Political Science
Office: 2040 Faculty/Administration Building; 313-577-2630
Chairperson: Sharon F. Lean
The study of political science is focused on understanding the nature and problems of government and the role of politics in contemporary society. This is accomplished through systematic exploration of the structure and processes of government at different levels and across nations, through study of individual and collective political behavior, and through analyses of policy problems and the processes through which public policies are formulated and administered. Political science contributes to the goals of general education by promoting civic literacy and cultivating an awareness of the opportunities and obligations of citizenship at local, state, and national levels.
The field of political science is of special importance to students whose career goals include:
- Professions likely to involve participation in public affairs, including law, engineering, criminal justice, public health, social welfare and education.
- Administrative or executive positions in government at the local, state or federal levels.
- Teaching of political and social science at the secondary, junior college and university levels.
- Positions in the diplomatic service and in foreign and overseas programs of the U.S. Government and of other organizations doing business abroad.
- Leadership, research, and staff roles in citizen organizations, political parties, campaign organizations, economic and social interest groups, municipal research bureaus, and nonprofit organizations.
- Positions associated with mass communications, such as radio, television and newspapers, where basic understanding of public affairs and governmental policies and organization is required for accurate reporting and analysis.
- Positions in private enterprise where knowledge of governmental processes is essential, such as in industrial relations, legislative liaison and public relations.
BAYBECK, BRADY P.: Ph.D., M.A., Washington University in St. Louis; B.A., University of Michigan; Associate Professor
BLEDSOE, TIMOTHY: Ph.D., University of Nebraska; M.A., University of Arkansas; B.A., Louisiana State University; Professor
BROWN, RONALD E.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan; B.S., Southern Illinois University; Associate Professor
DEEGAN-KRAUSE, KEVIN: Ph.D., M.A., University of Notre Dame; B.A., Georgetown University; Associate Professor
FINO, SUSAN P.: Ph.D., M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., Johns Hopkins University; Professor
GELLER, DANIEL S.: Ph.D., M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., Drew University; Professor
GOLEBIOWSKA, EWA: Ph.D., M.A., Ohio State University; B.A., Wesleyan University; Professor
GRYNAVISKI, JEFFREY D.: Ph.D., M.A., Duke University; B.A., William and Mary; Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs
HELFER, ARIEL: Ph.D., M.A., The University of Texas at Austin; B.A., Kenyon College; Assistant Professor
HERRING, MARY: Ph.D., University of Georgia; M.A., B.A., University of West Florida; Associate Professor
JUN, KYU-NAHM: Ph.D., University of Southern California; MPA, Seoul National University; B.A., Ewha Womans University; Associate Professor
LEAN, SHARON F.: Ph.D., University of California, Irvine; M.A.,Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; B.A., Brown University; Associate Professor and Chair
MARINOVA, NADEJDA K.: Ph.D., University of Southern California; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; B.A., Georgia College and State University; Associate Professor
MIN, BYUNG: Ph.D., Florida State University; M.A., Yonsei University; B.A., Michigan State University; Assistant Professor
MIN, BYUNG (BRIAN) HEE: Ph.D., Florida State University; M.A., Yonsei University; B.A., Michigan State University; Assistant Professor
PARRISH, CHARLES J.: Ph.D., University of North Carolina; M.A., B.A., University of Florida; Professor
PEARSON, FREDERIC S.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., Oakland University; Professor
ROTH, BRAD R.: Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley; LL.M., Columbia Law School; J.D., Harvard Law School; B.A., Swarthmore College; Professor
SARBAUGH-THOMPSON, MARJORIE E.: Ph.D., University of Michigan; M.P.A., B.S., Western Michigan University; Professor
SHENG, YUMIN: Ph.D., Yale University; M.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University and Temple University; B.A., Yangzhou University; Associate Professor
STRATE, JOHN: Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., Macalester College; Associate Professor
TAYLOR, KRISTIN T.: Ph.D., North Carolina State University; M.C.P., University of Cincinnati; B.A., Ohio University; Associate Professor
THOMPSON, THOMAS L.: Ph.D., M.A., University of Texas, Arlington; B.J., University of Texas, Austin; Professor
PS 1000 Introduction to Political Science Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Civic Literacy, Social Inquiry, Social Sciences
Introduction to the scope and method of political science. Overview of politics, political systems, nature and role of political institutions. Empirical political theory; practice in conducting political research. Offered Yearly.
