dean’s List will be complied for each semester in the academic year. Inclusion requires a 3.75 g.p.a. for students enrolled for twelve or more semester credits (full-time). Students registered for six to eleven-semester credits (half-time) must earn a 4.00 g.p.a. Students registered for fewer than six-semester credits are not eligible and students who received marks of I, W, N, or U are not eligible.
Degrees are granted upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Consideration is given to both scholastic attainment and to compliance with the standards and rules of the School.
Directed Study
A directed study is intended to give students the opportunity to conduct research in an area of interest to them under the supervision of a faculty member; credits vary between one and three. A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required to be eligible for consideration for directed study work. Students must complete the Undergraduate Directed Study form and obtain the required signatures prior to registration. No more than three credits of directed study in one Department are permitted in any semester. A total of no more than six credits of directed study may be used to fulfill graduation requirements. Contact the Frederick Hessler Student Success Center, 313-577-4505 or 313-577-4510, for further information.
Double Major
Students may pursue a double major within the Business School. For more information, contact an advisor in the Hessler Student Success Center, 313-577-4505 or 313-577-4510.
Grade Appeals Procedure
It is the instructor's prerogative to evaluate student work and assign grades in accordance with his or her academic and professional judgment. Grounds for appeal of grades include:
- the application of non-academic criteria in the grading process, as listed in the university's non-discrimination/affirmative action statute: race, color, sex (including gender identity), national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran status;
- sexual harassment or discrimination; or
- evaluation of student work by criteria not directly reflective of performance relative to course requirements.
In those instances where a student disputes the final grade awarded, for one of more of the above reasons, the following steps should be taken to appeal the grade in question.
Informal review
The student should discuss the disputed grade with the instructor of the course. If the dispute is not resolved informally, the student may initiate a formal appeal.
Formal appeal procedure
- Within 30 calendar days following official notification of final grades for the term in which the disputed grade was awarded, and when the informal review fails to resolve the dispute, the student shall submit a written appeal detailing his/her objection, along with supporting documentation in writing, to the instructor. The instructor should respond in writing within 10 work days.
- If the dispute remains unresolved, the student shall submit a written statement detailing his or her objections, including a rationale why the department chair should consider this appeal (along with supporting documentation), to the department chair within 10 work days following receipt of the instructor's written response.
The chairperson shall review the complaint and provide a copy of the written complaint to the instructor. The instructor of the course shall be invited to reply in writing to the objections of the student. Where appropriate, the chairperson may consult with a Grade Appeals Committee for advice in grade disputes. Students will be notified of the chairperson's decision within 20 business days of receiving the request. - Matters not resolved at the program level may be appealed to the dean's office. The department chair file folder containing the course syllabus from the semester in which the student took the course, plus the student's letter, the instructor's letter, and the department chair's letter, and the student's written rationale why the dean's office should reconsider this appeal, should be sent to the dean's office. Where appropriate, the dean's office may consult with a Grade Appeals Committee for advice in grade disputes.
Students shall be notified in writing of the dean's office decision within 30 business days of receiving the request. The dean's office decision shall be the final decision at the college level.
University-level academic appeals procedure
When the procedures within the School have been exhausted, the decision on the record may be appealed with the student's written rationale why the provost's office should reconsider this appeal. Procedures for requesting a provost review are published in the University Bulletin see Academic Appeal Procedures.
Graduation with Distinction
Wayne State University bestows upon students completing the baccalaureate degree three separate designations for scholastic excellence reflected in the cumulative grade point average: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude. Graduation with distinction is indicated on the student’s diploma and on the transcript.
Graduation with Distinction will recognize at each graduation the top twenty percent of students in each College who have earned the highest grade point average in their Colleges, with the following approximate distribution:
Summa Cum Laude: Top five percent
Magna Cum Laude: Next five percent
Cum Laude: Next ten percent
Specific minimum grade point averages will be determined each year in the following manner: based on the grade point average distributions of the previous year's senior class, the grade point average cutoffs for each College will be established to provide for recognition of the top eighteen to twenty percent of the graduation students. Graduation with distinction will not be awarded in cases of any g. p. a. less than 3.0.
The criteria for Graduation with Distinction include:
1. A minimum of fifty-six credits in residence at Wayne State University.
2. A qualifying minimum grade point average (calculated as explained above) on all course work at Wayne State University must be completed by the end of the semester of graduation. (For notation in the commencement program, the grade point average on coursework completed prior to the semester of graduation will be used.)
Honors Program
Current WSU business students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher may enroll in courses with an honors component assignment option, and complete the fifteen credit required program (contact the Hessler Student Success Center for details) to qualify for an honors distinction on their transcript and diploma at graduation.
Incomplete Marks
The mark of 'I' is appropriate only when a student has completed all of the requirements for a course except for a specific assignment, such as a project or final examination, and only when the instructor agrees that a student has a valid reason for not completing the assignment.
