Academic Catalog

Digital Humanities Minor

The Digital Humanities minor is open to any student interested in the intersection of digital technology and humanities/social science research.  The minor requires a minimum of fifteen credits, distributed as follows:

Required Course3
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Skills Courses (select two of the following)6
Introduction to Business Analytics
Inbound Information Technology
Special Topics in Information Systems
Software Tools for Business Applications
Digital Marketing and Analytics
Introduction to C and Unix
Problem Solving and Programming
Introduction to C++ Programming Language
Java Programming
Introduction to Digital Practices
Interactive Art
Introduction to Typography: Skills and Concepts
Introduction to Graphic Design: Skills and Concepts
Introduction to Interactivity in Graphic Design
Fundamentals of New Media Production
Digital Writing and Research Methods
Fundamentals of New Media Communication
Introduction to Web Design
Digital Animation
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Elective courses (select two of the following)6
Urban Archaeology
New Media Practices
History of Communication Technologies
Journalism and New Media
New Media Theory
Digital Literacies: Writing about Texts
Topics in Book History
Special Topics in History *
History Communication
Total Credits15

 Should be chosen in consultation with an advisor.

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