Academic Catalog

Program Evaluation (M.A.)

An admissions moratorium is currently in effect for this program.

The Mission of the M.A. in Program Evaluation at Wayne State University is to prepare a diverse body of evaluation practitioners to positively impact local and global communities by providing high quality, effective, and holistic program evaluations in a manner that is ethical and attendant to the diverse needs and demands of stakeholders in an organization through inclusive and rigorous coursework and a practicum.

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School and the College of Education.

The M.A. in Program Evaluation is an online program, offered under master's degree Plan C (coursework option). The total number of credits for the degree is 33 credits, which involves 30 credits of core/required classes and a three (3) credit practicum experience. All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and the Graduate School's regulations governing graduate scholarship and degrees. 

Required Courses
EER 7410Introduction to Program Evaluation1
EER 7420Culturally Responsive Program Evaluation 3
EER 7430Organizational Theory for Evaluation 3
EER 7610Evaluation and Measurement3
EER 7640Fundamentals of Quantitative Research3
EER 7870Qualitative Research I: Introduction3
EER 8700Advanced Qualitative Program Evaluation3
EER 8720Advanced Quantitative Program Evaluation3
EER 8910Practicum in Evaluation3
LDT 7145Needs Assessment and Analysis4
LDT 7150Evaluation of Learning and Performance4
Total Credits33
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