Academic Catalog

Astronomy (B.A.)

This program is intended to provide students with foundational knowledge in astronomy and space science. Students will graduate with strong scientific preparation and communication skills and will have a wide range of career options including entry-level jobs as well as graduate education in law, business, education, social and physical sciences. In short, these students will have all the traditional options of liberal arts majors with the added advantage of a unique science background.

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.


Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the Departmental major requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Students must receive a grade of C- or better in all physics and/or astronomy courses and prerequisite courses. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher for all course work is required for graduation.

Additionally, student must complete:

AST 1010Discovering the Universe1
AST 2010Descriptive Astronomy4
AST 2011Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory1
AST 2030Life in the Universe3
PHY 2170University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers 14
PHY 2171University Physics I Experimental Laboratory1
PHY 2180University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers 14
PHY 2181University Physics II Experimental Laboratory1
PHY 3300Introductory Modern Physics3
PHY 3310Introductory Modern Physics Laboratory2
PHY 3750Introduction to Computational Methods1
AST 4100Astronomical Techniques3
AST 4200Astronomical Laboratory2
AST 4300Planetary Astronomy and Space Science3
AST 5010Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy3
AST 5100Galaxies and the Universe3
MAT 2010Calculus I4
MAT 2020Calculus II4
PHY 6750Applied Computational Methods2-3
or PHY 6860 Computational Physics
Total Credits49-50

A student may present credits in PHY 2130, PHY 2140 or equivalent, in lieu of PHY 2170 and PHY 2180, with the consent of the Departmental Undergraduate advisor.

Electives to complete credits required for the degree may include any courses from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Physics AGRADE Program

Seniors in Physics and Astronomy, with a minimum grade point average of 3.5, may enroll simultaneously in the undergraduate and graduate programs. These students can apply up to fifteen credits towards both the bachelors and masters degrees in physics. Contact Undergraduate Academic Advisor for further information.

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