Academic Catalog

Archaeology Minor

Archaeology is the study of past human cultures through material remains; it is one of the sub-fields of the discipline of Anthropology. The minor in archaeology will introduce particular skill sets, concepts, and competencies to students who wish to apply them to their expertise in other disciplines. The minor requires a minimum of 18 credits.


ANT 1100Introduction to Anthropology3
ANT 3020Introduction to Archaeology3
Select four elective courses from the following, one ANT course must be at the 5000-level:12-13
Lost Cities and Ancient Civilizations
Archaeology of the Great Lakes
The Inca and their Ancestors
Native Americans
Concepts and Techniques in Archaeology
Field Work in Archaeology of the Americas
Historical Archaeology
Pre-Columbian and Mesoamerican Civilization
Urban Archaeology
Museum Studies
One of the following specialty classes may be applied to the 4-course elective requirement:
Anatomy and Physiology
Ecology and the Environment
General Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Field Geology
Environmental and Applied Geophysics
Byzantine Civilization
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
History of Detroit
Special Topics in History
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers
Total Credits18
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