Biomedical Physics (B.S.)
Biomedical Physics deals with applications of physics to questions of biology and medicine. It is an interdisciplinary program, combining courses from physics, biology and medicine designed to train students to use quantitative, physical science inspired approaches to problems of the life sciences. Graduates of this program will be prepared for careers or graduate studies in biophysics, medicine, biomedical engineering, medical physics or any other field requiring physical and technological approaches to medical or biological questions.
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University. In addition, a student must possess an overall g.p.a of at least 3.0 for the following four courses to become a B.S. candidate in Biomedical Physics:
Code | Title | Credits |
Select one of the following: | 10 | |
Option 1 | ||
Physics for the Life Sciences I and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory | ||
Physics for the Life Sciences II and Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory | ||
Option 2 | ||
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers and University Physics I Experimental Laboratory | ||
University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers and University Physics II Experimental Laboratory | ||
MAT 2010 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 2020 | Calculus II | 4 |
Program Requirements
Candidates must complete at least 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the Departmental major requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. All students will be required to maintain an overall grade point average of 'C' (2.0) for all degree work, as well as a grade point average of at least 2.5 in all major and cognate requirements.
Major Requirements
All B.S. candidates in Biomedical Physics must take:
Code | Title | Credits |
PHY 1001 | Perspectives in Physics, Biomedical Physics, and Astronomy | 1 |
PHY 2130 | Physics for the Life Sciences I | 4 |
or PHY 2170 | University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers | |
PHY 2131 | Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory | 1 |
or PHY 2171 | University Physics I Experimental Laboratory | |
PHY 2140 | Physics for the Life Sciences II | 4 |
or PHY 2180 | University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers | |
PHY 2141 | Physics for the Life Sciences Laboratory | 1 |
or PHY 2181 | University Physics II Experimental Laboratory | |
PHY 3300 | Introductory Modern Physics | 3 |
PHY 3750 | Introduction to Computational Methods | 1 |
PHY 4700 | Introduction to Biomedical Physics | 4 |
PHY 5750 | Biological Physics | 4 |
PHY 6290 | Survey of Biophysics | 3 |
PHY 6750 | Applied Computational Methods | 2 |
PHY 6780 | Research Methods in Biomedical Physics | 3 |
ROC 6710 | Physics in Medicine | 3 |
Total Credits | 34 |
Cognate Requirements
B.S. candidates in Biomedical Physics must also take:
Code | Title | Credits |
MAT 2010 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT 2020 | Calculus II | 4 |
Two general chemistry courses with labs | 10 | |
BIO 1510 & BIO 1511 | Basic Life Mechanisms and Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory | 4 |
Total Credits | 22 |
Some of these courses can be waived with the approval of the Biomedical Physics Advisor if proof of proficiency is provided or a higher level course is substituted.
All BMP majors are required to choose a concentration. The BMP program offers three concentrations: Biophysics, Medical Physics, and Premedical.
Biophysics Concentration
In addition to the requirements listed above, students taking the biophysics concentration will be required to take:
Code | Title | Credits |
PHY 3500 | Introduction to Thermal and Fluid Physics | 3 |
PHY 5340 & PHY 5341 | Optics and Optics Laboratory | 5 |
PHY 5620 & PHY 5621 | Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Electronics and Electrical Measurements Laboratory | 5 |
Total Credits | 13 |
Medical Physics Concentration
In addition to the requirements listed above, students taking the medical physics concentration will be required to take:
Code | Title | Credits |
Select one of the following: | 5 | |
Optics and Optics Laboratory | ||
Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Electronics and Electrical Measurements Laboratory | ||
PHY 6600 | Electromagnetic Fields I | 4 |
MAT 2150 | Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra | 4 |
BIO 1500 & BIO 1501 | Basic Life Diversity and Basic Life Diversity Laboratory | 4 |
Total Credits | 17 |
Students taking the medical physics concentration are strongly encouraged to take PHY 2170/PHY 2171 and PHY 2180/PHY 2181 instead of PHY 2130/PHY 2131 and PHY 2140/PHY 2141. For consideration by medical physics professional programs, students taking the Medical Physics concentration are also strongly encouraged to take BIO 2600.
Premedical Concentration
In addition to the requirements listed above, students taking the premedical concentration will be required to take:
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 1240 & CHM 1250 | Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 5 |
BIO 1500 & BIO 1501 | Basic Life Diversity and Basic Life Diversity Laboratory | 4 |
Select one of the following: | 5 | |
Optics and Optics Laboratory | ||
Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Electronics and Electrical Measurements Laboratory | ||
Total Credits | 14 |
Students taking the premed option are also strongly encouraged to take the following courses to satisfy the premedical requirements:
Code | Title | Credits |
CHM 2220 & CHM 2230 | Organic Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 5 |
BIO 2600 | Introduction to Cell Biology | 4 |
BIO 3200 | Human Physiology | 3 |
Biochemistry: | 3 | |
Cellular Biochemistry | ||
or CHM 5600 | Survey of Biochemistry |
Physics and Biomedical Physics Honors Program
Undergraduate majors, in both Physics and Biomedical Physics, with a minimum grade point average of 3.3 can enroll in the Honors program of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Prospective students should consult the departmental Undergraduate Academic Advisor as soon as they declare their major to learn about specific requirements.
Physics AGRADE Program
Seniors in Physics and Astronomy, with a minimum grade point average of 3.5, may enroll simultaneously in the undergraduate and graduate programs. These students can apply up to fifteen credits towards both the bachelors and masters degrees in physics. Contact Undergraduate Academic Advisor for further information.
Biomedical Physics-BME AGRADE Program
Outstanding seniors in Biomedical Physics, who have completed at least 90 credits and have an overall GPA of at least 3.5, and major biomedical physics classes GPA at least 3.6, can apply to enter the cross-college AGRADE program between the Biomedical Physics undergraduate program (College of Liberals Arts and Sciences) and Biomedical Engineering (BME) Master's programs (College of Engineering). The AGRADE program allows students to apply up to 15 credits of selected graduate courses, taken as an undergraduate, towards a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. The Physics courses that can be counted towards MS-BME degree include PHY 5340/PHY 5341 or PHY 5620/PHY 5621, PHY 5750, and PHY 6780. This enables students to complete an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Physics and a graduate degree in Biomedical Engineering in just 5 years of full-time study. For more details, please contact the undergraduate Physics advisor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, or the graduate advisor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.