Academic Catalog

Industrial Engineering (M.S.)

The M.S. program in industrial engineering is built on a core designed to provide breadth of experience in systems modeling, analysis, and applications common in industrial engineering and operations analysis.

Program Objectives

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Integrate, model, continuously improve, control, and if necessary redesign, enterprise activities
  2. Perform data analysis and optimization for enterprise decision making
  3. Develop business cases for justifying process, organizational and technological projects
  4. Support enterprise performance, quality, efficiency and productivity enhancement activities
  5. Facilitate systems engineering and project management
  6. Communicate effectively (written, verbal and presentation) across all levels in the enterprise
  7. Develop an ability to grow through life long acquisition of knowledge

Students must achieve at least a 'B' (3.0) grade point average and achieve 'B' or greater in ISE M.S. core courses. A limited number of grades below 'B' and 'B-', though unsatisfactory for graduate level work, may be applied toward a graduate degree provided they are offset by a sufficient number of higher grades to maintain a grade point average of 3.0. Unsatisfactory grades can constitute reason for dismissal from the MSIE program at the department or program's discretion.

Admission Requirements

Admission to ISE M.S. programs is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School. The M.S. in Industrial Engineering program requires a baccalaureate degree in engineering and an approximate 2.8 GPA or equivalent in upper division undergraduate courses. Conditions to admission or prerequisites may be assigned in the admissions process. The GRE is NOT required, however, high GRE scores will be considered in application evaluation. Students with degrees in related disciplines with a strong analytical base are also considered. Applicants whose undergraduate education is deficient in prerequisites for graduate classes may be required to take background courses that will NOT count toward the 30-credit degree requirement.

Applicants can provide supplemental materials such as resume, personal statement, GRE scores, and letters of recommendation to support their application.

Prospective students should contact M.S. Industrial Engineering Program Chair Dr. Jeremy Rickli for program information or the College of Engineering Graduate Program Coordinators at for admissions and application concerns.

The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering is offered under the following options: Plan A (thesis option) and Plan C (coursework option). Students must achieve a minimum of a B grade in each core course.

Plan A - Thesis

Minimum thirty credits including six to eight thesis credits. If a thesis option (Plan A) is selected, six to eight credits of Master’s Thesis Research and Direction (IE 8999) is required. Student pursuing Plan A must take nine credits of IE core courses and design an individual program of study that must be approved by both the thesis research advisor and the appropriate MS program chair or graduate advisor. To register for ISE thesis credits, students must submit the thesis credit registration approval form to their appropriate MS program chair or graduate advisor. Up to two courses (six to eight credits) may be earned in courses outside the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, but require approval by the appropriate MS program chair or graduate advisor. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering.

Note: M.S. student pursuing IE 6991 Industrial Internship for curriculum practical training (CPT) may use a maximum of 6 IE 6991 credits towards the M.S in Industrial Engineering degree requirements. Except in specific cases, IE 6991 must be taken in 2 credit blocks.

Course Requirements

IE core course requirement (9 credits)
Applied Engineering Statistics
Deterministic Optimization
Production and Service Systems
Thesis credit requirement (6-8 credits)
Master's Thesis Research and Direction
Electives: 13-15 credits

Plan C - Coursework

Minimum thirty credits of course work. Plan C requires nine credits of IE core for the general option and nine credits of IE core if a concentration is pursued. While ISE core courses provide fundamental IE knowledge, depth within a specific IE field can be acquired by completing an MS IE concentration in Lean Systems, Analytics, or Systems Engineering. Students interested in an area not among the concentrations listed should elect the general option. Up to two courses (six to eight credits) may be earned in courses outside the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, but require approval by the appropriate MS program chair or graduate advisor. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering.

Note: M.S. student pursuing IE 6991 Industrial Internship for curriculum practical training (CPT) may use a maximum of 6 IE 6991 credits towards the M.S in Manufacturing Engineering degree requirements. Except in specific cases, IE 6991 must be taken in 2 credit blocks.

General Option

IE core course requirement (9 credits)
Applied Engineering Statistics
Deterministic Optimization
Production and Service Systems
Electives: 21 credits

Lean Systems

IE core course requirement (9 credits)
Applied Engineering Statistics
Deterministic Optimization
Production and Service Systems
Concentration course requirement (9 credits)
Lean Operations and Manufacturing (REQUIRED)
Value Engineering
Quality Engineering
Supply Chain Management
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Computer Simulation Methods
Facilities Design and Materials Flow
Fundamentals of Six Sigma
Electives: 12 credits


IE core course requirement (9 credits)
Applied Engineering Statistics
Production and Service Systems
One course from the two operations research courses listed below
Deterministic Optimization
Operations Research
Concentration course requirement (9 credits)
Data Science and Analytics (REQUIRED)
Computer Simulation Methods
Data Mining: Algorithms and Applications
Intelligent Analytics
Intelligent Systems: Algorithms and Tools
Econometrics I
Database Management Systems I
Electives: 12 credits

Systems Engineering

IE core course requirement (9 credits)
Applied Engineering Statistics
Deterministic Optimization
Production and Service Systems
Concentration course requirement (9 credits)
Introduction to Systems Engineering in Design (REQUIRED)
Creative Problem Solving in Design and Manufacturing
Value Engineering
Quality Management Systems
Engineering Experimental Design
Integrated Product Development
Engineering Risk and Decision Analysis
Project Management
Systems Engineering Thinking and Concepting
Adaptive Acquisition
Electives: 12 credits
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