Academic Catalog

Mobility (Graduate Certificate)

People require mobility, because it empowers them to conquer the distance that separates their homes from the locations where they study, work, shop, seek medical treatment, do business, or visit friends. In the meanwhile, Wayne State University is demonstrating a commitment to improve quality of life for individuals and communities through excellence in mobility-related research, teaching, and service.  This certificate program is the first of its kind in Michigan, focusing on mechanisms known as mobility, which is the ability to meet the needs of society to move freely, gain access, communicate, commute, and establish connectivity with the advanced mobility technologies today or in the future.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School. A student needs to hold a bachelor’s degree in a discipline of engineering from an accredited institution. The program is also open to students who are currently enrolled in a graduate degree program in the College of Engineering at Wayne State University.

Program Requirements

Students must complete CSC 5280/ECE 5280: Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) or CSC 5100: Introduction to Mobility as well as two-intermediate-level courses and one advanced course in one of the Mobility tracks: Sensing, Computer and Networking, Control and Robotics, Smart Transportation, Smart Grid, Connected Autonomous Vehicles, or Smart Health.

A maximum of nine credits taken in the Mobility Graduate Certificate Program may be applied toward a graduate degree subject to approval of the relevant academic unit and Graduate Office.  All requirements must be completed within three years with a minimum 3.0 GPA required in the certificate coursework. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering

Sensing Track

Introductory course (select one)3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):6
Introduction to Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS)
Smart Sensor Technology I: Design
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Computer Graphics I
Computer Graphics II
Topics in Computer Science
Advanced level course (select one):3
Smart Sensor Technology II: Characterization and Fabrication
Machine Learning
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Total Credits12

Connected Autonomous Vehicles Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):6-7
Intelligent Systems: Algorithms and Tools
Real-Time and Embedded Operating Systems
Data Communication and Computer Networks
Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Computer-Controlled Systems
Advanced level course (select one):3
Advanced Topics in Computer Science (Connected Autonomous Vehicles)
Seminar in Networking, Distributed Systems and Parallel Systems
Total Credits12-13

Computing and Networking Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):6
Embedded System Design
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Real-Time and Embedded Operating Systems
Computer Networking and Network Programming
Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering I
Computer Networking Applications
Data Communication and Computer Networks
Topics in Computer Science
Computer Systems Security
Computational Modeling of Complex Systems
Advanced level course (select one):3
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Seminar in Networking, Distributed Systems and Parallel Systems
Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering II
Machine Learning
Advanced Computer Security
Total Credits12

Control and Robotics Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):8
Robotic Systems I
Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Computer-Controlled Systems
Control Systems II
Advanced level course (select one):4
Nonlinear Control Systems
Discrete Event Systems with Machine Learning
Optimal Control with Machine Learning and Applications
Total Credits15

Smart Transportation Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):6-7
Special Topics in Civil Engineering I
Special Topics in Civil Engineering II
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Advanced level course (select one):3-4
Optimal Control with Machine Learning and Applications
Machine Learning
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Total Credits12-14

Smart Grid Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):7-8
Electric Energy Systems Engineering
Modeling and Control of Power Electronics and Electric Vehicle Powertrains
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Advanced level course (select one):3-4
Optimal Control with Machine Learning and Applications
Machine Learning
Operation and Control of Modern Power Systems
Total Credits13-15

Smart Health Track

Introductory course (select one):3
Introduction to Mobility
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Or)
Intermediate level courses (select two):7-8
Introduction to Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS)
Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications
Smart Sensor Technology I: Design
Smart Sensor Technology II: Characterization and Fabrication
Advanced level course:3
Machine Learning
Total Credits13-14
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