Student Academic Success Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
552 Student Center Building; 313-577-3398
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free and confidential mental health assessment, counseling, case management, and referrals to currently-registered Wayne State students, along with consultation and outreach to the Wayne State University community. CAPS promotes a culture of understanding and growth through professional collaboration among our dynamic staff of licensed professional counselors, psychologists, and social workers. CAPS is fully accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services and the psychology internship is accredited by the American Psychological Association.
Service hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Visit the CAPS website for details.
Eligibility: All currently enrolled students are eligible for counseling evaluation to assess whether their needs can be addressed effectively via short-term counseling at CAPS or require more specialized or longer-term counseling at another facility. Case management is offered to provide referrals. Faculty, staff, alumni, children, or spouses are not eligible.
Crisis Services: In the case of a non-life-threatening crisis, students, faculty, or staff can contact CAPS and indicate that a student needs immediate assistance. If assistance is needed during evening or weekend hours, contact the Wayne State University Police Department at 313-577-2222 or call the CAPS After Hours Crisis Line 313-577-2277. In the event of a life-threatening emergency at any time, contact the Wayne State Police Department.
Student Disability Services (SDS)
1600 David Adamany Undergraduate Library; 313-577-1851
Student Disability Services is the office at Wayne State University that determines eligibility and implements academic accommodations, services and support for students with disabilities pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973. SDS is committed to teaching students to advocate for themselves in order to fulfill their academic goals. SDS also provides training and outreach throughout the university to ensure equal access to all university programs.
Disability Determination: In order to register for SDS services, students must self-identify by providing documentation of their disability. Students will meet with disability specialists to discuss appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Once accommodations are determined, students are guided through the process of providing faculty with their accommodation letters and securing appropriate services. Students receiving accommodations are held to the same academic standards as all other WSU students and are responsible for requesting services and following procedures in a timely manner.
Academic Accommodations: Accommodations and services are individualized and based upon the student's documentation. It is for this reason that students should ensure that they have sufficient documentation that supports the need for appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Some of the accommodations and services provided by SDS might include alternative testing, interpreter and CART reporting services, alternative text format, note-taking assistance, furniture requests, use of assistive technology, and use of SDS exam/study rooms. Students registered with SDS are also eligible for pre-priority registration for classes. Through the SDS liaison program with University departments and programs, SDS ensures that members of the University community understand the types of support offered to enhance collaboration in providing accommodations.
Assistive Technology: SDS will work to secure alternative text formats and similar technologies for students and teaches students how to use the various assistive technologies. SDS exam/study rooms house CCTV magnification equipment, computers with software such as Zoomtext, JAWS, Kurzweil Educational Systems, Dragon Naturally Speaking and Inspiration. Students are also informed about free downloadable software programs for reading and recording.
Community Resources: SDS collaborates with various community agencies that assist students with disabilities at the university. Students are connected to agencies such as Michigan Rehabilitation Services and the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons.
Career Services
1001 Faculty/Administration Building; 313-577-3390
Career Services provides support to students and alumni in defining career and employment goals and assists them in their search for employment opportunities. In addition to the following services, Career Services offers topical workshops, career events, and group and individual career/employment counseling. Career Services welcomes the opportunity to discuss customized services to meet individual needs.
Career Development: The main focus of this service is to help students explore career options, clarify their career goals, and link those goals to appropriate academic paths. Individual and group services are available.
Cooperative Education, Internships, and Summer Employment: Comprehensive paid professional, career- and non-career related work experiences are available, including a wide variety of part- and full-time experiential learning situations. Orientation workshops are offered on an ongoing basis.
On-campus Student Employment: Students may work on-campus up to twenty hours per week as a Student Assistant or College Work-Study employee. Job openings may be viewed in-house or online via our open posting system.
Professional Employment: Graduating students and alumni may increase professional full-time employment opportunities through on-campus interviews, resume referral, career fairs, in-house and on-line job postings, along with a myriad of career-related support services.
Testing, Evaluation, and Research Services
686 Student Center; 313-577-3400
We provide:
- A secure, standardized, testing environment where students can demonstrate their academic skills for placement, course credit, or high stakes decisions.
- The opportunity for students to earn course credit in courses accepted by the transfer credit office through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
- Placement testing for students interested in meeting general education and other requirements targeted toward their personal skill level in Biology, Chemistry, English Composition and Mathematics.
- Outside exams: Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Testing for the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Written and Oral exams for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and written exams for doctoral students in the College of Education.
We collect student opinions about faculty teaching through Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET). We share SET reports with students, administrators and faculty members toward the goal of improving quality of teaching at the University.
We survey students and faculty regarding the quality of their education through
- the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey,
- National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and
- Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE).
Research Services
We offer consulting on best practice in testing for faculty and academic staff. We offer machine scoring of exams, including tabulation of test scores and statistical output to help faculty improve their tests.
Col Gadson Office of Military and Veterans Academic Excellence (Gadson OMVAE)
Suite 687 Student Center Building;
This office assists veterans, active-duty service members, reservists, National Guard and eligible dependents/survivors in utilizing educational benefits. Specifically, students are aided in applying for Federal benefits outlined under Title 38, and Title 10, USC., including: the Montgomery GI Bill® (chapter 30), Vocational Rehabilitation (chapter 31), Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33), Reserve Educational Assistance Program, the Reserve GI Bill® (chapter 1606), REAP (chapter 1607), and the Survivors’/Dependents’ Educational Assistance (chapter 35). All eligible students must officially request to use their educational benefits each semester. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government website.
Non-Degree Status: Students must be in a degree program to receive benefits. Those not currently admitted to a degree program and enrolled in classes must verify to the Gadson OMVAE via an academic advisor the reason for enrollment (i.e., completing foundation courses for a master’s-level program).
