Office: 1321 Old Main; 313-577-1795; e-mail:
Interim Chairperson: Russell Miller
Graduate Officer: Joshua S. Duchan
Mission Statement
The Department of Music cultivates music as a contemporary and global art, grounded in a long historical tradition, by combining higher education with professional training and experience for its undergraduate and graduate/professional students.
The Department offers serious students of music opportunities to learn, grow, and develop their skills and disciplines in an urban cultural setting. With close proximity to Detroit's cultural center, students have access to the resources of such premiere institutions as the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Detroit Public Library, the Detroit Opera House, and Orchestra Hall. The long historical relationship between the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Department allows students to study and coach with exceptional guest artists and resident artist-faculty who are specialists in all musical styles and media.
Building on the strengths of its geographic and cultural setting, the Department maintains public access to its performances and degree programs, offers high-level professional and academic standards, as well as unique creative and scholarly opportunities appropriate to a large research university. The Department also cultivates a deep aesthetic understanding of music in our students and the larger urban arts community.
ANDERSON, JONATHAN: DM.A., University of North Texas; Mmus, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; B.A., Luther College; Associate Professor
BIANCHI, DOUGLAS: M.Mus., Oakland University; B.Mus., Wayne State University; Associate Professor
BLASZKIEWICZ, JACEK: Ph.D., Eastman School of Music; Assistant Professor
BRAUNSCHWEIG, KARL: Ph.D., M.Mus., University of Michigan; B.A., St. Olaf College; Associate Professor
BROCKINGTON, FRANCES: M.Mus., Western Michigan University; B.S., Eastern Michigan University; Associate Professor
BUTLER, ABIGAIL: Ph.D., University of Arizona; M.Mus., Midwestern State University; B.Mus., Keene State College; Associate Professor Emerita
CHANDLER, VINCENT: M.Mus., B.F.A., University of Michigan; Assistant Professor
COLLINS, CHRISTOPHER: M.Mus., Northern Illinois University; B.Mus., Wayne State University; Professor, Director of Jazz Studies and Valade Endowed Chair in Jazz
CONWAY, ROBERT: DM.A., M.Mus., University of Michigan; B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music; Associate Professor Emeritus
DUCHAN, JOSHUA S.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Associate Professor
DUNCAN, NORAH: D.M.A., University of Michigan; M.Mus., Wayne State University; B.A., University of Detroit; Professor
FUSIK, JAMES: D.M.A., M.Mus., Bowling Green State University; B.Mus., Central Michigan University; Assistant Professor of Teaching
HARTWAY, JAMES J.: Ph.D., Michigan State University; MMus, B.A., Wayne State University; Distinguished Professor Emeritus
HIBBARD, SHANNAN: Ph.D., M.Mus., B.Mus., University of Michigan; Assistant Professor
LASCH, JONATHAN: D.M.A., University of Michigan; M.Mus., B.Mus., University of Hartford; Assistant Professor
MARKOU, KYPROS: M.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music; Perf. Dipl., Royal College of Music; Professor
MCGONIGAL, EILEEN: Ph.D., B.Mus., Florida State University; M.Mus., Arizona State University; Assistant Professor
MILLER, RUSSELL W.: M.Mus, B.Mus, Wayne State University; Associate Professor Emeritus
PARK, JOO WON: Ph.D., M.Mus., University of Florida; B.Mus., Berklee College of Music; Assistant Professor
PETERS, JEREMY: M.B.A., University of Cambridge; B.A. University of Michigan; Assistant Professor
ROELOFS, LAURA L.: D.M.A., M.Mus., Catholic University of America; B.Mus., Boston University; Associate Professor Emerita
SHELLABARGER, MICHAEL: M.Mus., Northwestern University; B.Mus., Central Michigan University; Assistant Professor of Teaching
SPOSATO, JEFFREY: Ph.D., Brandeis University; M.Mus., B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music; B.A., Tufts University; Professor
TINI, DENNIS: M.A., B.A., Wayne State University; Distinguished Professor Emeritus
TUOHEY, TERESE: Ph.D., Kent State University; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music; B.Mus., Marywood College; Associate Professor Emerita
VANDER WEG, JOHN D.: Ph.D., M.Mus, B.Mus, University of Michigan; Professor Emeritus
WADDLES, BRANDON: Ph.D., Florida State University, M.Mus., Westminster Choir College of Rider University, B.A., Morehouse College; Assistant Professor of Teaching
WISCHUSEN, MARY A.: Ph.D., M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., Chestnut Hill College; Associate Professor Emerita
Music Private Instruction
Private Instruction (MUP courses) in conducting, instruments, or voice are required of all students in the M.Mus. concentrations in conducting, performance, or jazz performance and students in the Graduate Certificate program in Orchestral Studies. In addition, students in the M.A. program or the M.Mus. concentrations in Composition/Theory or Music Education may elect private instruction in a principal instrument or voice to fulfill music elective requirements. All students enrolled in private instruction are required to perform a jury.
