Teacher Education
Office: 241 Education Building; 313-577-0902
Assistant Dean: Nimisha H. Patel, Ph.D.
There are a number of pathways to teacher certification at Wayne State University, and all prepare future teachers to be knowledgeable, skillful, and caring professionals who are able to make a difference in the lives of children and youth. Students in our teacher certification programs benefit from outstanding faculty for their university coursework, and clinical experiences in Detroit and beyond that prepare them to work effectively and passionately with diverse children and youth.
In addition to our initial teacher certification programs, our Division of Teacher Education offers master's degrees for those who want to extend their knowledge for teaching, and doctoral programs for students who seek positions in colleges and universities, school districts, and educational agencies.
Wayne State University is known for its commitment to its urban mission. The faculty in Teacher Education conduct research and teach courses that focus on creating school experiences that are academically rigorous, personally meaningful, and that sustain a vibrant democracy.
Graduate Teacher Education
The graduate unit of the Division of Teacher Education emphasizes the development of competence in instruction, the improvement of curriculum at all levels, and the ability to conduct scholarly research. The graduate programs in teacher education are designed to prepare educators and researchers who are:
- effective in schools and other educational settings; knowledgeable in content areas for which they are responsible;
- knowledgeable about growth and development of learners, teaching and learning styles, philosophical purposes of schooling and methodologies of education;
- committed to the continuous improvement of the processes of education;
- responsive to a rapidly-changing technology and cognizant of its implications for education and schooling;
- cognizant of the uniqueness of urban and metropolitan areas;
- cognizant of the values and contributions of various racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, national, ability and linguistic groups;
- capable of promoting an understanding of the dynamics of cultural and linguistic pluralism in our society;
- able to promote collaboration between teachers, schools, parents, community and students;
- capable of creative thought and able to stimulate and promote creative thought in their students;
- able to study educational issues through the design and implementation of a research project;
- able to identify and use the results of educational research;
- able to reflect on and develop their own patterns of ethical behavior;
- able to serve educational institutions in local, national and international settings.
The Division offers degree programs for a wide range of advanced professional roles:
- supervisory and resource teachers, coordinators, consultants, and curriculum specialists;
- teachers and consultants in school settings;
- educators and consultants in non-school settings, including working with adults;
- college and university faculty and researchers in the field of education.
ARYA, POONAM: Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo; M.A., M.Ed., B.A., B.Ed., Delhi University; Professor
BABCOCK, ELSIE: M.A.T., B.A., Wayne State University; Associate Professor (Teaching)
BALEJA, KATHERINE: Ed.D., Central Michigan University; M.A., Saginaw Valley State University; B.A., Alma College; Assistant Professor (Teaching)
COLOMA, ROLAND SINTOS: Ph.D., M.A., Ohio State University; M.A., B.A., University of California, Riverside; Professor
CRAWFORD, KATHLEEN: Ph.D., M.A., B.A., University of Arizona; Associate Professor
CROWLEY, CHRISTOPHER B.: Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania; B.A., St. Lawrence University; Assistant Professor
DEBLASE, GINA: Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo; M.Ed., University of Rochester; B.A., State University of New York; Associate Professor
DENICOLO, CHRISTINA: Ph.D., University of Colorado; M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., Western Michigan University; Associate Professor
EBENEZER, JAZLIN: Ph.D., University of British Columbia; M.Ed., B.A., Western Washington University; B.S., Madurai University; Professor
GABEL, SUSAN L.: Ph.D., Michigan State University; M.Ed., Wayne State University; B.A., Oral Roberts University; Professor
GONZALES, SANDRA: Ed.D., M.Ed., Columbia University; M.A., Antioch University; B.S., Michigan State University; Associate Professor
HANCOCK, CHRISTINE: Ph.D., University of Kansas; M.A., Boise State University; B.A., Grinnell College; Assistant Professor
HOWRANI, ANA: M.A., University of Michigan B.A., Denison University; Assistant Professor (Teaching)
LEWIS, JENNIFER: Ph.D., University of Michigan; M.A., B.A., University of California; Associate Professor
LUCAS, LORI: Ed.S. Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Teaching)
MILLER, AMANDA: Ph.D., University of Kansas; M.Ed., Northern Arizona University; B.A., Gustavus Adolphus ; Assistant Professor
MILLER, ANNA G.: M.A., B.A., Wayne State University; Assistant Professor (Teaching)
NEVILLE, MARY: Ph.D., B.A., Michigan State University; M.Ed., University of Notre Dame; Assistant Professor
OZGUN-KOCA, S. ASLI: Ph.D., Ohio State University; M.A., Middle East Technical University; B.A., Hacettepe University; Professor
PEDRONI, THOMAS: Ph.D., M.S., University of Wisconsin at Madison; B.A., Miami University; Associate Professor
RESSA, THEODOTO: Ph.D., M.A., Ohio State University; B.Ed. Maseno University-Kenya; Assistant Professor
REYNOLDS, AJA: Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago; M.Ed., University of Illinois-Chicago; B.A. Pennsylvania State University; Assistant Professor
RICKS-BATES, ANITA: M.F.A., Wayne State University; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; Lecturer and Program Coordinator Visual Art Education
ROBERTS, KATHRYN: Ph.D., Michigan State University; M.S., Indiana University; B.S., Butler University; Associate Professor
VAUGHN, VIVEKA: Ph.D., M.Phil., Columbia University; M.A., B.A., Wayne State University ; Assistant Professor
WELCH, ANITA: Ph.D., University of Kansas; M.S., Pittsburg State University; M.A. University of Connecticut; B.A., University of Missouri-Kansas City; Professor
WESTBROOK, LISA: Ph.D., M.A.T., Wayne State University; B.G.S., Oakland University; Assistant Professor
WITHERSPOON, JUANDA: Ed.D., M.A.T., Wayne State University; B.S., Rutgers University; Assistant Professor
YAREMA, SANDRA L.: Ph.D., Wayne State University; M.S., Lawrence Technological University; B.S., Oakland University; Clinical Associate Professor
YU, MIN: Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A., B.A., Beijing Normal University; Associate Professor
- Early Childhood (M.A.T.)
- Educational Studies (Ph.D.)
- Elementary Education (M.A.T.)
- Middle Childhood Education (M.A.T.)
- Multi-Age Education (M.A.T.)
- Secondary Education Major (M.A.T.)
- Art Education (M.Ed.)
- Teaching and Learning (M.Ed.)
- Bilingual Education (Bridge Graduate Certificate)
- English as a Second Language (Bridge Graduate Certificate)
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist: Advanced (Graduate Certificate)
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist: Introductory (Graduate Certificate)
- Curriculum and Instruction (Ed.D) (admissions moratorium)
- Curriculum and Instruction (Education Specialist Certificate)
The Division of Teacher Education provides pathways to attain initial certification at the masters level (Masters in the Art of Teaching, M.A.T.) and additional endorsements that can be added to an existing teaching certificate.
Teaching Certificates
Teaching Certification are granted by the State of Michigan. The College of Education recommends certification to those who successfully complete all requirements for a certification program and for whom we have the required official passing MTTC scores.
Standard Teaching Certificate The Standard Certificate is the initial certificate issued by the State of Michigan for a five-year period. Renewal of the Standard Certificate adds five years to the certificate's validity and renewals are currently unlimited.
Professional Teaching Certificate Teachers may advance to a five-year Professional Certificate after completing additional requirements. The Professional Certificate currently has unlimited renewals. The requirements for the Professional Certificate can be found at https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert/cert-guidance/teacher-recertification/progress-to-professional
Contact a College of Education advisor for additional information.
M.A.T. Standard Teaching Certificate Programs
Birth-Kindergarten (B-K) Standard Certificate
- The candidate must have graduated with a bachelor's degree from an approved or accredited institution.
- Complete all program requirements.
- Requires a Criminal Background Check for each clinical experience that is no more than six months old.
PreK-Grade 3 (PK-3) Standard Certificate
- The candidate must have graduated with a bachelor's degree from an approved or accredited institution.
- Complete all program requirements.
- Requires a Criminal Background Check for each clinical experience that is no more than six months old.
Grades 3-Grade 6 (3-6) Standard Certificate
- The candidate must have graduated with a bachelor's degree from an approved or accredited institution.
- Complete all program requirements.
- Requires a Criminal Background Check for each clinical experience that is no more than six months old.
Grades 7-12 in Secondary Education Standard Certificate: Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science, or Social Studies
- The candidate must have graduated with a bachelor's degree from an approved or accredited institution.
- In general, the academic background must include required content associated with the respective certification area.
- Complete all program requirements.
- Requires a Criminal Background Check for each clinical experience that is no more than six months old.
Grades K-12 in World Languages Standard Certificate: Arabic, French, or Spanish
- The candidate must have graduated with a bachelor's degree from an approved or accredited institution.
