Chemistry (B.S.)
B.S. candidates may receive certification by the American Chemical Society upon graduation. This degree offers a strong background for students interested in a career in chemistry or in a professional field with a strong reliance on chemistry. It is particularly recommended for students planning to do graduate work in chemistry and chemically-related fields. The degree is offered with three options:
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a concentration in materials
The first option is designed primarily for those planning to enter the chemical profession and other professional fields. The second option is designed primarily for students planning careers in biochemical and biomedical areas. The third option is designed primarily for students interested in materials science. (Note: Those interested in Phi Beta Kappa should consult with the secretary of the Wayne State University Chapter in order to determine the maximum number of chemistry credits allowed.)
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University. Students planning to major in chemistry should consult with an advisor in the Chemistry Department not later than the beginning of their sophomore year.
Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the departmental major requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.
Chemistry B.S. - Option One
Major Requirements
Those who wish to follow the curriculum in the College for the B.S. in Chemistry degree must complete the following courses:
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 1100 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1130 | General Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1140 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 1150 | General Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1240 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1250 | Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 2220 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 2230 | Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 3020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 3120 | Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 3130 | Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 5020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHM 5160 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 5420 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 5440 | Physical Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 5510 | Chemical Synthesis Laboratory | 3 |
CHM 5550 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHM 5600 | Survey of Biochemistry | 3 |
CHM 5570 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
Select one of the following: | 3-4 | |
Materials Chemistry and Engineering | ||
Advanced Bioinorganic Chemistry | ||
Organometallic Chemistry | ||
Theory of Analytical Chemistry | ||
Electroanalytical Chemistry | ||
Separation Science | ||
Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry | ||
Mass Spectrometry | ||
Organic Structures and Mechanisms | ||
Organic Reactions and Synthesis | ||
Organic Spectroscopy | ||
Advanced Bioorganic Chemistry and Drug Design | ||
Statistical Thermodynamics | ||
Quantum Chemistry | ||
Computational Chemistry | ||
Modern Methods in Experimental Chemistry | ||
Metabolism: Pathways and Regulation | ||
Tools of Molecular Biology | ||
Molecular Biology | ||
Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Cancer | ||
Green Chemistry: Mindful Design in Science, Engineering, and Medicine | ||
CHM 5999 | Research in Chemistry 1 | 2-4 |
or CHM 5998 | Honors Thesis Research in Chemistry | |
PHY 2170 | University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2171 | University Physics I Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
PHY 2180 | University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2181 | University Physics II Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
MAT 2010 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 2020 | Calculus II | 4 |
MAT 2250 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 |
Total Credits | 76-79 |
- 1
By the first semester of the senior year, the student must enroll for at least two credits in independent research (CHM 5999 or CHM 5998). The student must work under the direction of a faculty member of the Department of Chemistry. It is advised that the student consult with the faculty during the term prior to beginning work, in order to choose the area and staff member under whose direction this research will be carried out. At the conclusion of the project, the student must present a written report for approval by the Chairperson of the Department. With prior approval by the Chairperson of the Department, students may be allowed to substitute to 2 credits of an internship experience (CHM 6991) in place of a research project.
A minimum grade of C is required in prerequisite chemistry courses.
At least fifteen credits in chemistry plus Research in Chemistry (CHM 5999) must be earned at Wayne State University.
Substitutions in B.S. Curriculum (Option One ONLY): In recognition of the diverse backgrounds required for various careers in chemistry, students may petition the Chemistry Curriculum Committee for approval to substitute advanced courses numbered 5000 or above from another discipline (such as physics, mathematics, biology, engineering) for the following B.S. requirements:
Code | Title | Credits |
MAT 2250 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 |
CHM 5510 | Chemical Synthesis Laboratory | 3 |
CHM 5570 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
Chemistry elective |
Such petitions for substitutions must be submitted in writing accompanied by a detailed statement of justification and a current transcript, and must be approved prior to registration in the alternative courses. Decisions regarding approval of such requests will be based on their legitimacy in terms of the student’s professional goals. It is suggested that students consult the Chairperson of the Chemistry Curriculum Committee before filing such a petition.
Chemistry B.S. - Option Two (Biochemistry)
Major Requirements
Those who wish to follow the curriculum for the B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry must complete the following courses (NO substitutions are allowed in the Option Two program: B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry):
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 1100 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1130 | General Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1140 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 1150 | General Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1240 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1250 | Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 2220 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 2230 | Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 3020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 3120 | Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 3130 | Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 5020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHM 5160 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 5400 | Biological Physical Chemistry | 3 |
or CHM 5420 | Physical Chemistry I | |
CHM 5550 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHM 5570 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHM 6610 | Biological Chemistry Laboratory | 3 |
CHM 6620 | Metabolism: Pathways and Regulation | 3 |
CHM 6640 | Molecular Biology | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3-4 | |
Chemical Synthesis Laboratory | ||
Elementary Linear Algebra | ||
CHM 5999 | Research in Chemistry 1 | 2-4 |
or CHM 5998 | Honors Thesis Research in Chemistry | |
PHY 2170 | University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2171 | University Physics I Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
PHY 2180 | University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2181 | University Physics II Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
BIO 1510 & BIO 1511 | Basic Life Mechanisms and Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory | 4 |
Select one of the following: | 4-5 | |
Principles of Microbiology and Principles of Microbiology Lab | ||
Introduction to Cell Biology | ||
Molecular Mechanisms of Microbiology and Molecular Mechanisms of Microbiology Lab | ||
BIO 3070 | Genetics | 4 |
MAT 2010 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 2020 | Calculus II | 4 |
Total Credits | 84-88 |
- 1
By the first semester of the senior year, the student must enroll for at least two credits in independent research (CHM 5999 or CHM 5998). The student must work under the direction of a faculty member of the Department of Chemistry. It is advised that the student consult with the faculty during the term prior to beginning work, in order to choose the area and staff member under whose direction this research will be carried out. At the conclusion of the project, the student must present a written report for approval by the Chairperson of the Department. With prior approval by the Chairperson of the Department, students may be allowed to substitute to 2 credits of an internship experience (CHM 6991) in place of a research project.
