Administration of the University
The general governance of Wayne State University is constitutionally vested in the Board of Governors, consisting of eight popularly elected members and the President of the University, who is named by the elected members. The president is the chief executive officer of the university and is charged by the Board of Governors with responsibility for its administration. For educational and administrative purposes, the university is organized into major academic units — schools, colleges, divisions, centers and institutes. The following schools, colleges and divisions constitute the heart of the University:
Mike Ilitch School of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Irvin D. Reid Honors College
Graduate School
Law School
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Information Sciences
School of Medicine
College of Nursing
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
School of Social Work
The dean of the college or school is its chief executive officer. More than half the colleges and schools are organized into departments or divisions, each administered by a chairperson (or assistant dean). Academic standards, curricular development, course revision and similar academic matters are the primary responsibility of the faculty and dean of the college or school, although these matters are subject to review and approval by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and by the President of the University. Major educational policy decisions are also subject to review by the Academic Senate.
The Graduate School is the central unit for the supervision and encouragement of graduate work in the university and has basic responsibility for the improvement and review of existing programs and the approval of new graduate programs. Except for applicants and candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, the detailed supervision of graduate students’ work is conducted by the college and school and, where appropriate, by the departments.
All degrees are granted by the university through the colleges and schools, except that the Dean of the Graduate School, with the approval of the Graduate Council, recommends candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Board of Governors
University Leadership
KIMBERLY ANDREWS ESPY, Ph.D., President of the University
LAURIE LAUZON CLABO, Ph.D., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academics and Research
ALI ABOLMAALI, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Engineering
BORIS BALTES, Ph.D., Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Academic Personnel
DENISE TALIAFERRO BASZILE, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education
RICHARD BIERSCHBACH, J.D., Dean of the Law School
PAUL BRACKE, Ph.D., Dean of the University Libraries and the School of Information Sciences
AMANDA BRYANT-FRIEDRICH, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School
CHARLES COTTON, Ed.D., Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment
HASAN ELAHI, M.F.A., Dean of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
DARRYL GARDNER, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Student Success, Support, and Engagement
STEPHANIE HARTWELL, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
CHRISTINE JACKSON, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Partnerships and Workforce
VIRGINA FRANKE KLEIST, Ph.D., Dean of the Mike Ilitch School of Business
SHERYL KUBIAK, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Social Work
EZEMENARI OBASI, Ph.D., Vice President for Research
DONYALE R. PADGETT, Ph.D., Interim Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence
ELENA PAST, Ph.D., Interim Dean, Irvin D. Reid Honors College
RAMONA BENKERT, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Nursing
BERNARD COSTELLO, M.D., Senior Vice President for Health Affairs
BRIAN CUMMINGS, Ph.D., Dean of the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
WAEL SAKR, M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine
MARK SCHWEITZER, M.D., Special Associate for Public Planning
Business Operations
ROBERT DAVENPORT, Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Management
BRAD DICK, Senior Associate Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, and Deputy Chief Business Officer
BETHANY GIELCZYK, M.P.P., Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, Chief Financial Offer and Treasurer
CAROLYN P. HAFNER, B.B.A., Associate Vice President for Human Resources
ROB THOMPSON, Acting Vice President for Enterprise Planning and Operational Excellence
Engagement and Advocacy
PATRICK O. LINDSEY, M.A., Community Affairs Vice President
TAUNYA PHILLIPS, M.B.A., Assistant Vice President for Technology and Commercialization
DAVID RIPPLE, M.A., Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs
MELISSA SMILEY, Ph.D., Chief of Staff and University Relations Officer
EDWARD (NED) STAEBLER, M.S., Vice President for Economic Development
ERIKA WALLACE, M.P.A., Director of Athletics
University Governance
JULIE MILLER, M.A., University Secretary and Executive Officer to the Board of Governors
MIKE POTERALA, J.D., Vice President and General Counsel