MUP Sequence Tables: The courses listed in the tables below as MUP 6XXX: Principal and Secondary Private Instruction Courses, are available for one credit each. Courses listed as MUP 7XXX: Major Private Instruction Courses are available for three credits each.
Limitation: graduate standing in music; departmental permission required.
Corequisite: All graduate students enrolled in MUP Private Instruction must register for a minimum of four graduate credits, including the MUP credit.
Material Fees: MUP courses have material fees as listed in the schedule of classes.
MUP 6201 Organ: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6202 Organ: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6203 Organ: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6211 Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6212 Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6213 Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6221 Voice: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6222 Voice: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6223 Voice: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6231 Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6232 Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6233 Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6241 Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Fees: $500
MUP 6242 Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6243 Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6251 Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6252 Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6253 Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6261 Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6262 Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6263 Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6271 Harp: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6272 Harp: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6273 Harp: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6281 Classic Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6282 Classic Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6283 Classic Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6291 Conducting: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6292 Conducting: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6293 Conducting: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6321 Jazz Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6322 Jazz Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6323 Jazz Piano: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6331 Jazz Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6332 Jazz Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6333 Jazz Strings: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6341 Jazz Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.
Fees: $200
MUP 6342 Jazz Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Yearly.
Fees: $200
MUP 6343 Jazz Woodwinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6351 Jazz Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6352 Jazz Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6353 Jazz Brasswinds: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6361 Jazz Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6362 Jazz Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6363 Jazz Percussion: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 6371 Jazz Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6372 Jazz Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
MUP 6373 Jazz Guitar: Principal and Secondary Instruction Cr. 1
Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $500
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUP 7201 Organ: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7202 Organ: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7203 Organ: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7204 Organ: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7211 Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7212 Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7213 Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7214 Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7221 Voice: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7222 Voice: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7223 Voice: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7224 Voice: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7231 Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7232 Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7233 Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7234 Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7241 Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7242 Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7243 Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7244 Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7251 Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7252 Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7253 Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7254 Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7261 Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7262 Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7263 Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7264 Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7271 Harp: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7272 Harp: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7273 Harp: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7274 Harp: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7281 Classic Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7282 Classic Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7283 