- In general, the academic background must include required content associated with the respective certification area.
- Must have the required language courses and exhibit proficiency.
- Complete all program requirements.
- Requires a Criminal Background Check for each clinical experience that is no more than six months old.
M.A.T. Clinical Requirements
All candidates enrolled in an M.A.T program must complete clinical experiences as part of coursework, which includes a full semester student-teaching . All clinical experiences may only be completed during the P-12 school day. Student teaching typically requires being in a P-12 school all day, everyday for an entire semester.
Students may enroll in one of the endorsement programs while also enrolled in one of the M.A.T certification programs. However, certification in one of the M.A.T programs must be attained in order for the BBE or ESL endorsement to be awarded.
Bilingual/Bicultural Endorsement (BBE). The Bilingual Education certifies a teacher who is qualified to teach classes of bilingual children. The BBE K-12 endorsement is 24 credit hours. All students in the BBE program must successfully complete the language proficiency examinations specified by the Graduate School, if applicable, and the designated language of his/her/their individual program prior to taking courses for this program. Interested students should consult their advisor.
English as a Second Language Endorsement (ESL). The English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement certifies a teacher who is qualified to teach learners with limited English proficiency. The ESL K-12 endorsement is 24 credit hours. Interested students should consult their advisor.
Grade Level Endorsements. Candidates may add grade bands (e.g., adding a 3-6 grade band to a PK-3 grade band)
Content Endorsements. Candidates may add content area endorsements (e.g., adding a 7-12 science certification to a 7-12 mathematics certification)
For more information regarding endorsements, consult an advisor.
Applications for an endorsement must be made within five years of meeting the endorsement requirements. State examinations must be passed for all endorsements.
- Teacher Education Division
- Art Education, Visual
- Bilingual/Bicultural Education
- Career and Technical Education
- Education
- Educational History and Philosophy
- Elementary Education
- English Education
- Language Education
- Mathematics Education
- Reading, Language and Literature Education
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
Teacher Education Division
TED 5100 Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning Cr. 2
Identify sources and impact of teaching beliefs, knowledge, and practices. Design curriculum to organize and enact knowledge, experience, and standards. Develop approaches for student engagement for learning and assessment. Analyze strategies of teacher agency and advocacy. Offered Every Term.
TED 5150 Analysis of Elementary Teaching Cr. 3,5
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency
Organization and management of classrooms. Lesson planning, teaching strategies and testing procedures. Work in classroom assigned by both an experienced public school teacher and a University faculty member. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $29
TED 5350 Topics in Racial Justice in Education Cr. 3
Topics, theories, pedagogies, and research methodologies related to racial justice in PK-12 schools and in pre-service and in-service teacher education, including white supremacy, racialization, antiracism, and decolonization. Applications to educational policies, curriculum, instruction, and co-curricular activities that are relevant to racial/ethnic minority students and educators in PK-12 schools. Implications for students and educators from diverse and intersectional perspectives. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 5400 Topics in LGBTQ+ Studies in Education Cr. 3
Topics, theories, and issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in PK-12 schools and in pre-service and in-service teacher education. Applications to educational policies, curriculum, instruction, and co-curricular activities that are relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) students and educators in PK-12 schools. Implications for students and educators from diverse and intersectional perspectives. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 5600 Assessment for Middle and Secondary Education Cr. 3
Candidates will learn about varying assessment techniques, their utility in the classroom, and appropriate strategies for their implementation. Candidates will also develop their knowledge of standardized testing and teacher evaluation systems. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: TED 6670
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education or MA in Teaching programs.
TED 5650 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience for Secondary Majors Cr. 5
Field experience in secondary school settings prior to full-time student teaching. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5780 Directed Teaching and Conference Cr. 1-12
Directed teaching in schools at level for which students are preparing for certification. Includes regular conference in which teaching methods in various fields are explored. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5790 Directed Teaching and Conference for Special Groups Cr. 1-15
Directed teaching in schools at level for which advanced students are preparing for certification; discussion of educational issues. For students seeking endorsements in special areas; for example: special education, early childhood, art. Students interested in completing general elementary and special education field experiences in the same semester should see advisor for eligibility requirements. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Repeatable for 15 Credits
TED 5791 Directed Teaching and Conference for Pre-Kindergarten Cr. 6
This course is a preschool level field experience for students who are working toward the Birth-Kindergarten Endorsement for certification. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
TED 5792 Directed Teaching and Conference for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Cr. 6
Directed teaching in early intervention (EI) and/or early childhood special education (ECSE) for advanced students who are preparing for teaching certification in the Birth-Kindergarten grade band; discussion of educational issues. Offered Yearly.
TED 5900 Post-Certification Clinical Experience Cr. 1
This course offers a school-based clinical experience for PK-12 teachers seeking to add an additional content area endorsement (i.e., ESL/BBE, math, social studies, etc.) and/or grade band endorsement (i.e., K-8, 6-12, K-12) to an existing Michigan teaching certification. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with the course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
TED 6020 Technology Integration in Teaching Cr. 3
An introduction to various experiences exploring current technologies used to inform and support instructional strategies and practices, and content pedagogy in K-12 classrooms. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6140 Local School Curriculum Planning Cr. 1-6
For classroom teachers and teacher educators. Consideration of local problems in elementary and secondary school programs. Planning for better teaching and learning. Offered Intermittently.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 6200 Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces Cr. 2
Examines issues surrounding social justice in urban schools and society through the exploration of the historical, political and social trends that influence education. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: TED 6205
TED 6205 Foundations Field Experience Cr. 1
This course is a school-based clinical experience for students interested in becoming a teacher. This experience includes but is not limited to, relevant classroom observations, collaborating with a cooperating teacher in a PreK through Grade 12 school setting, working with individual and small groups of students, and four face-to-face meetings with a course instructor. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement, assigned by the Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: TED 6200
TED 6210 Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity and Schooling Cr. 2
This course is designed to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of the cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our educational system. Students will examine the historical foundations of U.S. education, with attention to groups who have historically been denied access to equitable educational experiences. This course will examine educational policies, practices, and beliefs underlying inequities in schooling. The principles of multicultural education, culturally responsive pedagogy, universal design and socio-emotional learning will be introduced as frameworks for classroom organization and instructional planning. Offered Winter.
TED 6220 Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling Cr. 2
Philosophy and practices of inclusive schooling, including legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers of marginalized learners, history of disability rights movement, inclusive teaching practices, Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Offered Every Term.
TED 6370 Equity and Inclusion in Diverse Urban Education Settings Cr. 4
Clinical based course, using inclusive instructional practices for all students including, but not limited to, students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and special populations such as: at-risk, and gifted and talented in inclusive urban settings. Offered Fall.
TED 6380 Integrating Content Cr. 1-12
Current issues and trends related to integrating content areas; theory, methods, materials and strategies. Content areas announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Yearly.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
TED 6610 Elementary Education P-3 Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education P-3 certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week or 2 half-days (4 hours each) each week for 15 weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6375 with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently)
Corequisite: ELE 6210
TED 6615 Elementary Education 3-6 Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education 3-6 certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week or 2 half-days (4 hours each) each week for 15 weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6385 with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently)
Corequisite: ELE 6215
TED 6620 Middle and Secondary Education Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 2205 or TED 6205
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education or MA in Teaching programs.
TED 6630 Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods I Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) in the certification area. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for one (1) full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6660 Elementary Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into the Elementary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in an elementary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 1 full day per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6205 with a minimum grade of C), (TED 6610 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6615 with a minimum grade of C), (TED 6370 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (object Object)
Corequisite: ELE 6800
TED 6670 Middle and Secondary Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 3
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 2 full days per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: TED 6620
Corequisite: TED 5600
TED 6680 Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods II Cr. 3
This is a school-based clinical experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 2 full days per week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6710 Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Seminar Cr. 3
This course is designed (1) to support you in the process of becoming a teaching professional, (2) to provide you with a space to share your experiences, questions, discoveries, and reflections, and (3) to synthesize the material learned in university courses and what is happening in PK-12 classrooms. A focus is placed on the process of finding a teaching job, the components of a teaching portfolio, how to prepare for a successful interview, and what to expect as a first-year teacher. Offered Winter.
Corequisite: TED 6760
TED 6720 Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Seminar Cr. 3
This course is designed (1) to support you in the process of becoming a teaching professional, (2) to provide you with a space to share your experiences, questions, discoveries, and reflections, and (3) to synthesize the material learned in university courses and what is happening in PK-12 classrooms. A focus is placed on the process of finding a teaching job, the components of a teaching portfolio, how to prepare for a successful interview, and what to expect as a first-year teacher. Offered Winter.
