Peace and Conflict Studies Minor
To receive a Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), a student must complete:
Code | Title | Credits |
PCS 2000 | Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies | 3 |
PSY 2600 | Psychology of Social Behavior | 4 |
Select one core course from the following: | 3-4 | |
Black Social and Political Thought | ||
World Cultures | ||
American Foreign Relations Since 1933 | ||
Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies | ||
Science, Technology, and War | ||
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery | ||
Introduction to Political Philosophy: What is Politics? | ||
World Politics | ||
Ethnicity: The Immigrant Experience | ||
Select one core course from the following: | 3-4 | |
Dispute Resolution | ||
Community or International Internship | ||
Advanced Special Topics | ||
Two conflict-related elective courses. Permissible elective courses include additional core courses, electives listed below, or can be approved in consultation with the undergraduate advisor. | 6-8 | |
Total Credits | 19-23 |
Among their elective requirements, students must have a minimum of one course that is counting towards the PCS minor requirements and not fulfilling any other major, minor, or co-major requirement. Electives may be selected from the approved elective course list, or from other curricula, with approval of the Peace and Conflict Studies Director.
Peace and Conflict-Related Elective Courses
The University offers a large number of conflict- and peace-related courses in its various Schools and Colleges that are suitable electives for this program. The student is encouraged to select courses that introduce them to a variety of cultural practices regarding the management of conflict. The following are appropriate for the co-major or minor; because new courses are created by faculty on a rolling basis, students are encouraged to consult with the director or the undergraduate advisor about any courses not on the following list which may be included in their major.
Race, Gender, and Religion
Code | Title | Credits |
AFS/SOC 2600 | Race and Racism in America | 3 |
AFS 3420/PS 3820 | Pan Africanism and the Diaspora | 4 |
AFS/SOC 5570 | Race Relations in Urban Society | 3 |
ANT 3530 | Native Americans | 3 |
ANT 5240 | Cross Cultural Study of Gender | 3 |
COM 4240 | African Americans in Television | 4 |
CRJ/GSW 2750 | Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice | 3 |
HIS 2605/GSW 2600 | History of Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Modern World | 3 |
HIS/AFS 3150 | African American History II: 1865-1968 | 3-4 |
HIS 5200 | Women, Gender, and Sexuality in US History | 3 |
HIS 5480 | Nazi Germany | 3-4 |
NE 6500 | Religion and Society | 3 |
PS/AFS 5030 | African American Politics | 4 |
PSY 3250 | Psychology of Gender | 3 |
PSY/AFS 5700 | The Psychology of African Americans | 4 |
Peace and Conflict Theory
Code | Title | Credits |
ANT 5140 | Biology and Culture | 3 |
COM 3400 | Theories of Communication | 3 |
CRJ 3800 | Criminological Theories | 3 |
GER/FRE/ITA/SPA 2700 | Anguish and Commitment: European Existentialist Literature | 3-4 |
PHI 2320 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHI 3270 | Foundations of Law | 3 |
PS 3530 | Classical Political Philosophy: What is Justice? | 4 |
PS 4835 | Civil War and Conflict Processes | 3 |
PSY 3040 | Psychology of Perception: Fundamental Processes | 3 |
PSY/LIN 3080 | Cognitive Psychology: Fundamental Processes | 3 |
PSY 3200 | Motivation, Feeling and Emotion | 3 |
PSY 3310 | Introduction to Psychopathology | 4 |
Human Rights and Social Justice
Code | Title | Credits |
AFS/SOC 2600 | Race and Racism in America | 3 |
AFS/SOC 5580 | Law and the African American Experience | 4 |
COM 2160 | Campaigns and Social Movements | 3 |
