Academic Catalog

Astronomy (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Astronomy provides a rigorous physical sciences program for those with an interest in astronomy.  The strong math, physics and astronomy background of this program will prepare students wanting to pursue graduate school. Moreover, the problem solving, data analysis, scientific communication, physical reasoning, and computational skills developed during the program provides preparation for careers in a wide range of STEM-related professional fields.

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University.

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the Departmental major requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Note: In some cases the requirements of a specific program will increase the number of credits above 120.

Students must receive a grade of C- or better in all physics and/or astronomy courses, and a minimum grade of C- is required in all prerequisite courses. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher for all course work is required for graduation.

Students should consult with the Undergraduate Academic Advisor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy for more detailed information concerning the various degrees and options outlined below.

AST 1010Discovering the Universe1
AST 2010
AST 2011
Descriptive Astronomy
and Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory
AST 2030Life in the Universe3
AST 4100Astronomical Techniques3
AST 4200Astronomical Laboratory2
AST 4300Planetary Astronomy and Space Science3
AST 5010Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy3
AST 5100Galaxies and the Universe3
AST 6080Survey of Astrophysics3
PHY 2170
PHY 2171
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics I Experimental Laboratory
PHY 2180
PHY 2181
University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics II Experimental Laboratory
PHY 3300
PHY 3310
Introductory Modern Physics
and Introductory Modern Physics Laboratory
PHY 3750Introduction to Computational Methods1
PHY 6750Applied Computational Methods2-3
or PHY 6860 Computational Physics
MAT 2010Calculus I4
MAT 2020Calculus II4
MAT 2030Calculus III4
MAT 2150Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra4
Two electives in Physics6
Total Credits66-67

Physics AGRADE Program

Seniors in Physics and Astronomy, with a minimum grade point average of 3.5, may enroll simultaneously in the undergraduate and graduate programs. These students can apply up to fifteen credits towards both the bachelors and masters degrees in physics. Contact Undergraduate Academic Advisor for further information.

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