Elementary Education (M.A.T.)
The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Early and Elementary Education is designed for students who have a bachelor's degree, but who have not completed a Teacher Certification program. It is for those who seek a Michigan Standard Teaching Certification in Early and Elementary Education. The M.A.T. degree in Early and Elementary Education is specific to certification content areas.
Information regarding teaching certificate requirements can be found at the Teaching Certificates section of this bulletin.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching in Early and Elementary Education is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School and the Division of Teacher Education in the College of Education. In order to be eligible for admission, all M.A.T. applicants must meet the requirements set forth by the Graduate School; pass all prerequisite courses/requirements; and must have a Criminal History Background check completed through Castle Branch.
Specific content areas (e.g., world languages) might have content-specific prerequisites and/or requirements. Candidates may add endorsements (e.g., bilingual education, ESL, etc.) to their certification areas as well.
The Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) is required to attain a Michigan Standard Teaching Certification. Wayne State University must receive only official scores directly from the Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson, which is the official MTTC testing agency. Scores received directly from students and/or other parties will not be accepted. Students will not be recommended for the Michigan Standard Teaching Certification without official passing test scores. When registering for the MTTC, students should select "Wayne State University (31)" as a "College or University to Receive Scores.
Degree Requirements (General M.A.T.)
The M.A.T. program is offered as a master’s Plan C program only and requires a minimum of thirty credits. Total credit requirements vary based on the applicant’s background in his/her teaching field at the undergraduate level and specialized requirements.
All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and the Graduate School's regulations governing graduate scholarship and degrees. Requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree must be completed within six years after completion of the first course to be applied to the degree.
Course work is distributed among two areas: Prerequisite courses and concentration courses. A teaching certificate is required in order to receive a M.A.T. degree.
Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revisions, and students are encouraged to consult their assigned advisor prior to each registration period to ensure that all requirements are met.
Common Prerequisite Courses
All M.A.T. Elementary Education students are required to complete the following prerequisite courses, which are required for a Michigan Teaching Certificate. It is recommend that applicants complete all prerequisite courses before admission, however, applicants may be admitted with two or three prerequisite courses remaining.
Courses for Admission for PK-3 and 3-6 Grade Band Concentrations
Code | Title | Credits |
EDP 6210 | Foundations of Educational Psychology | 3 |
or EDP 3310 | Educational Psychology | |
TED 6020 | Technology Integration in Teaching | 3 |
or TED 2020 | Technology Integration in Teaching | |
MAT 1110 | Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I | 3 |
MAT 1120 | Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II | 3 |
SSE 5720 | Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers I | 3 |
SSE 6720 | Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers II | 3 |
SCE 5100 & SCE 5105 | Integrated Science Content (PK-6) and Integrated Science Lab (PK-6) | 4 |
or SCE 2100 & SCE 2105 | Integrated Science Content PK-6 and Integrated Science Lab PK-6 | |
TED 6200 & TED 6205 | Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces and Foundations Field Experience | 3 |
or TED 2200 & TED 2205 | Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces and Foundations Field Experience | |
TED 6210 | Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity and Schooling | 2 |
or TED 2210 | Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling | |
TED 6220 | Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling | 2 |
or TED 2220 | Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling | |
ELE 6020 or 2020 only required for PK-3 concentration: | 3 | |
Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience | ||
or ELE 2020 | Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience | |
Total Credits | 32 |
PK-3 Grade Band
Professional Clinical Experiences are integral parts of the program and must be completed during daytime school hours.
Code | Title | Credits |
ELE 6041 | Early Childhood Curriculum for PK-3 Teachers | 3 |
ELE 6205 | Literacy Foundations | 3 |
ELE 6210 & ELE 6211 | Literacy Methods I (PK-3) and Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3) | 4 |
ELE 6225 | Literacy Methods II (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6600 | Social Studies Methods (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6350 | Mathematics Foundations (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6370 & ELE 6375 | Mathematics Methods (PK-3) and Mathematics Clinical Experience (PK-3) | 4 |
ELE 6550 | Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6) | 2 |
ELE 6800 & ELE 6805 | Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) and Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) | 5 |
TED 6755 | MAT Elementary Education Student Teaching | 8 |
Total Credits | 38 |
3-6 Grade Band
Professional Clinical Experiences are integral parts of the program and must be completed during daytime school hours.
Code | Title | Credits |
ELE 6205 | Literacy Foundations | 3 |
ELE 6215 & ELE 6216 | Literacy Methods I (3-6) and Literacy Clinical Experience (3-6) | 4 |
ELE 6225 | Literacy Methods II (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6600 | Social Studies Methods (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6350 | Mathematics Foundations (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6380 & ELE 6385 | Mathematics Methods (3-6) and Mathematics Clinical Experience (3-6) | 4 |
ELE 6500 | Science Curriculum and Methods (3-6) | 3 |
ELE 6550 | Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6) | 2 |
ELE 6800 & ELE 6805 | Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) and Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) | 5 |
TED 6755 | MAT Elementary Education Student Teaching | 8 |
Total Credits | 38 |
Teach Detroit 3-6 Grade Band
Code | Title | Credits |
Admission Requirements: | ||
Unique to this concentration is an interest and commitment for working in the Detroit Community and an interview. | ||
Required Courses (35 Credit Hours) | ||
TED 6210 | Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity and Schooling | 2 |
TED 6220 | Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling | 2 |
ELE 6205 | Literacy Foundations | 3 |
ELE 6010 | Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities | 3 |
ELE 6215 | Literacy Methods I (3-6) | 3 |
ELE 6225 | Literacy Methods II (PK-6) | 3 |
ELE 6380 | Mathematics Methods (3-6) | 3 |
ELE 6600 | Social Studies Methods (PK-6) | 3 |
TED 5150 | Analysis of Elementary Teaching | 5 |
TED 6755 | MAT Elementary Education Student Teaching | 8 |
Other Recommended Education Courses | ||
Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6) | ||
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces | ||
Technology Integration in Teaching | ||
Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning | ||
Foundations of Educational Psychology | ||
Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers | ||
Mathematics Foundations (PK-6) | ||
Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers I | ||
Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers II | ||
Science Curriculum and Methods (3-6) | ||
Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) and Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6) | ||
Teach Detroit students must complete the following: | ||
Complete Criminal History Background checks. | ||
Demonstrate Teach Detroit professional commitments and dispositions. | ||
Pass Michigan Test for Teacher Certification exams. | ||
Complete Child Study. | ||
Create electronic portfolio. | ||
Upload videos of teaching to GoReact. | ||
Apply for teacher certification through the College of Education upon completion of program. | ||
Total Credits | 35 |