Academic Catalog

Employment and Labor Relations (B.A.)

The Employment and Labor Relations major provides students with the critical skills necessary to analyze employment, labor, and workplace issues. An interdisciplinary program that draws from fields as varied as anthropology, economics, history, law, literature, management, political science, psychology and sociology, the ELR program trains professionals in labor relations and human resources. As an interdepartmental unit, the ELR program provides students with a knowledge of employment and labor law, human resource management, compensation and benefits, conflict resolution and negotiation in the workplace, and other focused skills in the context of a broad liberal arts education. Through their course of study, students will gain the competencies necessary for work in management, government, non-profit organizations, and labor unions. Graduates with a BA-ELR find careers as labor organizers and union researchers, labor and community educators and advocates, human resource and personnel managers, and dispute resolution arbitrators, among other positions, in business, labor, public sector, and non-profit organizations. The BA-ELR program is good preparation for pursuing a professional degree in business or law, particularly in the area of labor and employment law.

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the departmental major  requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Required Core Courses
ELR 1110Work and Democracy: An Introduction3
ELR 2500Introduction to Labor Studies4
PSY 2100Psychology and the Workplace3
HIS 5290American Labor History4
ECO 5480Economics of Work3
ELR 4700Senior Seminar3
Applied and Specialized Curriculum
Select four of the following:12
Anthropology of Business
Applied Labor Studies (twelve credits may be elected as: Labor Relations: 3 cr.; Collective Bargaining: 3 cr.; Labor Law: 3 cr.; and Labor, Politics and Public Policy: 3 cr.)
Survey of the Music Business and Labor
Labor in Media and Popular Culture
The Philosophy of Work
Black Workers in American History
Labor Economics
Human Resource Management
Dispute Resolution
Employee Relations
Training and Employee Development
Political Parties and Elections
Political Interest Groups
The Legislative Process
Social Psychology
Social Inequality
Seminar in Social Inequality
Total Credits32

Students are referred to the program director for information concerning courses, directed study, internships, career information, and graduate study.

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