Classic Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7284 Classic Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7291 Conducting: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7292 Conducting: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7293 Conducting: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7294 Conducting: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7321 Jazz Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7322 Jazz Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7323 Jazz Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7324 Jazz Piano: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7331 Jazz Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7332 Jazz Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7333 Jazz Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7334 Jazz Strings: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7341 Jazz Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7342 Jazz Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7343 Jazz Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7344 Jazz Woodwinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7351 Jazz Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7352 Jazz Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7353 Jazz Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7354 Jazz Brasswinds: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7361 Jazz Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7362 Jazz Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7363 Jazz Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7364 Jazz Percussion: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7371 Jazz Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7372 Jazz Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7373 Jazz Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 7374 Jazz Guitar: Major Instruction Cr. 3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $600
MUP 8290 Recital Cr. 1
Degree recital. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Principal and Secondary Private Instruction Courses
instrument | |
Organ | MUP 6201,6202,6203 |
Piano | MUP 6211,6212,6213 |
Voice | MUP 6221,6222,62223 |
Strings | MUP 6231,6232,6233 |
Woodwinds | MUP 6241,6242,6243 |
Brasswinds | MUP 6251,6252,6253 |
Percussion | MUP 6261,6262,6263 |
Harp | MUP 6271,6272,6273 |
Classic Guitar | MUP 6281,6282,6283 |
Conducting | MUP 6291,6292,6293 |
Jazz Piano | MUP 6321,6322,6323 |
Jazz Strings | MUP 6331,6332,6333 |
Jazz Woodwinds | MUP 6341,6342,6343 |
Jazz Brasswinds | MUP 6351,6352,6353 |
Jazz Percussion | MUP 6361,6362,6363 |
Jazz Guitar | MUP 6371,6372,6373 |
Major Private Instruction Courses
instrument | |
Organ | MUP 7201,7202,7203,7204 |
Piano | MUP 7211,7212,7213,7214 |
Voice | MUP 7221,7222,7223,7224 |
Strings | MUP 7231,7232,7233,7234 |
Woodwinds | MUP 7241,7242,7243,7244 |
Brasswinds | MUP 7251,7252,7253,7254 |
Percussion | MUP 7261,7262,7263,7264 |
Harp | MUP 7271,7272,7273,7274 |
Classic Guitar | MUP 7281,7282,7283,7284 |
Conducting | MUP 7291,7292,7293,7294 |
Jazz Piano | MUP 7321,7322,7323,7324 |
Jazz Strings | MUP 7331,7332,7333,7334 |
Jazz Woodwinds | MUP 7341,7342,7343,7344 |
Jazz Brasswinds | MUP 7351,7352,7353,7354 |
Jazz Percussion | MUP 7361.7362.7363.7364 |
Jazz Guitar | MUP 7371,7372,7373,7374 |
Music Theory
MUT 5085 History of Theory Cr. 3
Theoretical writings from Plato to Rameau to Schenker, in historical contexts. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
MUT 5110 Jazz Arranging and Composition I Cr. 3
Creative writing for small jazz and pop ensembles. Arranging for three to five pieces including ""head"" arrangements, block chord technique and contrapuntal writing. No credit for M.Mus. in jazz performance degree. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUT 2160 with a minimum grade of C and MUT 2170 with a minimum grade of C
MUT 5120 Jazz Arranging and Composition II Cr. 3
Creative writing for larger jazz and pop ensembles; jazz arranging for six to eighteen pieces combining various textures and timbres. No credit for M.Mus. in jazz performance degree. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUT 5110 with a minimum grade of C
MUT 5130 Jazz Arranging and Orchestration Cr. 3
Arranging pieces with concentration on orchestrating for large jazz ensembles. No credit for M.Mus. in jazz performance degree. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUT 5120 with a minimum grade of C
MUT 5200 Special Topics in Theory Cr. 3
In-depth study of such topics as set or serial theories, aesthetics and philosophies of musics, and recent theoretical developments. Student may repeat course when topic changes. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: MUT 5997 with a minimum grade of C
Equivalent: MUT 7200
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUT 5220 Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis Cr. 3
Aesthetic premises and basic analytic procedures of tonal music, viewed from a Schenkerian perspective. Applications of graphic technique to short phrases and to larger forms (e.g., sonata) from a wide repertory (1700-1900). Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUT 5997 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
MUT 5240 Analysis of Twentieth-Century Music Cr. 3
Aesthetic and technical procedures of twentieth-century music. Applications of pitch-class set and interval analysis to short phrases and to large-scale organizational strategies of entire pieces. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUT 5997 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
MUT 5280 Interactive Electronic Music Composition Cr. 3
Explores basic interactive electronic music composition using computer music software for sound. Offered Yearly.