A minimum grade of C is required in prerequisite chemistry courses.
At least fifteen credits in chemistry plus Research in Chemistry (CHM 5999) must be earned at Wayne State University.
Chemistry B.S. - Option Three (Materials)
Major Requirements
Those who wish to follow the curriculum for the B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in materials must complete the following courses (NO substitutions are allowed in the Option Three program: B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in materials):
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 1100 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1130 | General Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1140 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 1150 | General Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 1240 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM 1250 | Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 2220 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 2230 | Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 3020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 3120 | Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 3130 | Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHM 5020 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHM 5160 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 5420 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 5440 | Physical Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM 5550 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHM 5570 | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHM 5600 | Survey of Biochemistry | 3 |
CHM 6060 | Materials Chemistry and Engineering | 3 |
or MSE 5350 | Polymer Science | |
CHM 5999 | Research in Chemistry 1 | 2-4 |
or CHM 5998 | Honors Thesis Research in Chemistry | |
PHY 2170 | University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2171 | University Physics I Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
PHY 2180 | University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHY 2181 | University Physics II Experimental Laboratory | 1 |
BE 1300 | Basic Engineering II: Materials Science for Engineering Applications | 3 |
BE 1310 | Materials Science for Engineering: Laboratory | 1 |
MAT 2010 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 2020 | Calculus II | 4 |
MAT 2250 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 |
MSE 5650 | Surface Science | 3 |
Total Credits | 80-82 |
- 1
In addition, students must enroll for at least two credits in independent research (CHM 5999 or CHM 5998) by the first semester of their senior year. Research must be conducted under the direction of a faculty member of the Department of Chemistry. It is advised that the student consult with the faculty during the term prior to beginning work, in order to choose the area and staff member under whose direction this research will be carried out. At the conclusion of the project, the student must present a written report for approval by the Chairperson of the Department. With prior approval by the Chairperson of the Department, students may be allowed to substitute to 2 credits of an internship experience (CHM 6991) in place of a research project.
A minimum grade of C is required in prerequisite chemistry courses.
At least fifteen credits in chemistry plus Research in Chemistry (CHM 5999 or CHM 5998) must be earned at Wayne State University.
Chemistry Honors (B.S. Program)
- All regular requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree must be fulfilled (no substitutions).
- Minimum g.p.a.: 3.3 overall; 3.3 in chemistry courses.
- Minimum of four credits must be earned in independent research (CHM 5998); this should commence in the junior year (or earlier).
- Completion of one semester of an HON 4200-level honors seminar.This course may be used to partially fulfill college Group Requirements and can be elected in either the junior or senior year.
- Submission of a B.S. thesis (covering the undergraduate independent research project), or of a manuscript suitable for publication in a refereed chemical journal, to the Honors Subcommittee in Chemistry which will act to accept or reject the thesis (or manuscript).
- An oral examination covering the B.S. Honors Research Project, by the Honors Subcommittee in Chemistry.
The AGRADE program enables highly qualified students pursuing a B.S. with a major in Chemistry or a B.S. with a major in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology to enroll simultaneously in the M.A. with a major in Chemistry. Students will be able to apply up to a maximum of 16 credits towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. AGRADE applicants must have a cumulative grade point average (g.p.a.) of 3.50 or better. Applicants are also expected to have performed at a superior level in the major, as determined by the department, and the required g.p.a. in the major shall not be less than 3.6 at the time of application. The earliest students may be admitted into the AGRADE Program is the semester in which they complete 90 credits towards the undergraduate degree. Students should consult with an undergraduate advisor in their major department to seek advice about the appropriate time to apply for AGRADE status.
Depending on the degree, students may use up to 16 credits from the following courses to count towards their B.S. and M.A. degrees. Only those AGRADE-approved courses in which the student has earned a B or higher will transfer to the graduate transcript. Once in the master’s program, students may be required to repeat an AGRADE course in which they earn less than a B grade.
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 6070 | Advanced Bioinorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 6090 | Organometallic Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 6170 | Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 6240 | Organic Spectroscopy | 3 |
CHM 6270 | Advanced Bioorganic Chemistry and Drug Design | 3 |
CHM 6440 | Computational Chemistry | 3 |
CHM 6610 | Biological Chemistry Laboratory | 3 |
CHM 6620 | Metabolism: Pathways and Regulation | 3 |
CHM 6635 | Tools of Molecular Biology | 3 |
CHM 6640 | Molecular Biology | 3 |