Academic Catalog

Dance (B.F.A.)

The Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in dance provides a professional degree program for talented students with prior dance experience and skills who seek professional careers as performing artists and choreographers. Dance technique and the history, philosophies, and aesthetics of dance are all central to this program.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon satisfaction of the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University and a successful audition conducted by the Department faculty. Audition dates are scheduled throughout the year prior to admission. Prospective students should contact the Theatre and Dance Office for audition schedule information.

All B.F.A. dance majors must be enrolled in appropriate level technique classes each semester and evidence successful progress in their respective degree programs in order to maintain dance major status. Any dance major who does not comply and/or does not register and complete appropriate dance coursework for one semester MUST AUDITION FOR THE DANCE PROGRAM for re-admission. Students out of the dance program for two semesters or more are rarely re-admitted to the program.


Program Requirements

Candidates must complete a minimum of 120 credits in course work, including satisfaction of the University General Education requirementsCollege degree requirements and a minimum of eighty credits in dance courses (specified below). B.F.A students must comply with the following department policies – any student who does not meet these standards will be placed on Departmental probation and may be denied continuation in the program: the credits in specified Dance courses must be completed with grades of C minus or better; dance technique and choreography classes must be completed with a B plus or better; and a 3.0 cumulative g.p.a must be maintained. Students must be current in their plan of work and all Basic Competency courses must be completed prior to enrolling in the Capstone course.

All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the University and the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts governing undergraduate scholarship  and  degrees, as well as with the requirements of the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance.  

General Education Course Progress

 Majors must complete the Basic Composition (BC) requirement by the time forty-five credits have been earned, and the Oral Communication (OC) and Intermediate Composition (IC) requirement by the time sixty credits have been earned. Failure to meet these limits on matriculation will result in the student being placed on departmental probation: the student will be ineligible to be cast in or participate as a member of the artistic/production staff of department productions. Transfer students will be reviewed upon entry into the major for compliance with these standards and advised as needed.

B.F.A. Major Requirements

Required Technique Credits
Students must complete 32 credits of Technique coursework.32
Fundamentals of Classic Ballet II
Pilates Conditioning for Performing Artists
Contemporary Dance II: Part I
African Diasporic Dance Technique I
Contemporary Dance III
Ballet III
African Diasporic Dance Technique II
African Dance II
Pilates Equipment Lab
Students must complete nine credits of performance coursework. 9
Select from the following:
Performance Tour
Dance Company
Creative Practice
DNC 2460Dance Improvisation2
DNC 2500Choreography I2
DNC 3500Choreography II2
DNC 5560Choreography III2
DNC 5996Senior Capstone Research (1 Credit in Fall, 2 Credits in Winter)3
Required Theory Courses
DNC 1330Production Practicum2
DNC 2400Introduction to African Dance3
DNC 2000Introduction to World Dance3
DNC 2310History of Dance from 1800 to the Present3
DNC 2180Anatomy of Human Movement3
THR 3341Design Skills - Digital I2
DNC 3310Dance Production3
DNC 3810Dance Pedagogy3
Core Theory Courses
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to Dance Professions
Music and Dance Relationships
Dance Teaching Methods
Dance Science
Dance in Community
Total Credits80

Performance Opportunities

There are three performance ensembles: the W.S.U. Dance Company One, Dance Workshop, and To Sangana African Dance Company composed of skilled dance students who must qualify for membership through auditions. They present concerts, lecture/demonstrations, and performances on campus and in the community, choreographed by visiting artists, faculty, and talented students. Students must have a minimum 2.5 overall g.p.a. to participate in a performance ensemble.

Dance Honors Program (B.S. and B.F.A. degrees)

In order to enter the departmental honors program students must have achieved academic excellence in previous work, such as a high school g.p.a. of 3.5 or a college or university g.p.a. of 3.3. Students must meet all regular major requirements including the following: three honors-option courses within their major taught by full-time faculty members (internships cannot satisfy this requirement), at least one 42XX honors seminar offered through the Honors College, a senior honors thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor in their major area (DNC 5997) and maintain a minimum g.p.a. of 3.3 cumulative and in the major.

Dance Honors Curriculum (15 credits required)

Select the Honors Option in three of the following:9-10
Introduction to World Dance
History of Dance to 1800
History of Dance from 1800 to the Present
Dance Science
Dance Production
Dance Pedagogy
Dance Teaching Methods
Teaching Creative Dance for Children
DNC 5997Departmental Honors Thesis3
HON 42xx Honors Seminar3
Total Credits15-16

Student must maintain an overall 3.3 g.p.a.

For additional information, students should consult the Irvin D. Reid Honors College

Dance Teaching Majors (B.F.A. and B.S. Programs)

Professional Education Sequence: The additional following courses are required for a K-12 teaching major in dance, K-12 certification, and a major in dance, secondary certification for both the B.F.A. and the B.S. degrees:

DNC 3190Movement Analysis3
DNC 3810Dance Pedagogy3
DNC 4410Student Teaching and Seminar I5
DNC 4420Student Teaching and Seminar II5
DNC 4810Dance Teaching Methods3
DNC 4820Assisting in Dance1
DNC 4910Dance in Community3
DNC 5810Teaching Creative Dance for Children3
DNC 5830Field Work in Creative Dance2-8
EDP 5480Adolescent Psychology3
LFA 2330First Aid and CPR3
or HE 3300 Health of the School Child
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
Total Credits37-43
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