PS 1010 American Government Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: American Society Institution, Civic Literacy, Social Inquiry
Politics and functions of American governmental institutions. Policy processes and the role of citizens in the political process. No credit after PS 1030. Offered Every Term.
PS 1030 The American Governmental System Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: American Society Institution, Civic Literacy, Social Inquiry
Structure and functions of the American political system. Governmental institutions and processes. No credit after PS 1010. Offered Every Term.
PS 1050 Understanding Political Science Statistics Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Quantitative Experience Comp
Applications of elementary statistical methods to the study of American government, comparative politics, and international relations. Offered Fall, Winter.
PS 1100 Changing Detroit Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Civic Literacy, Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry
This course is the first half of the Honors Foundation Sequence. It explores the history and development of the city of Detroit, including the challenges of deindustrialization and segregation, and guides students through the steps of civic engagement including how to identify and specify social problems, formulate workable solutions and advocate effectively for their implementation. Offered Fall.
PS 1110 Work and Democracy: An Introduction Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Civic Literacy
The course explores the role that labor and the labor movement have played in shaping democracy in the United States over the past two centuries and the limits of democracy in the workplace. It covers key political achievements of labor and workers' organizations and the contemporary challenges they face today. Key themes include labor and citizenship, industrial democracy, the role of the state in mediating labor relations, gender, race, sexuality and labor, the labor movement as a social movement, and power and politics in the workplace. Offered Every Term.
PS 2000 Introduction to Urban Studies Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry, Social Inquiry, Social Sciences
In this introductory urban studies course, students learn about the historic and contemporary forces driving urbanization with an emphasis on US cities and urban areas; the effects of these forces on diverse population groups; and challenges facing cities and strategies to resolve them. Although the course will draw from international contexts, wherever possible, experiences of and from the Detroit metro—city and suburbs—will be used to illustrate particular themes. Student learning centers on an examination of issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and broader social phenomena. Offered Every Term.
PS 2206 Political Sociology Cr. 3
Examines the sociology of politics and explores sociological analysis of political processes in the United States. Offered Every Other Year.
Equivalent: SOC 2206
PS 2240 Introduction to Urban Politics and Policy Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Social Inquiry, Social Sciences
Influences on politics and problems of cities, forms of local political involvement, role of local public officials, impact of state and federal policies. Overview of current issues and problems in specific policy areas. Offered Yearly.
PS 2310 Introduction to Public Administration Cr. 4
Governmental and administrative structures and organizations. Concepts and techniques of public management. Impact of public bureaucracies on modern society. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 2410 Introduction to Public Policy Cr. 4
Public policy-making institutions and processes. Emphasis on theory and practice of policy formation, implementation and evaluation. Various models of political decision making. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 2420 Ethics and Politics of Public Policy Cr. 4
Moral and political standards for policy-making, relation of major political and social theorists to policy issues such as economic inequality, racial and sexual discrimination, the enforcement of morals, and violence and social change. Offered Yearly.
PS 2440 Science, Technology, and War Cr. 4
Modern weapons, nuclear and otherwise are becoming increasingly available and dangerous; people with grievances seem eager to use them. Science and technology, as well as constraints of bureaucracy and society underpin weapons development and use, as technologies affect prospects and results of war and peace. History of humanity and its tools of war. Offered Yearly.
PS 2460 Policy and Rationality: Dilemmas of Choice Cr. 4
Individual decision-making and limitations on human cognition; collective choice; implications for policy development. Offered Yearly.
PS 2510 Introduction to Political Philosophy: What is Politics? Cr. 4
Introduction to the history of political philosophy through readings from Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Offered Yearly.
PS 2550 The Study of Non-Violence Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry
Intellectual and social roots of non-violence and the practice of non-violence in different people's life styles. Historical and political forces and movements related to non-violence. (Some sections linked to Peace and Justice Learning Community.) Offered Every Term.
PS 2700 Introduction to Canadian Studies Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Foreign Culture, Global Learning Inquiry
Survey of Canada in its cultural, literary, historical, geographical and political aspects; key concepts and social patterns that define the Canadian experience. Offered Intermittently.
PS 2710 Introduction to Comparative Politics Cr. 4
Comparison of the political cultures, politics, and political institutions of Eastern, Western, and Southern European political systems. Similarities and differences in public policies; European influence; parallels in developing nations. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 2810 World Politics Cr. 4
Role of power, methods of resolving international conflict, economic relations between industrialized and Third World countries, multinational corporations, terrorists, and other non-state actors. Offered Yearly.
