Academic Catalog

Robotics (M.S. with a major in Intelligent Control)

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet requirements for admission to the Graduate School. Students must have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in engineering from an accredited college or university. Students from all science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines will be considered for admission.

All applicants must be admitted to the Graduate School, the College of Engineering, and a department within the college, meeting all applicable admission requirements, including a minimum grade point average of 2.75 for regular admission and 2.5 to 2.74 for qualified admission. Professional experience will be considered in admission.

Program Requirements

The program requires students to complete a minimum of thirty credits using master’s degree Plan A (24 course credits plus a 6 credit master's thesis) or Plan C (30 credits of coursework). Plan A is intended for students planning to go on to pursue a Doctoral degree.  All courses must be graduate-level courses offered within the College of Engineering.  The program requires applicants to declare one of three majors:

  • Industrial Automation, hosted by the Engineering Technology (ET)
  • Intelligent Control, hosted by the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
  • Smart Mobility, hosted by the Computer Science (CSC)

The M.S. in Robotics requires competency in three foundational areas for all three majors. A student must take one of the two courses in each of the 3 foundational areas. In addition to fulfilling the general scholarship requirements of the Division, all course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering

Industrial Automation

Foundational Areas (Please select one course from each area)10
Robot Software & Programming
Software Engineering
Python: Industrial Applications
Robot Architectures
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems
Fundamentals of Mechatronics and Industrial Applications
Robot Sensing, Perception, Planning, Dynamics & Control
Robotic Systems I
Industrial Robots Modeling and Simulation
Departmental Requirement4
Methods of Engineering Analysis
Computer Networking Applications
Embedded Systems Networking
Advanced Programmable Controllers and Industrial Applications
Industrial Robots Programming
Engineering Project Management
Advanced Battery Systems for Electric-drive Vehicles
Industrial Robots Dynamics and Control
Hybrid Vehicle Technology
Energy Sources and Conversion
Machine Tool Laboratory
Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing
Master's Project
Total Credits30

Intelligent Control

Foundational Areas (Please select one course from each area)10
Robot Software & Programming
Software Engineering
Python: Industrial Applications
Robot Architectures
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems
Fundamentals of Mechatronics and Industrial Applications
Robot Sensing, Perception, Planning, Dynamics & Control
Robotic Systems I
Industrial Robots Modeling and Simulation
Departmental Requirements8
Control Systems II
Robotics Systems II
Modeling and Control of Power Electronics and Electric Vehicle Powertrains
Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Computer-Controlled Systems
Embedded System Design
Sensors and Sensor Instrumentation
Introduction to Digital Image Processing
Digital Signal Processing
Introduction to VLSI Systems
Smart Sensor Technology I: Design
Nonlinear Control Systems
Discrete Event Systems with Machine Learning
Optimal Control with Machine Learning and Applications
Advanced Digital VLSI Design
Fuzzy Systems and Machine Learning
Master's Thesis Research and Direction
Total Credits30

Smart Mobility

Foundational Areas (Please select one course from each area)10
Robot Software & Programming
Software Engineering
Python: Industrial Applications
Robot Architectures
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems
Fundamentals of Mechatronics and Industrial Applications
Robot Sensing, Perception, Planning, Dynamics & Control
Robotic Systems I
Industrial Robots Modeling and Simulation
Department Requirement3
Introduction to Mobility
Network, Distributed, and Concurrent Programming
Computer Systems Security
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Computer Graphics I
Real-Time and Embedded Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence I
Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Computer Graphics II
Advanced Topics in Computer Science *
Graduate Seminar
Master's Thesis Research and Direction
Total Credits30

CSC 7991 should be taken with the topic area, Embedded Wireless Networking for Cyber-Physical Systems. Students should consult an advisor before choosing this course as an elective.

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