MUT 5997 Analytical Techniques Cr. 3
Capstone course for Music Department. Structural analysis of tonal music in historical perspective. Credit not applicable to graduate degrees in music. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUT 2160 with a minimum grade of C and MUT 2170 with a minimum grade of C and MUH 3330 with a minimum grade of C
MUT 7020 Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis Cr. 3
Aesthetic premises and basic analytic procedures of tonal music, viewed from a Schenkerian perspective. Applications of graphic technique to short phrases and to larger forms (e.g., sonata) from a wide repertory (1700-1900). Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUT 7040 Seminar in Twentieth Century Music Cr. 3
Analysis of twentieth-century music using current applications of post-tonal theories. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUT 7050 Seminar in Music Theory Pedagogy Cr. 3
Study of materials, teaching techniques, philosophy and organization of music theory classes. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUT 7070 Advanced Jazz Theory and Analysis Cr. 3
Analysis and application of advanced harmonic, rhythmic and melodic concepts used in jazz improvisation and composition. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUT 7085 History of Theory Cr. 3
Theoretical writings from Plato to Rameau to Schenker, in historical contexts. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUT 7100 Graduate Composition Cr. 3
Advanced creative work in all of the idioms of twenty-first century musical composition. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music. Enrollment is limited to students with a concentration in Composition/Theory; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
MUT 7200 Special Topics in Theory Cr. 3
In-depth study of such topics as set or serial theories, aesthetics and philosophies of musics, and recent theoretical developments. Student may repeat course when topic changes. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music or Music Honors; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: MUT 5200
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUT 7992 Directed Study in Theory Cr. 1-3
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUT 8999 Master's Thesis Direction Cr. 1-8
Preparation of M.M. thesis project in composition/theory. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment limited to students in the Master of Music program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
Music History
MUH 5300 Music Research Cr. 3
Music bibliography and research techniques. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music or Music Honors.
MUH 5315 Special Topics in Music History Cr. 3
In-depth study of such topics as the historical development of opera and oratorio, symphonic or chamber music styles, or specialized study of individual composers. Course may be repeated when topics change. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUH 5340 Survey of World Music Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Global Learning Inquiry
Musical expressions of five or six non-European cultures en route to a better understanding of the peoples themselves. Attention given to biases, culturally-determined learning patterns, and aesthetics. No credit for graduate degrees in music. Offered Fall, Winter.
MUH 5350 Performance Literature and Pedagogy Cr. 3
Survey of solo and chamber repertoire from the Renaissance to the present, for students' major performance areas. No credit for graduate degrees in music. Offered Yearly.
MUH 5360 Jazz History Cr. 3
Survey of major developments in jazz from its beginnings to the present. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 5370 Diction and Song Literature I Cr. 3
Singers' diction in Italian, Latin, French and Spanish; methodologies, solo and chamber repertoire in these languages. No credit for M.Mus. degree in vocal performance. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music, Music Honors, Theatre or Theatre Honors.
MUH 5380 Diction and Song Literature II Cr. 3
Singers' diction in German, Hebrew, Russian and English; methodologies, solo and chamber repertoire in these languages. No credit for M.Mus. degree in vocal performance. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5370 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music, Music Honors, Theatre or Theatre Honors.
