Academic Catalog

Employment and Labor Relations Minor

The ELR minor provides students with the opportunity to supplement their major field with critical skills necessary to analyze employment and workplace issues. An interdepartmental program, employment and labor relations examines the social, political and economic dimensions of these issues in the context of a broad liberal arts education. Students become familiar with employment and labor law, human resource management, compensation and benefits, and techniques associated with the resolution of conflict in the workplace. Students prepare for careers in business, government, nonprofits (including the healthcare sector), human resources, and labor unions.

The Employment and Labor Relations Minor requires 18 credits. Ten of these credits come from regularly scheduled courses from the Major:

Requirements (10 Credits):

ELR 1110Work and Democracy: An Introduction3
ELR 2500Introduction to Labor Studies4
PSY 2100Psychology and the Workplace3
or ANT 2050 Anthropology of Business
Total Credits10

This is supplemented with 8 credits in electives, with at least 6 credits at the 3000 level or above. These include:

ANT 2050Anthropology of Business3
ECO 5400Labor Economics4
ECO 5480Economics of Work3
ELR 2400Survey of the Music Business and Labor3
ELR 3220Labor in Media and Popular Culture3
ELR 3650The Philosophy of Work3
ELR 4500Applied Labor Studies (Special Topics in Employment and Labor Relations - repeatable up to 12 cr.)3
HIS 3360Black Workers in American History4
HIS 5290American Labor History4
MGT 5700Human Resource Management3
MGT 5740Employee Relations3
PS 3020Political Parties and Elections4
PS 3030Political Interest Groups4
PS 3040The Legislative Process4
PSY 2100Psychology and the Workplace3
PSY 5710Dispute Resolution3
PSY 6550Training and Employee Development3
SOC 2203Social Psychology3
SOC 2300Social Inequality3
SOC 5700Seminar in Social Inequality3

Similar to the ELR major, many of the courses are interdisciplinary. This program regularly works with other departments to ensure the courses are offered regularly, with all required courses being offered at least once every year for easy time-to-degree completion. Additional courses may be used as electives upon request.

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