Corequisite: TED 6770
TED 6730 Early Childhood Education Preschool Student Teaching Cr. 6
This school-based experience is for Early Childhood Education certification candidates. Candidates are mentored by a supervisor & cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They plan, deliver & assess instruction in an ECE setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend the COE Early Childhood Center for ½ day, every day for the entire semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences assigns the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to confirming their placement. Candidates must meet all requirements for Michigan childcare licensing, including comprehensive background check with FBI fingerprints, first aid and CPR certification, completing required health and safety modules in MiRegistry.org, and a negative TB test. Candidates must have their own transportation. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6735 Graduate ECE Preschool Student Teaching Cr. 4
This school-based experience is for Early Childhood Education certification candidates. Candidates are mentored by a supervisor & cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They plan, deliver & assess instruction in an ECE setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend the COE Early Childhood Center for ½ day, every day for the entire semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences assigns the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to confirming their placement . Candidates must meet all requirements for Michigan childcare licensing, including comprehensive background check with FBI fingerprints, first aid and CPR certification, completing required health and safety modules in MiRegistry.org, and a negative TB test. Candidates must have their own transportation. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6080
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6740 ECE Special Education Student Teaching Cr. 6
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience, for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They are responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for ½ day, every day for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
TED 6745 Graduate ECE Special Education Student Teaching Cr. 4
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience, for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They are responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for ½ day, every day for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2055 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6055 with a minimum grade of C), and ELE 6045 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6750 Elementary Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 6805 with a minimum grade of C and TED 6660 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6755 MAT Elementary Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in an elementary level setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework, working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: ELE 6805 with a minimum grade of C or TED 6660 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Education; enrollment limited to students in the MA in Teaching program.
TED 6760 Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in a classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, & assessing instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework - working with individuals, small groups, & the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 6670
Corequisite: TED 6710
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Middle Childhood Education or PB Teaching Cert; enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6765 MAT Middle and Secondary Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. Candidates must be accepted into an MAT Middle Childhood or Secondary Education certification program. Candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a middle or secondary setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework - working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates must attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: TED 6670
Corequisite: TED 6710
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Middle Childhood Education or Secondary Education.
TED 6770 Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Cr. 12
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into a Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
TED 6775 MAT Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Cr. 8
This is a school-based Student Teaching experience. This course is for candidates accepted into an MAT Multi-Age Education certification program. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will slowly transition into taking the lead in the classroom setting. They will be responsible for planning, delivering, and assessing instruction in a multi-age setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge to their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement every day, all day, for an entire 15-week semester. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
TED 6780 Content Endorsement Practicum Cr. 1
This is a school-based clinical practicum. This course is for candidates who are adding a content endorsement to their initial teacher certification. Candidates are mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement certification. Candidates must be accepted into one of the EPP Endorsement programs. Candidates assist in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction at their endorsement setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework, working with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 30 hours within one semester. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ Candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6785 Grade Band Endorsement Practicum Cr. 1
This is a school-based clinical endorsement. This course is for candidates who are adding a grade-band endorsement to their initial teacher certification. Candidates are mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement. Candidates must be accepted into one of the EPP Endorsement programs. Candidates will assist in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction at their endorsement setting. They apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework and work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 50 hours within one semester. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences or completed as ‘on-the-job’. Candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6790 Special Education Internship Cr. 6
This is a school-based internship. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for eight (8) full-time consecutive weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the BS in Education program.
TED 6795 Graduate Special Education Internship Cr. 4
This is a school-based internship. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Graduate Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a university supervisor (supervisor) and cooperating teacher (CT) with like certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing of instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for eight (8) full-time consecutive weeks. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All students must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided with their placement information. Students must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5075 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5080 with a minimum grade of C, and SED 5090 with a minimum grade of C) and ((object Object) or (object Object))
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Curriculum and Instruction or Teaching and Learning; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 6810 Special Education Practicum Cr. 3
This is a school-based practicum. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with matching certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires teacher candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 180 hours within one semester. Depending on circumstances, placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Teacher candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
TED 6815 Graduate Special Education Practicum Cr. 2
This is a school-based practicum. This course is for candidates accepted into one of the Special Education Endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with matching certification. Candidates will assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing instruction in a special education setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework. They will work with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This course requires teacher candidates to attend an off-campus placement for 180 hours within one semester. Depending on circumstances, placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships, and Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job.’ All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to the beginning of the semester. Teacher candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Curriculum and Instruction or Teaching and Learning.
TED 6820 BBE-ESL Endorsement Clinical Cr. 2
This is a school-based clinical experience for candidates who are adding a content endorsement to their initial teacher certification & accepted into one of EPP endorsement programs. Teacher candidates will be mentored by a cooperating teacher (CT) with like endorsement & assist in the planning, organizing, delivering, & assessing of instruction in their endorsement setting. They will apply pedagogical content knowledge from their coursework while working with individuals, small groups, & the whole class. This course requires students to attend an off-campus placement for 50 hrs within one semester & complete the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol modules. Placements will be made by the Office of Educational Partnerships & Experiences or hours will be completed as ‘on-the-job’. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information & their own transportation as they may be placed within a 25-mile radius of WSU. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: LED 6565 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 7000 Introductory Master's Seminar Cr. 2-3
Skill development in the three primary areas: information access through the variety of resources available in a university library; comprehension and evaluation of technical literature; employment of APA style in technical writing. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 7030 Foundations of Teaching and Learning Cr. 3
Theoretical foundations guiding classroom teaching and learning with applications to curricular and instructional practices and their implications for the experiences of children of cultural heritages. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Education Specialist Cert or Master of Education degrees.
TED 7060 Inclusive Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy Cr. 3
This course has two emphases. First, it provides graduate students with foundational knowledge about the philosophy and sociology of inclusive education as it relates to students who are members of marginalized groups. Second, it provides students with opportunities to learn a basic framework for inclusive education, curriculum, and pedagogy. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Education Specialist Cert or Master of Education degrees.
TED 8100 Doctoral Seminar: Thought, Language, Power, Social Interaction and Learning Cr. 3
Examines the relationships between thought, language, power, and social interaction as they relate to teaching and learning. The seminal works of educational theorists who address these topics will be explored and applied to present day curricula and issues in education. This seminar will introduce socio-cultural theories and theorists and the influence their stances have had and continue to have on education across time and place. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8150 Pro-Seminar I: Introduction to Research in Educational Studies Cr. 1
Introduction to doctoral research in educational studies including: research and inquiry processes; educational issues and problems addressed by educational studies scholars; and tools of educational research. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8200 Doctoral Seminar: Education in Socio-Political Culture Cr. 3
Investigates educational issues within the social, political, and cultural arena; examines mechanisms, policies, and practices that impact teaching and learning. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8250 Pro-Seminar II: Introduction to Research in Educational Studies Cr. 1
Introduction to research in educational studies with emphasis on problem identification, literature review, and academic positions for educational researchers. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8270 Seminar: Issues in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 2-6
For specialist and doctoral students. Analysis of basic issues in curriculum and instruction and their implications for program: early childhood, K-12, adult curricula. Critique of recent research and development efforts. Application to problems of leadership in school-wide curricular improvements. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
TED 8280 Intersectional and Critical Qualitative Methods in Education Cr. 3
To implement knowledge of critical qualitative methodologies for research across educational contexts and spaces. To understand ethics of qualitative educational research with and for youth and communities. To practice approaches to critical qualitative research design, implementation, data collection, and data analysis. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8350 Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3
Theoretical bases of curricular development and instructional innovation. Their application to the tasks of the curriculum maker explored as various education positions are taken and examined. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8400 Issues in Urban Education Cr. 3
Explores urban issues of global, national, and regional importance in the field of curriculum and critical social inquiry from the perspective of those who are often the least served by current educational and social arrangements. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8500 Integrating STEM Content Cr. 3
Current issues and trends related to integrating STEM content areas; theory, methods, materials, and strategies. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 8550 Doctoral Seminar: STEM Education and Research Cr. 3
Critical analysis of policy, theory, practice, and research in STEM education disciplines; Integrating STEM education deliberation, policymaking, practice, and research; Cultural/social/political and historical/contemporary bases of STEM education; Nodes of intersection of policies, theories, practice, and research as integrated STEM education. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Educational Studies; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 9130 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3