MUH 5993 Writing Intensive Course in Music Cr. 0
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency
Disciplinary writing assignments under the direction of a faculty member. Satisfies the University General Education Writing Intensive Course in the Major requirement. Required for majors. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisites: AFS 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3010 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3020 with a minimum grade of C, or ENG 3050 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
MUH 6315 Seminar in Music History Cr. 3
Interdisciplinary seminar, open to non-music majors, examining diverse themes and critical methods in music history and literature. Research projects. Specific focus changes regularly, see Department of Music. No credit for graduate degrees in music. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 15 Credits
MUH 7315 Seminar in Music History Cr. 3
Interdisciplinary seminar for graduate-level music majors examining diverse themes and critical methods in music history and literature. Research projects. Specific focus changes regularly, see Department of Music. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 15 Credits
MUH 7320 Studies in Renaissance Music Cr. 3
Fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, from Burgundian School through Palestrina. Special reports; research projects. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7330 Studies in Baroque Music Cr. 3
From Monteverdi to 1750. Special reports; research projects. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7340 Studies in Classical Music Cr. 3
From 1750 to 1825. Special reports; research projects. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7350 Studies in Romantic Music Cr. 3
Nineteenth century. Special reports and research projects. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7360 Studies in Twentieth Century Music Cr. 3
Special reports and research projects. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7370 Studies in Advanced Literature for Conductors Cr. 3
Literature for various instrumental and choral ensembles from the Renaissance to the present; emphasis on stylistic characteristics, rehearsal techniques, and authenticity of performance. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Music program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7380 Studies in American Music Cr. 3
An extensive study of American music in its many forms. Social, cultural, and philosophical issues are considered alongside the music and its relationship to other arts. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7390 Studies in Jazz History Cr. 3
Continuation of MUH 5360. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: MUH 5360 with a minimum grade of C and MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUH 7991 Directed Study in Music History Cr. 1-3
Research investigations in historical musicology. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUH 8999 Master's Thesis Direction Cr. 1-8
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
Music Ensemble and General Studies
MUA 5690 Stage Band Direction Cr. 1
Techniques of big-band direction in a jazz medium. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 3670 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 5800 Strategy and Organization in Music Cr. 3
Strategic management, organizational behavior, and organizational structures in the for and non-profit music industry with a term-long consulting project for an external client. Offered Every Other Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 3500 with a minimum grade of C
Fees: $50
MUA 5900 Music Industry Seminar Cr. 1
Real-world experience running and operating a record label by sourcing recorded music products to release. Practice in legal, business, and industry norms. Significant out-of-classroom work is expected. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 3500 with a minimum grade of C and MUA 4000 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatable for 4 Credits
MUA 5950 Special Topics in Music Industry & Technology Cr. 3
Interdisciplinary seminar exploring a broad range of topics within music technology and/or the music industry. Topical focus varies. Student may repeat course when topic changes. Offered for undergraduate and graduate credit. Offered every other winter term. Offered Every Other Winter.
Repeatable for 12 Credits
MUA 6500 Music IP and Stakeholders Cr. 3
Exploration of intellectual property and music law, including copyright, contracts, music licensing, and negotiation. In-depth examination of relationships between stakeholder entities. Offered Fall.
MUA 6510 Mixing and Mastering Cr. 3
Students will learn project management skills through proper session documentation and billing. Topics include surround sound mixing, live sound, and large ensemble production techniques. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 6530 Advanced Music Synthesis Cr. 3
Covers the basics of audio programming using text-based audio applications. Students will learn to create their own plugins and software synthesizers. Offered Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 6540 Advanced Studio Techniques Cr. 2
Examines project management skills through proper session documentation and billing. Topics include surround sound mixing, live sound, and large ensemble production techniques. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 6550 Marketing and Artist Management in Music Cr. 3
Artist management theory and practice. The application of product, sales, and brand marketing to the artists, stakeholders and products created in the for and non-profit music industry. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 6500 with a minimum grade of C
MUA 6570 Music Entrepreneurship and Leadership Cr. 3
Exploration of entrepreneurship, the practice of entrepreneurial skills, arts leadership elements and skills, and basic organizational design in the context of the music industry. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 6500 with a minimum grade of C
MUA 6800 Music Internship Cr. 1-3
The music internship is designed to provide educational experiences to music students beyond those offered in the classroom. During the internship, students develop professional skills and knowledge in music business, technology, or other areas of musical practice. Students are placed in a studio, business, or other institution in the metro-Detroit area and supervised by local personnel, who provide regular reports on the student’s performance to the faculty of record. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7010 Audio Electronics Cr. 3
Examines practical electronics for music production and electronic music composition. Topics include basic electronics, building and repairing audio equipment, and building analog and digital signal processors and synthesizers. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B or MUA 6530 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7020 Theories of Electronic Music Cr. 3
Covers advanced digital theories of electronic music synthesis and production. Topics include digital signal processing, advanced audio programming, interactive audio, and audio synthesis. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B or MUA 6530 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7030 Sound Design for Visual Media Cr. 3
Covers sound design and audio treatment for visual media. Topics include research and creation of sound for film, web, sound libraries, instructional technology, sound installations, and non-linear sound design (video games). Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B or MUA 6530 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7040 Electroacoustic Music Cr. 3
Introduces techniques, aesthetics, and composition of electroacoustic music. Topics include analytical techniques for electronic music, creative usage of audio hardware and software, and advanced electroacoustic music performance. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B or MUA 6530 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7080 Strategy and Organization in Music Cr. 3
Strategic management, organizational behavior, and organizational structures in the for and non-profit music industry with a term-long consulting project for an external client. Offered Fall.