PS 2820 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies Cr. 3
Introduction to the peace and conflict studies co-major. Survey, ranging from biology and conflict among animals to disputes involving the individual, the family, the neighborhood and region, the nation and global or international community. Definitions and approaches to peace. (Some sections linked to Peace and Justice Learning Community.) Offered Yearly.
PS 2830 Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies Cr. 1-4
Special topics relating to peace and conflict studies. Offered Every Term.
Equivalent: HIS 2520, PCS 2010
Repeatable for 12 Credits
PS 2992 Political Science Internship Cr. 1-4
Internship in a public or quasi-public organization, agency, civic or voluntary group, or campaign organization. Collateral reading, written work and arranged conferences with faculty supervisor. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 4 Credits
PS 3010 Public Opinion and Political Behavior Cr. 4
Factors that shape public opinion; patterns of political participation and electoral politics. Impact of public opinion and popular participation on the political system. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3020 Political Parties and Elections Cr. 4
Development, structure, functions and operations of American political parties; their electoral and governmental roles; comparison with other systems; possible reforms. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3025 Political Campaigns in America Cr. 4
Nature and dynamics of campaigns for public office in the U.S. Campaign techniques and strategies in an era of candidate-centered American politics. Offered Intermittently.
PS 3030 Political Interest Groups Cr. 4
Structure, techniques and internal politics of interest groups, their roles in policy-making and relationship with other groups such as political parties, legislatures and administrative agencies. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3040 The Legislative Process Cr. 4
Function, structure, procedures and politics of American legislative bodies with special attention to Congress. Relationships with other political institutions, especially the executive branch, and comparisons with foreign legislative institutions. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3050 Politics of the American Presidency Cr. 4
Constitutional, historical, and political bases of the presidency. Influence of courts, Congress, interest groups, the news media, and personality on the office. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3060 State Government and Politics Cr. 4
A comparison of states in the United States in terms of their governmental structures, functions and response to changes in national and local relationships. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3070 Michigan Politics Cr. 4
History and overview of Michigan politics: structure, process, current issues. Offered Every Term.
PS 3080 Gender and Politics Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Civic Literacy
Genesis and perpetuation of gender roles; feminist movements to modify these roles; impact of gender on public policy; gender-differentiated impact of public policy. Offered Intermittently.
PS 3100 American Legal Systems and Processes Cr. 4
Introduction to the American legal system and to basic concepts in American law; exploration of the role of judicial review of legislation in a democratic society, covering topics such as race and gender discrimination, affirmative action, LGBTQ+ rights, hate speech, and pornography. Offered Yearly.
PS 3120 Politics of the Criminal Justice Process Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Civic Literacy
Political aspects of criminal justice; politics of crime legislation, police function, prosecution, adjudication, and corrections; Federal role in criminal justice. Offered Intermittently.
Equivalent: CRJ 3120
PS 3250 Detroit Politics: Continuity and Change in City and Suburbs Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry
Detroit area political systems and processes; historical, economic, and social influences on local politics. Traditions, changes, and future challenges in Detroit and metropolitan area. Offered Every Other Year.
Equivalent: HIS 3240
PS 3320 Empowering Change through Nonprofit Engagement Cr. 4
An immersive and interactive exploration of the dynamic world of nonprofit enterprises. In this course, students will delve into the theoretical underpinnings of the nonprofit sector while actively engaging with local nonprofit organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their operations and impact. Through encounters with various nonprofit organizations, students will have the opportunity to witness firsthand how these organizations operate within their communities. Offered Yearly.
PS 3430 Bureaucracy and Public Policy Cr. 4
Theory and development of modern governmental bureaucracy. Bureaucratic politics and its significance for decision making and program implementation. Normative aspects of bureaucracy, including accountability to the public and the role of bureaucrats in helping to define rational, efficient policies. Offered Every Other Year.