An examination of curriculum theory and concepts that apply to the development of content and instructional strategies relevant to contemporary education. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
TED 9620 Doctoral Internship in Curriculum and Instruction Cr. 3-6
Planned and supervised professional field-based experience relevant to doctoral program and projected profession. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
Art Education, Visual
AED 5000 Introduction to Art Education Cr. 3
Design of developmentally appropriate and comprehensive art experiences, teaching strategies, and authentic assessment of student learning in art. History, theories and philosophies of visual arts education; contemporary trends and issues. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5020 Painting: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Methods, materials and processes suitable for teaching painting in the schools. Subject selection, composition, surface selection and preparation, mixing and application of paint, finishing, and presentation. Students develop basic skills in painting for personal artistic expression. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 5050 Integrating the Arts into the Elementary Classroom Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Visual Performing Arts
Introductory course: integration of visual arts, music, dance, and theatre into the teaching, learning and curriculum of the elementary classroom. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (2 of (ELE 3300, ELE 6290, ELE 6390, ELE 6500, ELE 6600, ELE 3400, ELE 3500, or ELE 3600) and 1 of (ELE 3320 or ELE 6310)) or TED 5150
Fees: $30
AED 5070 Methods and Materials of Sculptural Expression Cr. 3
Exploration of three-dimensional forms using various media; emphasis on sculptural concepts, materials, tools and techniques related to teaching sculpture on the elementary and secondary level. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5100 Topics in Art Education Cr. 1-3
Art experiences designed for the specific needs of special groups. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
AED 5150 Computer Graphics in the Classroom Cr. 3
Introduction to digital media and the production of computer graphics by using drawing, painting, graphic design, animation, video and web techniques. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5160 Theory and Practice in Art Education Cr. 3
Development of instructional strategies and assessment practices in art education; organization and management of art classrooms; adaptation of art lessons for specific groups. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5230 Ceramics Education I Cr. 3
An overview of handbuilding processes, various firing procedures including blackware and raku, decorating, glazing and equipment maintenance. Emphasis placed on the educational benefits and procedures for working with people of various ages and the management of materials for teaching. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $25
AED 5280 Printmaking: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Studio exploration of relief, planographic, intaglio, and stencil processes as methods of reproduction for artistic expression. Examination of tools, methods and processes suitable for the classroom. Includes study in lithography, dry point, etching, calligraphy, woodcut, linocut, and photo screen processes. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 5500 2d Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Exploration of 2d media for the PK-12 classroom. Covering techniques, concepts and self-expression via drawing, collage, painting and printmaking. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: 4 of ACR 2550 with a minimum grade of C-, ADR 1050 with a minimum grade of C-, APR 2300 with a minimum grade of C-, and (APA 2000 with a minimum grade of C- or APA 2110 with a minimum grade of C-)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
AED 5510 3d Methods and Materials Cr. 3
Exploration of 3d media for the pk-12 classroom. Covering techniques, concepts and self-expression via sculpture, clay and assemblage. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: 4 of ACR 2550 with a minimum grade of C-, ADR 1050 with a minimum grade of C-, APR 2300 with a minimum grade of C-, and (APA 2000 with a minimum grade of C- or APA 2110 with a minimum grade of C-)
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Multi-Age Education.
AED 5650 Art Teaching Laboratory Cr. 3
Laboratory experience in teaching art to elementary, middle, and high school students. Pre-student teaching experiences under close supervision of an experienced Visual Arts teacher. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: AED 5100 with a minimum grade of D- (may be taken concurrently) and AED 5160 with a minimum grade of D-
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 5690 Collage, Assemblage, and Multi-Media: Methods and Materials Cr. 3
History and methods of creating collage, assemblage, and multi-media art works. Integration of developmental issues, use of personal meaning and experience for lesson planning, unit planning, and work assessment strategies. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: (AH 1110, AH 1120, ADR 1050, and ADR 1060) or (ADR 2070, APA 2100, and ASL 2150)
Fees: $40
AED 5890 The Art of Indigenous Cultures: Inclusion in the K-12 Curriculum Cr. 3
Focus on non-Western, indigenous art forms, such as Balinese architecture, ceramics of Papua New Guinea, Aboriginal painting, Precolumbian culture, and Japanese gardens; means of integrating this content into the K-12 Curriculum. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
AED 6230 Ceramics Education II Cr. 3
Emphasis is placed on throwing procedures, the use of various clay bodies, firing at various temperatures, making and using tools, ceramic history and its use and benefits in a school curriculum. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $35
Repeatable for 9 Credits
AED 6920 Multi-Cultural Issues in Art Education Cr. 3
Provides all visual arts education students with discipline-specific experiences, current theoretical perspectives, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their work in diverse and multicultural learning. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
AED 7700 Advanced Graduate Problems Cr. 3-12
Pursuit of specific problems in depth. Laboratory hours coordinated with regularly scheduled classes in the selected area. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $15
Repeatable for 12 Credits
Bilingual/Bicultural Education
BBE 5000 Multicultural Education in Urban America Cr. 2
Cultural, social, political and economic realities of our complex, pluralistic society in relation to our education system. Development of analytical and evaluative abilities of teachers to deal with racism, sexism, value clarification and the parity of power. Strategies for multicultural education. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 5500 Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education Cr. 3
This course examines the history of language education in the United States and the impact of policies on the education of multilingual learners. Through course readings, discussions and assignments, students will develop an understanding of the theoretical foundation and rationale for bilingual and ESL education in the United States. The local implementation of bilingual and ESL programs will also be examined. Offered Fall.
BBE 6510 Topics in Bilingual Education: Language Acquisition and Learning Cr. 3
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of applied sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition research with a specific focus on the teaching of grammar in PK-12 education. Students will delve into major models of Applied English Linguistics, contrasting linguistic approaches, particularly addressing the comparison between English and linguistically underrepresented communities, prioritizing a culturally responsive approach aiming to enhance effective language instruction in all educational settings. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 6520 Culturally Sustaining Lang Teaching: Reflective Practice to Promote Integ of Content & Lang Learning Cr. 3
This course addresses culturally sustaining practices for teaching language learners that builds on current research and language acquisition theories. National and state standards will be examined and applied to lesson design with a focus on the domains of listening and speaking. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
BBE 6560 Home Language Use and Learning in Bilingual Bicultural Education Cr. 3
Exploration of theories, methods, and curricula for teaching bi/multilingual learners in PreK-12 bilingual programs. Identification of instructional approaches for language development, biliteracy and content learning. Examination of specific ways current research and materials inform curriculum design for multilingual learners. Offered Intermittently.
BBE 6590 Culture and Language in Bilingual/Bicultural Education Cr. 1-3
Research and application of multicultural activities for designing processes to bring language and culture, and instruction in English, into the classroom. Offered Yearly.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
BBE 6850 Applied Linguistics: Issues in Bilingual Education Cr. 3
Current major models of applied English linguistics, contrasting linguistics with special reference to the comparison of English and linguistic minority languages. Offered Yearly.
Career and Technical Education
CTE 5401 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 1 Cr. 1
The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews the history of CTE and its impact on industry. Offered Every Term.
CTE 5402 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 2 Cr. 1
This is Module Two of a six (6) module series. The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews MCCTE Navigator standards and their relationship to industry expectations. Offered Every Term.
CTE 5403 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 3 Cr. 1
This is Module Three of a six (6) module series. The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews mastery-learning, performance-based and project-based instructional strategies in the CTE classroom. Offered Every Term.
CTE 5404 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 4 Cr. 1
This is Module four of a six (6) module series. The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews assessment strategies in the CTE classroom. Offered Every Term.
CTE 5405 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 5 Cr. 1
This is Module five of a six (6) module series. The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) and industry partner relationships. Offered Every Term.
CTE 5406 Instructional Practices for the Career and Technical Education Classroom: Module 6 Cr. 1
This is Module six of a six (6) module series. The series is specifically for students seeking a vocational endorsement to teach in federally funded, secondary CTE classrooms. This module reviews strategies for remaining current with industry and teaching profession trends. Offered Every Term.
CTE 6010 History and Principles of Career and Technical Education Cr. 3
Overview of organization and administration at the federal, state, and local levels. Recent developments and their significance for school reform and improvement; business and industry linkages. Offered Yearly.
CTE 8998 Current Issues and Trends Cr. 3
Place, function, and evolving concepts of career and technical education. Economic, sociological, psychological, and technical factors. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
ED 5998 Field Studies Cr. 1-8
Supervised professional study in field settings. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
ED 7990 Directed Study Cr. 1-8
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
ED 7996 Directed Research Cr. 1-8
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 16 Credits
ED 7998 Field Studies Cr. 1-8
Supervised professional study in field situations. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 16 Credits
ED 7999 Terminal Master's Seminar and Essay or Project Cr. 3
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ED 8999 Master's Thesis Research and Seminar Cr. 1-8
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
ED 9989 Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 1-16
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 30 Credits
ED 9990 Pre-Doctoral Candidacy Research Cr. 1-8
Research in preparation for doctoral dissertation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
ED 9991 Doctoral Candidate Status I: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 3-9
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Doctoral Candidate; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 9 Credits
ED 9992 Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 1-18
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: ED 9991 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 18 Credits
ED 9993 Doctoral Candidate Status III: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: ED 9992 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ED 9994 Doctoral Candidate Status IV: Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 7.5
Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: ED 9993 with a minimum grade of S
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ED 9995 Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction Cr. 0
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $434.8
Repeatable for 0 Credits
Educational History and Philosophy
EHP 3600 Introduction to the Philosophy of Education Cr. 3
Leading philosophies of education as they bear upon education as a profession and as a discipline. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Elementary Education
ELE 6000 Child Development: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3
Explores processes and trajectories of child development from prenatal development through age 8 from a range of theoretical perspectives. Focus on cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic contributions to development and fostering development through adult-child relationships. Applying knowledge of development through practical scenarios and video analysis of children’s play and exploration. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ELE 6010 Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities Cr. 3
Theory and research-based strategies that support equitable collaboration between professionals and families to best meet the needs of children. Explores family and community contexts as assets for learning. Emphasis on culturally and linguistically responsive approaches to learn about and leverage family strengths and priorities, as well as communication strategies for making shared decisions with families. Offered Fall.
