Academic Catalog

Social Work and Social Justice Minor

The minor in social work and social justice will provide undergraduate students from different majors with the opportunity to learn how to apply practical solutions to fostering environments that are socially just, diverse, inclusive, and equitable.

The minor requires a minimum of eighteen credits.

Social Work Courses (12 credits)
SW 1010Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare3
SW 3110Diversity, Oppression and Social Justice3
SW 3710Social Welfare and the Social Work Profession: History, Trends and Basic Concepts3
Select a Social Work elective from the list below:3
Introduction to Child Welfare
Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities
Social Work and the Law
Youth, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice
Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Physical and Social Functioning
Violence Prevention and Intervention
Introduction to International Social Work
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Health and Well-Being
Special Topics in Social Work *
CLAS Electives (6 credits)
Select from the following courses:6
African American Studies
African American Culture
Race and Racism in America
Black Women in America
Introduction to Anthropology
Introduction to Medical Anthropology
Native Americans
Arab Society in Transition
Criminal Justice
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Race, Crime and Justice
Gender and Crime
Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice
Mental Health and Crime
Police and Society
The Judicial Process
Constitutional Criminal Procedure
Special Topics in Criminal Justice *
Environmental Science
Ecology and the Environment
Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment
Gender/Sexuality and Women’s Studies
Humanities Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality, and Women
History of Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Modern World
Social Science Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality, and Women
Feminist, Gender, and Queer Theory
Peace and Conflict Studies
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies *
The Study of Non-Violence
Dispute Resolution
Advanced Special Topics *
Political Science
Gender and Politics
American Legal Systems and Processes
Detroit Politics: Continuity and Change in City and Suburbs
Theories of Justice
American Political Philosophy: What is Freedom?
African American Politics
Constitutional Rights and Liberties
Public Health
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health
LGBTQ Health
Technical Communication I: Reports
Technical Communication II: Presentations
Grant Writing
Publishing Practicum *
Race Relations in Metro Detroit
Gendered Worlds
Social Inequality
Seminar in Race and Ethnicity
Seminar in Global Inequality and Development
Total Credits18

Consult an advisor if using this course to satisfy the elective requirement.

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