Prerequisites: PS 1010 with a minimum grade of D- or PS 1030 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3450 Environmental Policy and Politics Cr. 4
Introductory course; primary focus on United States. Discussion of major environmental problems and their causes; environmental politics and the policy process. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3520 Theories of Justice Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Cultural Inquiry, Philosophy Letters
Exploration of what terms such as justice, equality, liberty, and democracy mean to adherents of varying worldviews; examination of processes for arriving at collective decisions binding on participants who disagree about fundamental principles of political morality. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3530 Classical Political Philosophy: What is Justice? Cr. 4
An in-depth analysis of the classical conception of justice as an individual virtue and as a characteristic of good political communities through a detailed and careful reading of Plato's "Republic." Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3550 American Political Philosophy: What is Freedom? Cr. 4
Readings of major texts in the history of American Political Philosophy. Federalist/anti-Federalist debates, early modern foundations of religious toleration, Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, and African American Political Thought from abolition to civil rights. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3560 Modern Political Philosophy: What is a Republic? Cr. 4
In-depth exploration of the essential character of self-government, including its necessary cultural, economic, educational, and intellectual foundations, as rediscovered and reconceived by a variety of philosophers from the modern period (16th through 19th centuries). Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3600 Methods of Political Inquiry Cr. 4
Techniques of political science research: data gathering techniques, especially survey design; data processing and analysis using computers; and the interpretation and reporting of statistical results. Offered Every Term.
PS 3710 Politics of Western Europe Cr. 4
Western Europe: driving force in world politics over centuries; lofty principles and gruesome conflict. Origins of European political systems; twentieth-century crises; ongoing process of creating united Europe. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3715 Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe Cr. 4
The course provides a foundation for understanding the modern-day politics of Russia and Eastern Europe. We will learn about Russia, the largest state to emerge from the breakup of the USSR and analyze politics in Russia under Putin in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the Russia-Ukraine war. Additionally, we will study the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s to understand the Russian sphere of influence, past and present. Offered Yearly.
PS 3735 Politics of Latin America Cr. 4
Political, social, economic and cultural foundations, the structure and function of institutions, and political processes in Latin America. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3760 Understanding Africa: Past, Present and Future Cr. 3
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Diversity Equity Incl Inquiry, Global Learning Inquiry
In-depth knowledge of Africa through the study of its physiography, prehistory and history, social institutions, and social changes within a global context. Offered Intermittently.
Equivalent: ANT 3520
PS 3770 Politics of East Asia Cr. 4
Survey of five major polities in East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and (more briefly) North Korea. Why some of them have undergone democratization and others have not; how political factors have affected their recent economic performance; what explains conflicts and cooperation among them, and what security implications they hold for the United States. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 3795 Latin America in World Affairs Cr. 4
Latin America's position in the international system; relationships between Latin American countries and the United States. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 3811 Theory of World Politics Cr. 4
Major theoretical approaches. Evaluation of the extent to which theses that devolve from realist, idealist, globalist, culturalist, feminist and decision-making approaches allow the explication of phenomena in world politics. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: PS 2810 with a minimum grade of D-
PS 3820 Pan Africanism: Politics of the Black Diaspora Cr. 4
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Global Learning Inquiry
Interplay of Pan Africanism as a cultural and socio-political movement in world politics from its origins as a concept to organizing practice worldwide. Offered Yearly.
Equivalent: AFS 3420
PS 3830 War Cr. 4
Major theoretical and methodological approaches to study of international conflict. Analysis of impact of domestic, state, and global system factors in explicating international war. Aspects of civil wars that have become internationalized. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisite: PS 2810 with a minimum grade of C-
PS 3835 Middle East Conflict Cr. 4
International and regional factors affecting contemporary political landscape of the region: influence of European colonialism; emergence and persistence of Palestinian-Israeli conflict; contemporary developments in the Persian Gulf and the role of U.S. policy since 9/11. Discussion of topics of current interest such as the situation in Iraq and the prospects for democratic reform in the region. Offered Intermittently.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 3991 Directed Study: WSU-Salford Exchange Cr. 3-9
Credit earned through approved upper-division course work at the University of Salford, England, as part of the W.S.U.- Salford Exchange Program. Offered Fall, Winter.
PS 4460 Techniques of Policy Analysis Cr. 4
Introduction to several major techniques used by policy analysts to measure and evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of public policies and programs. Approaches and methodologies considered will include systems analysis, benefit-cost analysis, and simulation. This course involves quantitative data analysis. Students are expected to be proficient in basic algebra and to be computer literate. Offered Yearly.
Restriction(s): Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior or Senior.