ELE 6015 Play: How Young Children Learn Cr. 3
Play as a critical component of children’s development and learning. Addresses identifying different forms of play, how play fosters development and learning, embedding skills within play-based interactions, how children use play to understand their lives and the world around them, and theory and research-based strategies to facilitate play for all children. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ELE 6020 Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency
Foundational theories, policies, and practices of early childhood education with a focus on inclusive preschool contexts. Explores theory and research-based strategies related to child development, environmental design, play, family partnerships, and assessment. Emphasis on teaching strategies that are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, and reflective of universal design for learning. This course contains an integrated clinical experience, and students will complete focused observations in an approved early childhood center. Students must apply for the clinical experience and register for the course. Clinical experience applications are completed in Exxat; the deadline for fall placements is early in the Winter semester and the deadline for winter placements is early Fall semester. Students must complete all required background checks. A current TB test is required for this course. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6025 Social Emotional Learning: Birth-Age 8 Cr. 3
Examination of children’s social emotional development from birth through age 8, with focus on how development is shaped by cultural and linguistic contexts, including structural inequities, stress, adverse childhood experiences, and trauma. Exploration of how culture contributes to adult perceptions of behavior. Application of environmental and instructional strategies for positive child guidance that build a caring community of learners, prevent and address challenging behaviors, and support children during social conflicts. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
ELE 6030 Assessment of Young Children Cr. 3
Strategies for assessment of young children from birth through kindergarten within family, community, and school-based contexts. Addresses how to analyze, interpret, document, and share assessment information with families and other professionals. Emphasis on developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate assessment tools as a means to make informed choices about planning instruction and intervention in early learning settings. This course contains integrated clinical experience hours students will complete through assignments and in-class experiences with materials of practice (e.g., work samples, child data, observational video, curricular materials). Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2015 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6015 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2025 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6025 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)
ELE 6035 Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood Cr. 3
Explores principles of inclusive teaching for all children across early childhood settings, with emphasis on equitable and meaningful access, participation, and supports. Examines developmentally appropriate and culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, and evidence-based teaching approaches that reflect the principles of universal design for learning. Addresses foundational processes of early intervention and early childhood special education. Offered Yearly.
ELE 6040 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K) Cr. 3
Exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for prekindergarten and kindergarten-age learners in the content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology and engineering, and physical education. Building from the central concepts and developmental progressions of each content area to design planned and responsive learning experiences. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)
Corequisite: ELE 6045
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6041 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K) Cr. 3
This course is designed for students seeking PK-3 teaching certification. Exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for prekindergarten and kindergarten-age learners in the content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology and engineering, and physical education. Building from the central concepts and developmental progressions of each content area to design planned and responsive learning experiences. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C
ELE 6045 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: ECE Clinical Preschool Cr. 1
This course offers community-based clinical experience for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Experience includes focused observation of prekindergarten teaching and learning; lesson plan development and implementation; data collection and analysis of child learning; and collaboration with cooperating teacher. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for 45 hours for an entire 15-week semester – 3 hours/week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: ELE 6040
ELE 6050 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Cr. 3
In-depth exploration of intentional and inclusive teaching strategies for infants and toddlers. Designing integrated and purposeful learning experiences through play and exploration for all infants and toddlers, including those with identified disabilities and/or developmental delays. How to enact planned and responsive learning experiences that foster infant and toddler development across all domains and address content areas of language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology, and engineering in developmentally appropriate ways. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: (ELE 2000 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 2035 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6035 with a minimum grade of C)
Corequisite: ELE 6055
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6055 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience Cr. 1
This course offers community-based clinical experience for candidates accepted into the Early Childhood Education certification program. Experience includes focused observation of home visiting or center-based infant and toddler care; lesson plan development and implementation; partnership with caregivers; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Candidates are required to attend an off-campus placement for 45 hours for an entire 15-week semester – 3 hours/week. The Office of Educational Partnerships and Experiences will assign the placement. All candidates must have a clear background check through CastleBranch prior to being provided their placement information. Candidates must have their own transportation and may be placed within a 25-mile radius of Wayne State University. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: ELE 6050
ELE 6060 Community Contacts: Working with Families in Urban Settings Cr. 3
Programs and services within the community that assist families in improving educational services for the child. Offered Yearly.
ELE 6070 Family, Community and School Partnerships: Supporting Children's Learning Cr. 3
Theory and practice in joining families, communities, and schools in promoting children's learning, development and success in school. Strengths and needs of families in a diverse, multicultural society, teachers' roles in concert with other disciplines in supporting families and building partnerships, and connection with community resources. Offered Yearly.
ELE 6075 The Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education Cr. 3
Supporting the whole child’s learning and development through the visual and performing arts and through creative movement from birth to kindergarten. Materials, techniques, and strategies to foster children’s appreciation of the arts and their confident, creative participation in the arts. Focus on creative processes, rather than products. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 6000 with a minimum grade of C, ELE 6015 with a minimum grade of C, and ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C
ELE 6080 Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Preschool Learning Environment Cr. 3
Focus on developing strategies for intentional and inclusive preschool learning environments, including designing and evaluating environments based on learners’ identities, strengths, interests, and support needs. Exploration of how to create safe and welcoming classroom communities through positive adult-child and child-child relationships and supportive classroom management. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: TED 5791
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6090 Introduction to Infant Mental Health Theory and Practice Cr. 3
Concepts of infant mental health theory and practice as a developmental framework for the observation, assessment and understanding of infant-parent behaviors and interactions as indicators of strengths and risks in the security of the attachment relationship. Offered Yearly.
ELE 6100 Planning and Implementing Preschool Curriculum Cr. 3
Planning, implementing, and evaluating all aspects of preschool curriculum: activities, routines, and working with staff and parents. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 6040 with a minimum grade of C
ELE 6110 Planning Infant and Toddler Curriculum Cr. 3
Planning effective relationship- and play-based curriculum, daily routines and experiences for infants and toddlers that are developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, and reflect principles of universal design for learning. Consideration of home-, community-, and classroom-based early learning settings for infants and toddlers. Offered Yearly.
ELE 6130 Early Childhood Advocacy, Leadership, and Administration Cr. 3
Becoming an early childhood professional who is ready to be an advocate, leader, and/or administrator. Examine policies, procedures, and systems necessary for high-quality early learning. Develop skills and strategies to ensure ethical and legal guidelines are met, including consideration of health and safety procedures and Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. This course addresses Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs requirements for Early Childhood Program Directors to have at least 2 semester hours in child care administration. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C
ELE 6140 Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education Cr. 3
Explores key principles of developmentally appropriate practice for all young children from birth to age eight, highlighting strengths- and play-based teaching methods that promote joyful, engaged learning. Addresses how to recognize and support each child as a valued member of the learning community through interactional and environmental practices that honor children’s and families’ cultures, languages, and abilities. Offered Every Other Fall.
