Academic Catalog

Law (B.A.)

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Law degree provides a distinctive, interdisciplinary program for those with an interest in law. Students will emerge with a strong foundation in law, critical thinking and writing, ethics, political and legal theory, and legal and justice systems that will make them competitive for innovative and emerging employment opportunities in a variety of fields and industries or for pursuing graduate studies, potentially including law school.  Moreover, this program will build on the distinctive training associated with law school combined with the expertise of Wayne State’s liberal arts programs to promote informed, well-rounded, and civic-minded undergraduates who will be well-prepared to be the leaders of the future.

Admissions Requirements

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.

Program Requirements

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the Departmental major requirements cited below.

All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. A maximum of three courses for the major may be at the 1000-level.

Required LEX Courses
Students must have junior status to enroll in LEX courses.
LEX 5000Law in Social Context3
LEX 5010Law and Harm3
LEX 5020Legal Procedure3
LEX 5030Law and Transactions3
Core Skills: Writing, Critical Thinking, and Ethical Reasoning
Select two of the following courses:6-8
Legal Writing for Criminal Justice
Technical Communication I: Reports
Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
Critical Thinking
Games, Risk, and Logic
Contemporary Moral Issues
Ethical Issues in Health Care
Professional Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Race, Sex, and Religion
Introduction to Ethics
Ethics and Politics of Public Policy
Policy and Rationality: Dilemmas of Choice
Political and Legal Theory
Select two of the following courses:6-8
Politics of the Criminal Justice Process
Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Human Rights
Foundations of Law
Theories of Justice
Classical Political Philosophy: What is Justice?
PS 3540
Human Rights
Legal and Justice System
Select one of the following courses:3-4
The Judicial Process
Constitutional Criminal Procedure
The Legislative Process
American Legal Systems and Processes
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Rights and Liberties
International Law
Select three elective courses from the list in the section below, at least one must be an LEX course.9-11
Total Credits36-43

Elective Courses

NOTE:  Students must complete any prerequisites listed for a course (please reference this bulletin). Many of these electives are included in the current curriculum for the Minor in Law. This list of electives also includes courses listed under the Political and Legal Theory and Legal and Justice System sections of the major requirements.

Law School
LEX 5100Law and Regulation3
LEX 5110Access to Justice3
The Law School may approve additional elective LEX courses to be added from time to time to this list through its normal course approval processes.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
AFS 2210Black Social and Political Thought4
AFS/SOC 5580Law and the African American Experience4
CRJ 1010Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ 2550Race, Crime and Justice3
CRJ 2650Gender and Crime3
CRJ 2750Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice3
CRJ 3050Mental Health and Crime3
CRJ/PS 3120Politics of the Criminal Justice Process3
CRJ 3400Juvenile Delinquency and Justice3
CRJ 3700The Judicial Process3
CRJ 3710Legal Writing for Criminal Justice3
CRJ 4050Crime and Public Health3
CRJ 4705Wrongful Conviction and Justice System Error3
CRJ 4740Constitutional Criminal Procedure3
CRJ 5995Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Must be approved by program director.)3
ECO 5250Economic Analysis of Law4
ENG 3050Technical Communication I: Reports3
ENG 3085Introduction to Rhetorical Theory3
ESG 5700Environmental Law and Policy3
PH 3800Law and Public Health3
PHI 1050Critical Thinking3
PHI 1070Games, Risk, and Logic3
PHI 1100Contemporary Moral Issues3
PHI 1110Ethical Issues in Health Care3
PHI 1120Professional Ethics3
PHI 1130Environmental Ethics3
PHI 1500Race, Sex, and Religion3
PHI 2320Introduction to Ethics3
PHI 2330Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy3
PHI 2390Philosophy of Human Rights3
PHI 3270Foundations of Law3
PHI 5330Ethics, Law, and Health4
PS 1010American Government4
PS 2410Introduction to Public Policy4
PS 2420Ethics and Politics of Public Policy4
PS 2460Policy and Rationality: Dilemmas of Choice4
PS 2510Introduction to Political Philosophy: What is Politics?4
PS 2710Introduction to Comparative Politics4
PS 3030Political Interest Groups4
PS 3040The Legislative Process4
PS 3050Politics of the American Presidency4
PS 3060State Government and Politics4
PS 3070Michigan Politics4
PS 3080Gender and Politics4
PS 3100American Legal Systems and Processes4
PS 35153-4
PS 3520Theories of Justice4
PS 3530Classical Political Philosophy: What is Justice?4
PS 35404
PS 4710Democracy4
PS 5110Constitutional Law4
PS 5120Constitutional Rights and Liberties4
PS 5820International Law4
PS 5850Human Rights4
PS 5999Special Topics in Political Science (Must be approved by program director.)1-4
PS 6870United States Foreign Relations Law4
College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
COM 4110Studies of Legal Argument3
COM 4150Communication and Conflict3
COM 5710Law and Ethics in Journalism and Mass Media3
Mike Ilitch School of Business
ACC 5170Introduction to Taxation: Individuals3
ACC 5270Introduction to Taxation: Business Entities3
BLW 2510Business Law I3
BLW 5190Business Law II3
MGT 5700Human Resource Management3
MGT 5740Employee Relations3
TIS 4575IT Security3
College of Engineering
BME 5310Device and Drug Approval and the FDA3
CE 5830Business of Engineering3
CMT 3030Construction Safety Management3
CMT 3040Building Codes3
CMT 5080Construction Management Law3
CSC 5270Computer Systems Security3
CSC 5272Principles of Cyber Security3
CSC 5290Cyber Security Practice3
School of Social Work
Social Work elective courses are limited to BSW students only.
SW 4710Social Welfare in the United States: Current Programs3
SW 5720Social Services for Older Adults3
SW 5755Introduction to Child Welfare3
SW 6100Child Welfare and Social Systems: Context for Case Management Practice3
SW 6500Social Work and the Law2
SW 6535Youth, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice3
SW 6585Introduction to International Social Work3
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