Fees: $5
PS 4510 Classical Political Philosophy: What is War? Cr. 4
An in-depth study of the causes, effects, and characteristics of war, seen through the lens of classical Greek philosophy as a permanent feature of the human condition, by means of a detailed and careful study of Thucydides's "History of the Peloponnesian War." Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 4710 Democracy Cr. 4
"The worst form of government except for all the others?" How democracy has evolved from ancient Athens until today. What makes democracy work. How democratization is proceeding in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 4725 Globalization and Politics Cr. 4
Domestic and international politics and globalization: theories and evidence. Consequences for economic development and democratization or economic inequality. Questions explored include: What is economic globalization? Is it really new? What caused its recent resurrection? What political disjunctions engendered the process and how do they vary within political institutions? How has it threatened sovereign nation-states, constrained governmental policy autonomy, and encouraged regional separatist movements? Offered Every Other Year.
PS 4810 Foreign Policies of Major Powers Cr. 4
Major issues and trends in the foreign policies of Russia, China, Japan, and the European Union. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 4835 Civil War and Conflict Processes Cr. 3
Introduction to literature on civil wars: origins, variables affecting their duration, termination. Peacemaking and peace agreements studied comparatively. Includes study of recent conflicts. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 4990 Directed Study Cr. 1-4
Independent study assignment under the direction of a faculty member. Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 8 Credits
PS 4995 Senior Honors Paper Cr. 4
Completion of an extended examination of a topic or research question in political science, under the direction of one or more members of the departmental faculty. Offered Every Term.
PS 5030 African American Politics Cr. 4
Nature and texture of black politics; various perspectives on politics by blacks; the impact of blacks on American politics. Offered Every Other Year.
Equivalent: AFS 5030
PS 5040 Religion and Politics Cr. 4
Religion and American political culture; religious institutions and religious movements; church lobbying in national, state, and local governments; specific manifestations of religion and politics; African Americans, women and conservative Christians. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 5110 Constitutional Law Cr. 4
Examination of the power of judicial review, barriers to court review, distribution of powers in the national government, federal-state relations, federal-state power to regulate and tax interstate commerce, and protection of property through the due process clause. Offered Yearly.
PS 5120 Constitutional Rights and Liberties Cr. 4
The Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment's due process and equal protection clauses, including rights of criminal defendants, freedom of speech and religion, race and sex discrimination. Offered Yearly.
PS 5560 Biopolitics Cr. 4
Use of the perspective of the life sciences in the study of political behavior, political evolution, political institutions, and contemporary political issues. Offered Yearly.
PS 5630 Statistics and Data Analysis in Political Science I Cr. 4
Introduction to statistical description and inference in the study of politics, administration and public policy. Introduction to statistical analysis using microcomputers. Offered Every Term.
PS 5740 Ethnicity: The Immigrant Experience Cr. 4
The course covers history and and current debates pertaining to migration and ethnicity, both worldwide and in the US context. We look at migrant and ethnic groups’ roles in international politics, host country politics, and economic development. We also examine themes of immigrant belonging in law and national discourse. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 5760 History and Development of Islamic Political Thought Cr. 3
Historical analysis of political Islam through study of the precepts and historical vicissitudes impacting the Islamic world from within and from external forces. Offered Intermittently.
Prerequisites: NE 2030 with a minimum grade of D- and NE 3040 with a minimum grade of D-
Equivalent: NE 5110
PS 5820 International Law Cr. 4
Sources of international law (treaty and custom); institutions of the international system and relationship to domestic law and the courts; state sovereignty; role of United Nations and other international organizations. Application of legal norms to contemporary armed conflicts and human rights catastrophes. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 5830 International Diplomacy and Conflict Cr. 3
This course presents career-relevant understanding of international conflict negotiations, mediation and diplomacy. It covers diplomatic history, theories and processes of diplomatic practice and international conflict background and settlement. Students will also enhance practical skills in diplomatic practice and policy-relevant writing through participation in negotiation simulations and preparation of planning and advisory reports. Offered Intermittently.
PS 5850 Human Rights Cr. 4
Theoretical traditions that have inspired the human rights movement; critiques from liberal and conservative perspectives; international human rights treaties and efforts to implement their terms; controversies over cultural relativism, economic and social rights, treatment of women, and the question of non-intervention. Offered Intermittently.
PS 5860 Conflict in the Nuclear Age Cr. 3
Examination of post-World War II historical conflicts using formal mathematical models and games of strategic interaction. Offered Intermittently.