ELE 6200 Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers Cr. 3
This course is a survey of children’s literature where we will explore, through reading and discussion, a wide range of genres and issues related to children’s books with a focus on culturally responsive literature in the elementary school curriculum. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $17
ELE 6205 Literacy Foundations Cr. 3
This course is designed for undergraduate students seeking initial teacher certification. The focus is on theories and processes related to language and literacy development and the implications of these for curriculum and instruction in grades preK-6. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6210 Literacy Methods I (PK-3) Cr. 3
Theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing constructs of literacy appropriate for students in grades prekindergarten-3. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: ELE 6205 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6211
ELE 6211 Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3) Cr. 1
This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: ELE 2205 with a minimum grade of C-
Corequisite: ELE 6210
ELE 6215 Literacy Methods I (3-6) Cr. 3
Theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing constructs of literacy appropriate for students in grades upper elementary grades 3-6. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: ELE 6205 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6216
ELE 6216 Literacy Clinical Experience (3-6) Cr. 1
This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a third through sixth grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: ELE 2205 with a minimum grade of C-
Corequisite: ELE 6215
ELE 6225 Literacy Methods II (PK-6) Cr. 3
Advanced theoretical and methodological understanding of teaching and assessing multiple constructs of literacy appropriate for diverse students in grades PK-6. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6350 Mathematics Foundations (PK-6) Cr. 3
Provides a coherent overview of the historical and foundations underlying the PK-6 mathematics content. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: MAT 1120 with a minimum grade of C
ELE 6370 Mathematics Methods (PK-3) Cr. 3
This course cultivates the mathematical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional dispositions for teaching mathematics to children in grades PreK-3. It builds upon the foundational ideas about teaching mathematics in ELE 6375. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6375
ELE 6375 Mathematics Clinical Experience (PK-3) Cr. 1
This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C- or TED 6205 with a minimum grade of C) and (ELE 2020 with a minimum grade of C- or ELE 6020 with a minimum grade of C)
Corequisite: ELE 6370
ELE 6380 Mathematics Methods (3-6) Cr. 3
This course cultivates the mathematical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional dispositions for teaching mathematics to children in grades 3-6. It builds upon the foundational ideas about teaching mathematics in ELE 6385. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6385
ELE 6385 Mathematics Clinical Experience (3-6) Cr. 1
This course offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a prekindergarten-third grade teaching license. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: TED 2205 with a minimum grade of C- and ELE 6350 with a minimum grade of C
Corequisite: ELE 6380
ELE 6390 Mathematics Instruction: P-8 Cr. 3
Developing mathematics skills in elementary and middle schools. Students plan, implement and evaluate learning experience with children under professional guidance. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $58
ELE 6500 Science Curriculum and Methods (3-6) Cr. 3
Role of learning in science in the curriculum. Objectives, plans of organization for learning, resources materials. Overview of balanced program. Experiences with appropriate experiments, field trips, reference materials, audio-visual resources. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: (SCE 2100 with a minimum grade of C- and SCE 2105 with a minimum grade of C-) or (SCE 5100 with a minimum grade of C and SCE 5105 with a minimum grade of C)
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
ELE 6550 Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6) Cr. 2
This course provides a foundation for instructional strategies that promote phenomenon-based learning and with a focus on engineering design and technology performance expectations for PK-6 elementary instruction. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: (SCE 2100 with a minimum grade of C- and SCE 2105 with a minimum grade of C-) or (SCE 5100 with a minimum grade of C and SCE 5105 with a minimum grade of C)
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $15
ELE 6600 Social Studies Methods (PK-6) Cr. 3
In this course, teacher candidates explore and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social studies with the incorporation of pedagogical knowledge. This includes lesson planning; development of objectives, outcomes, and assessments; curriculum content and organization; teaching strategies; and the implementation of instructional materials. Candidates also incorporate community resources in the planning process. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
ELE 6610 Current Developments in Early Childhood General and Special Education Cr. 1-6
Topics on developments in research-based recommended practices on early childhood general and special education, covered through seminars and workshops; early intervention and educational implications for children from birth to eight years old. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
ELE 6800 Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) Cr. 3
Develop unit/lesson plans within and across content areas in innovative and relevant ways. Understand socio-cultural and political contexts and factors that impact curriculum, teaching, and learning. Use effective, differentiated, and inclusive teaching strategies that attend to student strengths and needs. Utilize assessment approaches to inform instruction and student learning and advancement. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 6370 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 6550 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6600 with a minimum grade of C)
Corequisite: ELE 6805
ELE 6805 Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) Cr. 2
Offers school-based, clinical experience for pre-service teachers seeking a PK-3 and/or 3-6 grade teaching certificate. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation for integrated curriculum; and collaboration with course instructor and mentor educators. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: (ELE 6210 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6215 with a minimum grade of C), (ELE 6370 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6380 with a minimum grade of C), and (ELE 6550 with a minimum grade of C or ELE 6600 with a minimum grade of C)
Corequisite: ELE 6800
ELE 7020 Issues in Early Childhood Education Cr. 3
Current issues in early childhood care and education including theories, research, best practice, and historical philosophies. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
English Education
EED 5200 Methods of Teaching English (7-12) Cr. 3
Introduction to the purposes and methods of teaching English language arts in grades seven through twelve. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
EED 6120 Teaching Composition Methods (7-12) Cr. 3
Methods for composition instruction, grades 7-12, including writing processes, writing workshop, digital literacies, and the teaching of grammar and vocabulary in the context of writing instruction. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: EED 5200
Corequisite: EED 6125
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
EED 6125 Teaching Composition Clinical (7-12) Cr. 2
This course offers school-based English/composition clinical experience in the 7-12 grade band for pre-service teachers. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with clinical instructors and mentor educators. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: EED 5200
Corequisite: EED 6120
EED 6210 Language, Literacy, and Learning Cr. 3
This course explores the teaching of language, grammar, and usage in English language arts classrooms, based in sociocultural and sociolinguistic approaches to teaching literacy and language. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
EED 6310 Young Adult Literature Cr. 3
Standards for evaluating young adult literature. Selection of literature in relation to students’ interests and reading abilities in grades 7-12. Analysis of literary and sociocultural factors affecting adolescent experiences with young adult texts. Offered Yearly.
Equivalent: INF 6530
EED 6330 Teaching Literature Methods (7-12) Cr. 3
Pedagogical approaches to the teaching of literature in grades 7-12. Structure of literary genres in relation to sociocultural and critical theories of teaching literature in grades 7-12. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: EED 5200
Corequisite: EED 6335
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
EED 6335 Teaching Literature Clinical (7-12) Cr. 2
This course offers school-based English/literature clinical experience in the 7-12 grade band for pre-service teachers. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with clinical instructors and mentor educators. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: EED 5200
Corequisite: EED 6330
Language Education
LED 5300 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Cr. 1-3
Introduction to basic teaching grammar and sound rules and general teaching methodology. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: CHI 3100 with a minimum grade of D-
Equivalent: CHI 5300
LED 6500 Teaching World Languages in Elementary and Middle Schools: Methods III Cr. 3
Approaches and techniques; review of theory and practice relevant to young learners. Students teach mini-lessons and prepare materials based on national standards and age-appropriate methodologies. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
LED 6505 Culture as the Basis for Language Teaching Cr. 3
LED 6505 examines language and culture in a multidisciplinary theoretical framework, to provide students with objective relativistic and holistic attitudes about human diversity enabling them to relate to pupils in urban areas. Offered Yearly.
LED 6510 Second Language Acquisition and the Teaching of Grammar Cr. 3
Seminar and intensive review of major models of applied sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics; second language acquisition research and teaching of grammar in K-12 education. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
LED 6520 Teaching English as a Second Language/Foreign Language: Methods I Cr. 3
Methods and techniques; fundamental theory and practice; English as an international/intranational language. Students micro-teach lessons and prepare teaching materials which emphasize the listening and speaking language skills. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
LED 6530 Teaching English as a Second Language/Foreign Language: Methods II Cr. 2-3
Methods and techniques; English as an international/intranational language. Students micro-teach lessons and prepare teaching materials which emphasize the reading and writing language skills. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
LED 6555 Integration of Language and Content in Language Teaching Cr. 1-3
Examination and evaluation of instructional strategies used to teach content and develop a second language in specific content/language area instruction. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
LED 6565 Assessment in Language Teaching Cr. 3
This course explores the role of assessment in the education of multilingual learners in PK - 12 classrooms. The impact of current trends in assessment in the United States will be analyzed as well as how assessments are used for the identification and placement of multilingual learners Students will evaluate language proficiency assessments and examine how various forms of classroom-based assessments inform instruction. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
LED 6580 Culture as the Basis for Language Teaching Cr. 2-4
Culture examined in a multidisciplinary theoretical framework, to provide students with objective relativistic and holistic attitude about human diversity, enabling them to relate to pupils in urban areas. Offered Every Other Year.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
Mathematics Education
MAE 5100 Geometry for Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Development of Euclidean geometry as a mathematical system; related historical topics; introduction to other geometries; selected topics such as transformations and tessellations. No credit toward a major or minor for secondary mathematics teaching. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: MAT 1110 with a minimum grade of C- and MAT 1120 with a minimum grade of C-
Equivalent: MAT 5180
MAE 5110 Number Theory for Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Topics from elementary theory of numbers which underlie middle school mathematics; historical connections; role of abstraction and proof in mathematics. No credit toward a major or minor for secondary mathematics teaching. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: MAT 1800 with a minimum grade of C- or MAT 1120 with a minimum grade of C-
Equivalent: MAT 5190
MAE 5120 Abstract Algebra for Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Topics from elementary abstract algebra underpinning middle school mathematics curriculum; historical connections; role of abstraction and proof in mathematics. No credit towards major in mathematics or secondary mathematics. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: MAT 1120 with a minimum grade of C- and MAT 1800 with a minimum grade of C-
Equivalent: MAT 5120
MAE 5130 Problem Solving for Middle School Teachers (5-9) Cr. 3
Development of mathematical problem solving in middle grades mathematics education; study of non-routine problems; problem solving strategies; historical connections; connections to selected mathematics content and to topics in other disciplines. Offered Every Other Year.