Prerequisite: MUA 6500 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7730 Advanced Diction Cr. 3
In-depth study of diction for singers. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: MUH 5370 with a minimum grade of C and MUH 5380 with a minimum grade of C
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MUA 7800 University Bands Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7802 Chamber Winds Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $25
MUA 7810 University Symphony Orchestra Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7820 Jazz Big Band Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7822 Jazz Guitar Ensemble Cr. 1
Large ensemble for jazz guitar majors/principals. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUA 7824 Jazztet Cr. 1
Select ensemble for jazz majors. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $25
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUA 7826 Jazz Combos Cr. 1
Small ensemble for jazz majors. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $25
Repeatable for 2 Credits
MUA 7840 Choral Union Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7850 Concert Chorale Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7860 Opera Workshop Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $30
Repeatable for 4 Credits
MUA 7870 Women's Chorale Cr. 1
Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $25
Repeatable for 4 Credits
MUA 7880 Chamber Music and Special Ensembles Cr. 1
All forms including piano and string trios and quartets, and small wind groups. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Fees: $25
Repeatable for 3 Credits
MUA 7891 Electronic Music Ensemble Cr. 1
Learn to play electronic instruments in an ensemble. Current and vintage electronic instruments as well as approved traditional instruments are being used to perform contemporary electronic music repertoire. Offered Fall, Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 6510 with a minimum grade of B or MUA 6530 with a minimum grade of B
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 7999 Master's Essay Direction Cr. 2
The master’s essay is an individualized course through which graduate students explore a topic in music business or music technology more deeply than through the regular curriculum and, through scholarly research and/or creative activity, produce an original essay that assesses or contributes to the field. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MUA 8999 Master's Thesis Direction Cr. 1-8
The master’s thesis is an individualized course through which graduate students explore a topic in music business or music technology more deeply than through the regular curriculum and, through scholarly research and/or creative activity, produce an original work that contributes to the field. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisite: MUH 5300 with a minimum grade of B-
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
Music Education
MED 5550 Choral Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques Cr. 3
Conducting and rehearsal methods and materials for secondary schools. No credit for M.Mus. in conducting or music education. Offered Winter.
Prerequisite: MUA 3670 with a minimum grade of C
MED 5590 Applications of Technology in Music Teaching Cr. 2
Presentation of techniques and strategies for utilizing various hardware and software applications in classroom music instruction. Emphasis on evolving technologies, including collaborative media, smart technology, and interactive smartboard class materials. Offered Fall.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Music.
Fees: $75
MED 7990 Directed Study in Music Education Cr. 1-3
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Repeatable for 6 Credits
MED 7999 Master's Essay Direction Cr. 3
Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Candidate Masters; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
MED 8999 Master's Thesis Direction Cr. 1-8
Preparation of M.M. thesis project in music education. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students in the Master of Music program; enrollment is limited to Graduate level students; enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.
Repeatable for 8 Credits