The mark of 'I' which is not converted to a letter grade within one year from the time it was received will be automatically changed to an ‘F’.
Normal Program Load
The normal academic load for an undergraduate student in the Mike Ilitch School of Business is from nine to sixteen credits each semester, depending upon the particular courses elected. No student should expect to carry a full load and at the same time be employed full-time. Students desiring to carry more than eighteen credits must obtain written permission from the Hessler Student Success Center prior to registration. Excess credits will not be honored when taken without prior written approval.
Passed/Not Passed Registration
Undergraduate students in the Mike Ilitch School of Business may not take courses offered by the Mike Ilitch School of Business on a passed/not passed basis.
Probation and Exclusion
If a student's cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. A probation hold will need to be released each term before he or she registers. To obtain this release, the student must see his or her academic advisor.
A student will be off of academic probation at the end of any term in which he or she achieves a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or better.
Students on academic probation will be given two subsequent terms to enroll while on probationary status. At the conclusion of the third consecutive term below 2.0, a student will be excluded from the University. An excluded student may not apply for reinstatement for one calendar year.
The decision to reinstate will be made by the Ilitch School of Business Probation Committee and based upon evidence presented by the student that circumstances have changed during the year away and that the probability of success has increased. Students seeking reinstatement should consult with their academic advisor.
In the event of a exclusion, reinstatement to the Mike Ilitch School of Business will be considered only with the recommendation of the Ilitch School of Business Probation Committee. If, after readmission to the Mike Ilitch School of Business, the academic deficiency is not removed within the first nine credits attempted, the student will be permanently dismissed from the School.
The exclusion of any student will be reviewed by the Probation Committee of the Mike Ilitch School of Business. A student on probation who fails to complete the courses for which he or she registers, without good reason as determined by the Dean or designee, shall not be permitted to re-register in the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
The Ilitch School of Business Probation Committee, upon the recommendation of the student’s Department Chairperson, may permanently exclude a student from a major, if the student fails to remove himself or herself from probationary status within the prescribed number of credits.
In matters where the School’s final decision is based upon the evaluation of a student’s academic performance and when review procedures available to him or her within the School have been exhausted, the student may request the Provost to review that decision on the record.
While on probation, a student may not represent the School in student activities.
Retaking Courses
The University policy on retaking courses is stated at: Repeating Courses — The mark of R. No course in which a student has received a passing grade or mark may be repeated without the prior written approval of the Assistant Dean of Student Services of the Mike Ilitch School of Business.
Records Retention by Instructors
Term papers and examinations shall either be returned to the student or retained by the instructor for a period of ninety days. Thereafter, they may be destroyed.
Residence Requirement
To qualify for a Baccalaureate Degree from the Mike Ilitch School of Business, the final year and the last thirty credits must be taken at Wayne State University. In exceptional cases, a limited number of the last thirty credits toward a degree may be taken at another accredited college or university. All such cases must receive the approval of the Assistant Dean of Student Services before the work is undertaken.
Students returning to the School after a five-year absence are required to conform to the program requirements in effect at the time of their return.
Student Conduct
Each student is subject to official regulations governing student activities and student behavior. Students should familiarize themselves with the obligations of students in the instructional process; see Obligations of Faculty and Students to the Instructional Process. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the principles of academic integrity. Academic integrity means that a student is honest with him/herself, fellow students, instructors, and the University in matters concerning his or her educational endeavors. Thus, a student should not falsely claim the work of another as one's own, or misrepresent him/herself so that the measures of one's academic performance do not reflect his/her own work or personal knowledge. Assignments submitted for any class are expected to be original, i.e., not resubmissions of work submitted in a previous or concurrent class.
If there are reasonable grounds to believe that a student has disregarded the regulations or student responsibilities, he or she may be disciplined. Such discipline may include suspension or dismissal, but no dismissal will be directed without reasonable opportunity for an appropriate hearing, as provided in the Student Due Process statute. For the copies of Student Code of Conduct, please refer to the Dean of Students Office where the entire document is available for review.
Transfer of Courses in Major
No more than six semester transfer credits may be applied toward a student's major requirements. These courses must have received a grade of 'C' or better. Transfer of major credit beyond six semester hours may be applied toward free elective requirements. Only transfer courses taken at an AACSB accredited college or university or via community college Articulation Agreements will be considered.
Waiver of Degree Requirements
Students must comply with degree requirements as listed in this bulletin and on their Academic Plan. Students may petition for a modification in degree requirements by completing a waiver form and submitting it to the Frederick Hessler Student Success Center of the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Waiver of a School requirement requires the approval of the Dean or his/her designee. Waiver of a departmental requirement requires the recommendation of the departmental chairperson. Undergraduate students are advised that no faculty member is authorized to approve a change in degree requirements.
Withdrawals from Class
Students must follow the university procedures for dropping and adding courses.