PS 5890 Dispute Resolution Cr. 3
Overview of the processes and actors in the field of dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and conciliation. Offered Yearly.
PS 5991 Directed Study: WSU- Salford Exchange Cr. 3-9
Credit earned through approved upper-division course work at the University of Salford, England, as part of W.S.U.- Salford student exchange program. Offered for undergraduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 5992 Political Science AGRADE Internship Cr. 4
Internship to supplement classroom course work with practical experience gained through substantial involvement in a responsible capacity in a public or quasi-public agency or civic organization. Offered Every Term.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 5993 Writing Intensive Course in Political Science Cr. 0
Satisfies General Education Requirement: Writing Intensive Competency
Disciplinary writing assignments under the direction of a faculty member. Must be selected in conjunction with a designated corequisite; see section listing in Schedule of Classes for corequisites available each term. Offered Every Term.
Prerequisites: (AFS 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 2390 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3010 with a minimum grade of C, ENG 3020 with a minimum grade of C, or ENG 3050 with a minimum grade of C) and PS 3000-6999 with a minimum grade of D- and PS 3000-6999 with a minimum grade of D-
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.
PS 5999 Special Topics in Political Science Cr. 1-4
Topics to be announced in Schedule of Classes . Offered Every Term.
Repeatable for 16 Credits
PS 6010 Political Psychology Cr. 3
Political attitudes and behavior of both ordinary citizens and political elites using theory and research that adopt a psychological perspective. Topics include: political socialization, ideological belief systems, role of mass media in shaping beliefs and attitudes, race and gender stereotypes and their psychological and political consequences, personality and the dynamics of political leadership. Offered Yearly.
Equivalent: PSY 6020
PS 6020 Intergovernmental Relations and American Federalism Cr. 3
Legal, fiscal, political and administrative relationships among governments in the American federal system. Current issues and public policies which affect or are affected by intergovernmental relationships. Offered Every Other Year.
PS 6050 Class, Race, and Politics in America Cr. 3
Historical and analytic investigation into the role of class and race in American politics. Offered Intermittently.
PS 6070 Labor and American Politics Cr. 3
The role of organized labor in American politics. Historical background; race, gender, and immigration as they shape labor politics; current issues for the labor movement and labor’s political agenda; organized labor’s future as a force in politics and governance. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: ELR 7420
PS 6100 Introduction to Graduate Peace and Security Studies Cr. 3
Survey of the peace and security studies fields at the graduate level. Offered for graduate credit only. Offered Fall, Winter.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: PCS 6100
PS 6340 Public Sector Labor Relations Cr. 3
History, present functions, problems and current controversies surrounding public sector unions. Offered Every Other Year.
Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Equivalent: ELR 7430
PS 6640 Statistics and Data Analysis in Political Science II Cr. 3
Modern statistical theory applied to the study of politics, administration, and public policy. Multivariate analysis: multiple regression, logistic regression, path analysis, and factor analysis. Offered Yearly.
Prerequisite: PS 5630
PS 6700 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations Cr. 3
Conducting financial management in nonprofit organizations. Topics include: legal responsibilities, cash versus accrual basis accounting, financial statements, fund accounting, fixed assets and depreciation, contributions and budgeting. Offered Yearly.
PS 6720 Marketing, Development, and Grant Writing for Nonprofit Organizations Cr. 3
How nonprofit organizations locate and secure resources from the private sector, individual philanthropists, foundations, and governments, through marketing, development, and the writing and submission of grants. Offered Yearly.
PS 6850 International Organizations Cr. 3
Covers origins and significance of international institutions in world politics. Reviews theoretical approaches to international institutions and global governance, including realist, institutionalist and constructivist. Examines problems of cooperation, delegation of power, disparities of power and the development of robust international regimes in a variety of areas of global governance (security, economic, human rights). Offered Intermittently.
PS 6860 American Foreign Policy Cr. 3
Contending paradigms of realism and liberalism as they relate to programs for American foreign policy. Offered Yearly.
PS 6870 United States Foreign Relations Law Cr. 4
U.S. constitutional law and politics relating to the branches' competencies in conduct of foreign affairs and to incorporation of international law in U.S. courts; war powers, counterterrorism, treaties, human rights litigation, immunities. Offered Every Other Year.
Equivalent: LEX 7888