Transfer Credits: Wayne State University will give four transfer credits for veterans, reservists, National Guard, and active-duty service members for service in the US military. The University will require military discharge document DD-Form 214.
Wayne State University will accept up to twelve transfer credits from veterans upon receiving their Joint Service Transcript of military training. These credits are to be evaluated according to the ‘Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services,’ published by the American Council on Education.
This policy shall be in effect for all veterans, reservists, National Guard, and active-duty service members currently enrolled Fall 2005 and thereafter.
Late Tuition and Late Registration Fee Waiver: Late fees, Partial Payment fees and Late Registration fees can be waived for all students currently receiving VA Educational Benefits. Contact Gadson OMVAE for assistance.
Licensing/Certification Reimbursement: In most instances, students receiving VA educational benefits are eligible for reimbursement for licensing test fees.
Tutorial Assistance is also available as part of all benefit packages as noted above. Eligible recipients may receive $100.00 per month, up to twelve months to help defray tutoring costs. Contact the Gadson OMVAE for further details. No charge to benefit entitlement is incurred for the first six months received of Tutorial Assistance.
In-State Tuition Waiver: Individuals on active duty in the US Military who are stationed in Michigan and their dependents are eligible for Michigan in-state tuition. Stationing orders and proof of relationship (for dependents) must be provided with the application.
Students utilizing Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 GI Bill® benefits will be granted a deferment of tuition and fees for the current enrollment period upon submission of a corresponding Certificate of Eligibility (or suitable documentation which demonstrates benefit eligibility). The deferment will be placed proportionally based on the student’s percentage of eligibility.
Veterans and their dependents are eligible for Michigan in-state tuition. The term “veteran" means a citizen of the United States or a resident alien whose most recent separation from any branch of the armed forces of the United States was under conditions other than dishonorable after having served on active duty for 90 consecutive days or more by reason of disability incurred while serving on active duty.
Individuals who are members of the National Guard of any state, or who were separated from the National Guard of any state under conditions other than dishonorable, and their dependents are eligible for Michigan in-state tuition.
Without regard to the foregoing, any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty Program), Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), of title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 USC § 3311 (b)(9) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending Wayne State University (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) is eligible for Michigan in-state tuition.
VA Work-study Program: The VA work-study allowance is available to all students eligible for VA Educational Benefits. Those eligible who are at least a three-quarter-time student in a college degree program, or a vocational or professional program, can ‘earn while they learn.’ Pay for VA Work-study is the equal to the Federal minimum wage or your state minimum wage, whichever is greater.
Services performed under a VA work-study program must be related to VA work. Examples of acceptable work are:
- Processing VA paperwork at any university or college having a VA Office (e.g., you may be enrolled at WSU but work at Oakland or Macomb Community College VA Offices)
- Outreach services under VA supervision
- Work at VA medical facilities or National Cemetery System offices
- Work with the Veterans counselor at any of the MESC offices
- Work in the Education or Transition offices at local base
- Work at Department of Defense facilities related to education benefits under the GI Bill®.
National Guard Students: Please note that Wayne State does not currently participate in the Guard’s Tuition Grant Program. However, if your branch provides Tuition Assistance and/or Tuition Reimbursement the Gadson OMVAE will provide assistance as necessary with regard to grade and tuition certifications to your unit. Tuition Assistance recipients should contact their respective Education Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service for approval before registering for classes.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC): Wayne State University offers an Army ROTC program. Students interested in joining the Army ROTC program at Wayne State University should contact Staff Sergeant (SSG) Quinton Howard 313-310-0780 or
Recalled To Active Duty (Reservists / National Guard): Students serving in the Selected Reserves or National Guard who are called up to Active Duty during a semester may request full reimbursement of tuition and fees. Students must file an Exception to Enrollment Policy form and submit a copy of their orders to Gadson OMVAE. Students called up active near the end of a semester are encouraged to consider requesting Incomplete grades for coursework.
Early-Out Requests: Potential Students on Active Duty requesting a verification of enrollment to be sent to their Commands must be admitted to Wayne State University and have registered for classes. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office and the Registration Office for assistance. Once these conditions are met, the VA Certifying Official can complete an enrollment verification for active duty members seeking an ‘early out’ from military service. Hard copy proof of student’s admittance and registration for classes is NOT required for the VA Certifying Official to complete the enrollment verification.
Training Time Equivalencies: For purposes of GI Bill® benefit use, the following tables identify the training time equivalencies for standard and non-standard enrollment periods.
Fall or Winter Semester | ||||
Enrollment Status | Undergraduate | Graduate | Pharm.D. | J.D. |
Full Time | 12+ Credits | 8+ Credits | 8+ Credits | 10+ Credits |
Spring/Summer Semester | ||||
Enrollment Status | Undergraduate | Graduate | Pharm.D. | J.D. |
Full Time | 9+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 5+ Credits |
Spring Semester | ||||
Enrollment Status | Undergraduate | Graduate | Pharm.D. | J.D. |
Full Time | 6+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 5+ Credits |
Summer Semester | ||||
Enrollment Status | Undergraduate | Graduate | Pharm.D. | J.D. |
Full Time | 6+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 2+ Credits | 5+ Credits |
School of Medicine | |
Enrollment Status | M.D. Program |
Full Time | 24+ Credits |
Non-standard Fall or Winter Graduate Terms | ||||||||
Term Length | 13-14 Weeks | 11-12 Weeks | 9-10 Weeks | 7-8 Weeks | 5-6 Weeks | 3-4 Weeks | 1-2 Weeks | |
Full Time | 7+ Cr. | 6+ Cr. | 5+ Cr. | 4 Cr. | 3 Cr. | 2 Cr. | 1 Cr. |