MAE 5140 Proportional and Algebraic Reasoning for Middle Grades Teachers (5-9) Cr. 3
Proportional reasoning involves thinking about relationships and making comparisons of quantities or values. This course explores those relationships and the ability to think about and compare multiplicative relationships between quantities through the lens of algebraic and proportional reasoning. Offered Every Other Year.
MAE 5150 Methods and Materials of Instruction: Secondary School Mathematics Cr. 3
Mathematics in secondary school; major concepts of secondary school mathematics; methods and instructional materials; classroom administration; modern trends. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: MAE 5155
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
MAE 5155 Secondary Mathematics Clinical (7-12) Cr. 2
This course offers school-based mathematics clinical experience in the 7-12 grade band for pre-service teachers. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with clinical instructors and mentor educators. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: MAE 5150
MAE 6050 Teaching Mathematics Methods in the Middle Grades Cr. 3
Creative use of resources and materials for improving the mathematics competencies of middle school and junior high school students; organizing the mathematics classroom for effective instruction; promising trends; related research. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: MAE 6055
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
MAE 6055 Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades Clinical (5-9) Cr. 2
This course offers school-based mathematics clinical experience in the 5-9 grade band for pre-service teachers. Experience includes relevant classroom observations; data collection on student learning, instruction, assessment; lesson plan implementation; and collaboration with clinical instructors and mentor educators. Offered Yearly.
Corequisite: MAE 6050
MAE 6075 Historical and Social Contexts of Teaching Mathematics (5-12) Cr. 3
This course examines current and historical mathematical educational practices that contribute inequitable access and opportunity and ethical and equitable practices in the mathematics classrooms. Offered Yearly.
MAE 6150 Special Topics Cr. 1-6
Current issues and trends; areas of neglected content; curriculum proposals; related research. Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Offered Intermittently.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
MAE 6200 Teaching Arithmetic, Algebra and Functions from an Advanced Perspective Cr. 3
Students gain profound understanding of K-12 mathematics. Concepts underlying K-12 topics and procedures; connections to higher mathematics. Teaching with Simplicity; applying mathematical understanding to teaching practices. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: MAT 5120, MAT 6170, or MAT 6180
Equivalent: MAT 6200
MAE 6210 Teaching Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective Cr. 3
Historical perspectives, common conceptions and misconceptions, applications, technology, and mathematical connections relative to teaching geometry (including trigonometry), probability and statistics, and discrete mathematics in secondary school. Offered Winter.
Equivalent: MAT 6210
MAE 7150 Advanced Studies in Teaching Discrete Mathematics Cr. 3
Nature of discrete mathematics and its applications, incorporating discrete topics in school mathematics. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MAE 7200 Advanced Studies in Teaching Statistics and Probability Cr. 3
Techniques for teaching statistics and probability in grades K-12; promising materials and activities; research on the learning and teaching of statistics and probability; related resources; review of basic concepts. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MAE 7250 Advanced Studies in Teaching Algebra Cr. 3
Fundamental concepts of algebra for a modern secondary school mathematics program; current trends and experimental programs; related research; methods and materials of instruction. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MAE 7300 Advanced Studies in Teaching Geometry Cr. 3
Role of geometry and trigonometry in secondary school mathematics; selection of major concepts; development of postulational thinking; teaching procedures emphasizing modes of thinking in mathematics; modern trends. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Reading, Language and Literature Education
RLL 6121 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas: Grades 6-12 Cr. 3
Teaching reading across all content areas with particular attention to readers with special needs. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
RLL 6700 Multilingual Learners and Literacy Development in PK-12 Classrooms Cr. 3
Examination of theories and instructional strategies involved in supporting language literacy development for multilingual students. Offered Yearly.
RLL 6801 Assessment and Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners: Pre-K-8 Cr. 3
Assessment of literacy competencies of diverse learners; use of assessments to plan and implement differentiated instruction in grades PreK-8. Implementation with students in field component; and evaluation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
RLL 6802 Assessment and Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners: 6-12 Cr. 3
Assessment of literacy competencies of diverse learners; use of assessments to plan and implement differentiated instruction in grades 6-12. Implementation with students in field component; and evaluation. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
RLL 7100 Emergent Literacy Cr. 3
Variety of theories, organization and instructional strategies involved in the beginning stages of literacy; their application to the classroom. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7200 Comprehension Cr. 3
Models of comprehension, factors that affect comprehension, instructional methods, reading/writing connection, evaluation (pre-K to adult). Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: RLL 7100 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7300 Literacy Across the Curriculum Cr. 3
Theoretical bases for teaching literacy across the curriculum; strategies for organization and instruction. Action research as a tool for learning. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: RLL 7100 with a minimum grade of C and RLL 7200 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7350 Literacy Coaching for the Classroom, School, and Community Cr. 3
Prepares educators to become literacy coaches who work with teachers, administrators, and community partners. Offered Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7400 Practicum and Seminar in Evaluation and Instruction Cr. 3
Evaluation and literacy competencies of learners, methods of instruction, use of portfolios and reports to document progress; applied during supervised tutoring. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: RLL 7100 with a minimum grade of C and RLL 7200 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
RLL 7500 Theoretical Foundations for Literacy Cr. 3
Implications of theories from sociology, psychology, linguistics, semiotics and related fields, for the development of literacy. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: RLL 7100 with a minimum grade of C and RLL 7200 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7600 Current Developments in Literacy Education Cr. 1-6
Topics of current interest; review of literature, discussion of educational implications. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
RLL 7720 Survey and Analysis of Current Literature for Children: PS-Grade 3 Cr. 3
Intensive examination of books appropriate for preprimary and primary school children. Analysis of the literary and extra-literary factors that affect the young child's experiences with fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7740 Survey and Analysis of Literature for Older Children: Grades 4-8 Cr. 3
Intensive examination of books appropriate for children in grades four through eight. Analysis of literary and extra-literary factors affecting the older child's experiences with fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: INF 6520
RLL 7750 Reading the Word and World through Children’s Literature Cr. 3
In this course we will critically examine current children’s & adolescent literature through a critical lens by reading and discussing a plethora of literature. The genres, authors, illustrators, formats, and representations of books appropriate for children in grades PK-8; and the engagements that bring children and books together, will be explored through professional readings, discussions, and class experiences. Offered Every Other Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7770 Literacy Assessment Cr. 3
Focuses on diagnosis of children’s literacy skills. Students will examine standardized large-scale assessment results to determine areas in need of further diagnostic assessment. Students will administer, interpret, and score formal and informal literacy assessments, write case reports, and analyze literacy processes to monitor student progress. The course content meets the Michigan State school code PA 118 and has been approved by the Michigan Department of Education. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 7790 Literacy Instructional Design Cr. 3
Focuses on assessment-driven and research-based literacy instructional design. Students will match research supported instructional practices and materials to support student strengths and needs identified through assessment. Students will also implement and assess the effectiveness of the instruction and plan for future instruction. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: RLL 7770 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 8600 Internship in Research and Teaching Cr. 3-6
Experiences in college-level teaching and/or research through internships teaching college courses and/or collaborative research with experienced faculty. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
RLL 8700 Research Applications in Literacy Cr. 3
Research designs, analysis strategies, relevant statistics useful in conducting a wide variety of contemporary literacy-related research. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: EER 7630 with a minimum grade of C and EER 7640 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 8800 Seminar in Theory and Research in Literacy I: Foundational Theory and Research Cr. 3
Foundational theories and research in literacy and related fields such as psychology, sociology, literary criticism, linguistics, and semiotics that have shaped literacy theory, research, and instruction. Includes behavioral, cognitive/metacognitive, critical and constructivist theories and research. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 8810 Seminar in Theory and Research in Literacy II: Diversity, Contexts, and Communities Cr. 3
Examines issues of language, literacy, and culture in reading and literacy learning from preschool through adolescence with particular focus on diverse learners and linguistic diversity. Topics include emergent literacy, adolescence and youth culture, oral and written language, and the role of language in the home and community. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
RLL 8840 Practicum in Supervision and Administration of Programs in Literacy Development Cr. 3
Understanding the supervision and administration of literacy programs through investigation, experience supervising a literacy center in conjunction with faculty, and working with master's-level students who are tutors in that program. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: RLL 7400 with a minimum grade of C or RDG 7400 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Science Education
SCE 5010 Biological Sciences for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Significant biological principles, generalizations and understandings with relation to their use with children. Appropriate learning activities; experiments, field trips, text and reference materials, audio-visual resources, evaluation. Offered Every Term.