CRJ 3200 | Police and Society | 3 |
ECO 5490/HIS 5290 | American Labor History | 4 |
LAS/HIS 2430 | History of Latino/as in the United States | 3 |
PHI 3270 | Foundations of Law | 3 |
PS 2420 | Ethics and Politics of Public Policy | 4 |
PS 3520 | Theories of Justice | 4 |
PS 5120 | Constitutional Rights and Liberties | 4 |
PS 5850 | Human Rights | 4 |
SOC 5700 | Seminar in Social Inequality | 3 |
SW 3110 | Diversity, Oppression and Social Justice | 3 |
International Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
AFS 3610 | Africa: Politics, Culture and Society | 4 |
ANT 3100 | World Cultures | 3 |
ANT 3540 | Cultures and Societies of Latin America | 3 |
ANT/NE 3550 | Arab Society in Transition | 3 |
ECO 5300 | International Trade | 4 |
ECO 5310 | International Finance | 4 |
GPH/HIS/PS 2700/ENG 2670 | Introduction to Canadian Studies | 3 |
HIS 1400 | The World Since 1945 | 4 |
HIS 1610 | African Civilizations Since 1800 | 3-4 |
HIS/LAS 1910 | Latin America from Independence to the Present | 3 |
HIS 3320 | Twentieth Century Middle East | 3 |
HIS 5530 | History of World War I and II: A Social and Political History of Two World Wars | 4 |
JPN 4550 | Japanese Culture and Society I | 4 |
JPN 4560 | Japanese Culture and Society II | 4 |
NE 2040/HIS 1810 | The Modern Middle East | 3 |
NE 5000/HIS 5960 | Globalization, Social History and Gender in the Arabian Gulf | 3 |
PS 2710 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 4 |
PS 3710 | Politics of Western Europe | 4 |
PS 3715 | Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe | 4 |
PS 3735 | Politics of Latin America | 4 |
PS 3770 | Politics of East Asia | 4 |
PS 3795 | Latin America in World Affairs | 4 |
PS 3830 | War | 4 |
PS 3835 | Middle East Conflict | 4 |
PS 3991 | Directed Study: WSU-Salford Exchange | 3-9 |
PS 4725 | Globalization and Politics | 4 |
PS 4810 | Foreign Policies of Major Powers | 4 |
PS 5820 | International Law | 4 |
SLA/ARM/GER/POL/RUS 3410 | New Soil, Old Roots: The Immigrant Experience | 3 |
SLA 3710 | Russian and East European Film | 3-4 |
Peace and Conflict Studies in the United States
Code | Title | Credits |
AFS/GSW 5110 | Black Women in America | 3 |
ECO 5480 | Economics of Work | 3 |
HIS 5200 | Women, Gender, and Sexuality in US History | 3 |
HIS 5290/ECO 5490 | American Labor History | 4 |
PS/AFS 5030 | African American Politics | 4 |
SOC/AFS 5570 | Race Relations in Urban Society | 3 |
SOC 6750 | Sociology of Urban Health | 3 |
US/GPH/HIS 2000/SOC 2500 | Introduction to Urban Studies | 4 |
UP 5650 | Metropolitan Detroit | 3 |
Peace Studies in Human Development
Code | Title | Credits |
ANT/LIN 3310 | Language and Culture | 3 |
ANT 5140 | Biology and Culture | 3 |
ANT/LIN 5320 | Language and Societies | 3 |
CRJ 3350/SOC 3840 | Corrections | 3 |
CRJ 4230 | Child Abuse and Neglect | 3 |
PS 5560 | Biopolitics | 4 |
PSY 2400 | Developmental Psychology | 4 |
PSY 3310 | Introduction to Psychopathology | 4 |
PSY 3350 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
SOC 2203 | Social Psychology | 3 |
SW/ELE/PSY 6010 | Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities | 3 |
Dispute Resolution
Selecting a course from this group assumes completion of PCS 5000.
Code | Title | Credits |
COM 2200 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM 3250 | Introduction to Organizational Communication | 3 |
COM 6220 | Dispute Resolution and Communication Technology | 3 |
COM 6350 | Communication, Culture, and Conflict | 3 |
CRJ 3110 | Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice | 3 |
ELR 4500 | Applied Labor Studies | 3 |
PS 3030 | Political Interest Groups | 4 |
PS 3040 | The Legislative Process | 4 |
PSY 2100 | Psychology and the Workplace | 3 |
SW 1010 | Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare | 3 |