Fees: $10
SCE 5020 Physical Sciences for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Significant principles, generalizations and understandings in the physical sciences with relation to their use with children. Appropriate learning activities including experiments, field trips, reference materials, audio-visual resources. Offered Every Term.
Fees: $10
SCE 5030 Earth/Space Science for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Cr. 3
Principles, generalizations and understandings related to teaching earth/space science to children. Learning activities, field trips, technology, and evaluation. Offered Every Term.
Fees: $10
SCE 5060 Methods and Materials of Instruction in Secondary School Science I Cr. 3
Role of science in the secondary curriculum. Problems and techniques of teaching science in the secondary schools; objectives, planning laboratory experiments, demonstrations, directed study, student projects, text and reference material, audio-visual resources, evaluation. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Fees: $10
SCE 5070 Methods and Materials of Instruction in Secondary School Science II Cr. 3
Problems of selecting and organizing teaching-learning materials in secondary school science. Development of illustrative instructional units. Resources for professional growth of science teachers; professional literature and organizations. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
SCE 5100 Integrated Science Content (PK-6) Cr. 3
Addresses core integrated science content topics, concentrating on PK-6 performance expectations across all science disciplines: life/environmental science, physical science, earth/space science, and engineering/technology/design. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: SCE 5105
SCE 5105 Integrated Science Lab (PK-6) Cr. 1
The lab provides the opportunity to authentically engage in science and engineering practices and scientific inquiry. Students will use scientific modeling, and conduct controlled experiments within, and integrated across, the science disciplines of life/environmental science, physical science, earth/space science, and engineering/technology/design. Offered Every Term.
Corequisite: SCE 5100
Fees: $15
SCE 6010 Safety in the Science Classroom Cr. 2
Principles of Laboratory safety in all K-12 science classrooms, including legal responsibilities related to the use, storage and disposal of chemicals and biological specimens as well as legal and ethical use of living organisms in the classroom. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
SCE 6030 Advanced Studies in Teaching Science in the Junior High and Middle School Cr. 3
Innovations and improvements in middle school and junior high school science teaching. Exploration of appropriate areas of study, development and selection of learning activities and materials; laboratory experiences in selected areas. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
SCE 6040 Advanced Studies in Teaching Science in the High School Cr. 3
Emphasis on methods of teaching biology and the physical sciences in the high school. Recent curriculum studies, research, and current problems. Laboratory experiments, equipment, textual and reference material, audio-visual resources, and evaluation procedures. Offered Every Other Year.
Fees: $10
SCE 6080 Teaching Environmental Studies Cr. 3
Ecological concepts and environmental problems, possible solutions, and their implications for curriculum development and classroom teaching in K-12 educational settings. Science as a process is stressed throughout classroom activities, field trips, and assignments. Offered Every Other Year.
Fees: $10
Social Studies Education
SSE 5720 Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers I Cr. 3
Students explore the content knowledge and major concepts of American History, Michigan Studies, and Geography to help prepare PK-6 learners to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society and interdependent world. Offered Every Term.
SSE 6710 Methods and Materials of Instruction in Secondary Social Studies Cr. 3
Foundations of social studies instruction and curriculum; methods of teaching in middle and senior high school, including the use of state standards in the design of instruction, teaching approaches for the various social studies disciplines, their interdisciplinary application, diversity and appreciation of other cultures. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
SSE 6720 Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers II Cr. 3
Students explore the content knowledge and major concepts of Political Science (Civics and Government) and Economics to help prepare PK-6 learners to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society and interdependent world. Offered Fall.
SSE 6730 New Perspectives in Social Studies Education Cr. 3
Development of curricular lesson plans, unit plans, and other teaching strategies utilizing current approaches in social studies education. Offered Winter, Spring/Summer.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education.
Special Education
SED 5000 History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities Cr. 2
Historical developments leading to contemporary special and inclusive education. Philosophy of inclusive education. Ethical standards for special educators. This course is a prerequisite for all of the following courses: SED 5075, SED 5080, SED 5090, SED 5110, SED 5115, SED 5121, SED 5125, SED 5130, SED 6021, SED 6030, SED 6050, SED 6060, SED 6070, SED 7700, SED 7750, TED 6790, and TED 6795. Offered Fall, Winter.
SED 5075 Consultation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching Cr. 2
Knowledge and skills of consultation, collaboration, and co-teaching to support students in a variety of educational settings, particularly inclusive contexts. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5080 Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning Cr. 2
Relationships between environment, student engagement, and learning. Approaches for creating supportive, inclusive learning environments and increasing student engagement in learning. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5090 Transitions for Students with Disabilities Cr. 2
Strategies for supporting students with disabilities and special needs who are in transition between schools and from school to adult life in community settings. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
Fees: $8
SED 5110 Introduction to Teaching Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs Cr. 3
Medical terminology and interventions for students labeled cognitively impaired. Social model framework for understanding and supporting students with moderate to significant support needs (e.g., MARSE, cognitive impairment). Ten-hour clinical experience required. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5115 Observation and Assessment of Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs Cr. 3
Using observation and assessment to monitor learning and plan instruction for learners with moderate to significant support needs (e.g., MARSE label cognitive impairment) in variety of educational contexts. Ten-hour clinical experience required. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5121 Language Development and Instruction for Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs Cr. 2
Language-communication development and instruction for students with moderate to significant educational support needs (e.g., MARSE label cognitive impairment). Emphasis on utilizing augmentative and alternative communication systems. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5125 Teaching Students with Significant/Multiple Support Needs Cr. 3
Curriculum and instructional for students with significant/multiple impairments in a variety of educational contexts (e.g., students with the label SXI). Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 5130 Teaching Students with Moderate Support Needs Cr. 3
Curriculum and instruction for students with moderate support needs (e.g., MARSE label cognitive impairment) in a variety of educational contexts. Offered Winter.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C and SED 5110 with a minimum grade of C
SED 6021 Introduction to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Cr. 3
Historical and current research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with personal, family, and professional perspectives. Focus on supports, services, and quality of life outcomes. Prerequisite for SED 6030. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 6030 Teaching Students with Cognitive, Behavior, and Communication Differences Cr. 3
Teaching students with cognitive and behavioral differences. Emphasis on strategies for supporting inclusive education. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5010 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5075 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5080 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5090 with a minimum grade of C, and SED 6021 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
SED 6040 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education Cr. 3
History, philosophy, legislation, and ""best practice"" of early intervention and educational programs for young children, birth to eight years old, who have developmental delays or disabilities. Offered Fall.
SED 6050 Teaching Students with Communication Differences Cr. 3
Teaching students with communication differences (i.e., students with autism spectrum disorder). Designing relationship based communication support, particularly in inclusive settings. Offered Fall.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
SED 6060 Teaching Students with Movement and Sensory Differences Cr. 2
Movement and sensory differences in students with autism. Strategies for increasing student engagement in learning, social interaction, and inclusive educational contexts. Emphasis on supports for inclusion and supports provided by related service providers. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 6070 Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Autism Cr. 3
This course examines assessment processes for students with autism in general and special education settings. It also examines the role assessment plays in identification, eligibility, IEP development, and student progress. Formal and informal methods for summative and formative assessments are also covered. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C
SED 7700 Trends in Inclusion for Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs Cr. 3
Advanced seminar in Special Education. Perspectives and applications of Disability Studies in Education for teaching students who have moderate/significant support needs. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5010 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5075 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5080 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5090 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5110 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5125 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5130 with a minimum grade of C, and TED 7060 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
SED 7750 Trends in Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Cr. 3
Advanced seminar in Special Education. Examines perspectives and applications of Disability Studies in Education for teaching students who have autism spectrum disorders. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: SED 5000 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5010 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5075 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5080 with a minimum grade of C, SED 5090 with a minimum grade of C, SED 6021 with a minimum grade of C, SED 6030 with a minimum grade of C, SED 6050 with a minimum grade of C, SED 6060 with a minimum grade of C, and TED 7060 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
SED 7800 Practicum in Educating Students with Disabilities Cr. 1-24
Teaching students with disabilities with emphasis on inclusive teaching. Focus on area of certification/endorsement. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 24 Credits
SED 7801 Special Education Student Teaching: First Endorsement Cr. 3
Teaching students with disabilities with emphasis on inclusive teaching; focus on area of certification/endorsement. Intended for students earning their first special education endorsement at the master’s level. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
SED 8700 Advanced Seminar in Special Education Cr. 3
Students collaborate with faculty to explore key issues of policy and practice related to education of students with disabilities and special needs. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education or Education Specialist Cert degrees.