Academic Catalog

Theatre (B.F.A.)

The Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Major in Theatre is an intensive pre-professional curriculum that combines foundational studies, rigorous training and extensive production assignments. The B.F.A. program is divided into two areas: a) performance and b) design and technical theatre including stage management.

Admission Requirements

Students seeking admission to the performance program must: 1) satisfy the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University; 2) complete a minimum of forty-five credits, including all program-specific prerequisite courses; 3) be selected for the program through an audition process. Admissions to the performance program typically take place at the end of the Fall semester of a student's sophomore year.

Students seeking admission to the design and technical theatre program must satisfy the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University and be selected for the program through an interview with the faculty.

Program Requirements

Candidates must complete a minimum of 120 credits in course work, including satisfaction of the University General Education requirementsCollege degree requirements, and seventy-seven credits in theatre courses including the major requirements listed below. The minimum grade for each course required in the major, which must be taken in the Department of Theatre, must be no less than a C-minus in order for the course credit to count toward completion of the degree. B.F.A students must comply with the following department policies – any student who does not meet these standards will be placed on Departmental probation and may be denied continuation in the program: the seventy-seven credits in specified Theatre courses must be completed with grades of C minus or better and a minimum of 3.0 Theatre major g.p.a must be maintained. Students must be current in their plan of work and all Basic Competency courses must be completed prior to enrolling in the Capstone course.Departmental information published in this Bulletin is intended for use in conjunction with advising, but in all cases, regardless of advice given, students are responsible for meeting and satisfying requirements as set forth in this Bulletin.

All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the University and the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts governing undergraduate scholarship  and  degrees, as well as with the requirements of the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance.  

General Education Course Progress: Majors must complete the Basic Composition (BC) and Quantitative Experience (QE) requirement by the time forty-five credits have been earned, the Oral Communication (OC) and Intermediate Composition (IC) requirement by the time sixty credits have been earned. Failure to meet these limits on matriculation will result in the student being placed on departmental probation: the student will be ineligible to be cast in or participate as a member of the artistic/production staff of department productions. Transfer students will be reviewed upon entry into the major for compliance with these standards and advised as needed.

B.F.A. – Performance

Plan of Study Grid
Fall SemesterCredits
ENG 1020 Introductory College Writing (BC) 3
COM 1010 Oral Communication: Basic Speech (OC) 3
THR 1121
Play Analysis
or Acting I
DNC 2460 Dance Improvisation 2
THR 2580 Fundamentals of Production Practice 3
THR 1451 Principles of Makeup (or General Education Course) 1-3
Winter Semester
Social Inquiry (SI) 3
Cultural Inquiry (CI); recommended THR 1041 3
THR 1211
Acting I
or Play Analysis
THR 1030 Introduction to Black Theatre and Performance 3
THR 1451 Principles of Makeup (If not taken in the fall; or take General Elective) 1-3
Fall Semester
Intermediate Composition (IC) 3
Natural Science Inquiry w/ Lab (NSI) 4
THR 2220 Fundamentals of Voice and Movement 5 3
THR 3322
Introduction to Costuming
or Stage Management
or Applied Theatre Studies: Community Possibilities
or Applied Theatre Studies: Theatre in Education
THR 2581
Theatre Studio - Performance 4
or Intermediate Production Practice
THR 2251 Musical Theatre Performance I; Theatre Elective; or General Elective 3
Winter Semester
Civic Literacy (CIV) 3
Quantitative Experience (QE); Suggested THR 2651 3
THR 1215 Acting II 3
THR 2221 Stage Movement I 2
THR 2231 Voice Lab I 2
THR 2581 Theatre Studio - Performance 4 1
Theatre, Dance, Music/Voice or General Elective 7 1-3
Fall Semester
Natural Science Inquiry w/o Lab (NSI) 3
THR 3211 Acting III 3
THR 3221 Stage Movement II 2
THR 3231 Voice Lab II 2
THR 3841 History of Theatre and Drama I 3
THR 2581 Theatre Studio - Performance 4 1
Theatre, Dance, Music/Voice or General Elective 7 1-3
Winter Semester
Global Learning (GL); Suggested: DNC 2000 or DNC 2400 3
THR 3215 Acting IV 3
THR 3225 Stage Movement III 2
THR 3235 Voice Lab III 2
THR 3842 History of Theatre and Drama II 3
THR 2581 Theatre Studio - Performance 4 1
Fall Semester
Any Missing Gen Eds not fulfilled 3
THR 4211 Acting V 3
THR 4231 Voice Lab IV 2
THR 4271 Acting for the Camera 3
THR 3581 Advanced Theatre Studio - Performance 4 1
2 Theatre, Dance, Music/Voice or General Elective 7 3-6
Winter Semester
Any Missing Gen Ed 3
THR 4995 Theatre Capstone: Performance 3
THR 4221 Stage Movement IV 2
THR 3581 Advanced Theatre Studio - Performance 4 1
2 Theatre, Dance, Music/Voice or General Elective 7 3-6
 Total Credits116-130

Placement by test scores. Must take ENG 1010 first if: ACT English < 21, SAT EBRW < 520, or SAT Writing < 480.


See the General Education of the Undergraduate Bulletin for other QE options.


If THR 2301 isn't offered, THR 2611 or THR 5311 can be substituted in its place.


THR 2581 course can be taken a max of 3 times. THR 2582, THR 3582 and THR 3583 courses can be taken as Theatre Electives. Students must complete a minimum of 6 THR 2581, THR 2582, THR 3582, or THR 3583 courses (may vary for transfer students).
Actors must complete at least 1 non-Performance Theatre Studio.


This class is a prerequisite to enter the BFA in Acting concentration.


If minoring in Musical Theatre


Electives taken in Dance Technique may be repeated. Advancement to the next level is based upon skill level evaluated by the Dance Program Faculty. 

Elective Courses

Theatre Studio
THR 2580Fundamentals of Production Practice3
THR 2581Theatre Studio - Performance1
THR 2582Intermediate Production Practice3
Dramatic/Literature Electives
THR 1030Introduction to Black Theatre and Performance3
THR 1041Musical Theatre Appreciation3
THR 5821Black Dramatic Literature and Performance3
Performance Electives
THR 2251Musical Theatre Performance I3
THR 2255Musical Theatre Performance II3
THR 3561WSU Touring Theatre (By audition. Participation in this course requires the student to take it in both the Fall & Winter semesters. )1
THR 3601Stage Management Studio - Principles2
THR 3603Stage Management Studio - AEA Contracts2
THR 3605Stage Management Studio - Health and Safety2
THR 3731Applied Theatre Studies: Community Possibilities3
THR 3735Applied Theatre Studies: Theatre in Education3
THR 3738Applied Theatre Practicum1-4
THR 5711Play Direction3
THR 5721Playwriting3
Design/Tech/Management Electives
THR 2611Stage Management3
THR 3322Introduction to Costuming2
THR 3651Principles of Theatre Management3
THR 3671Theatre Management: Marketing and Public Relations3
THR 3675Theatre Management: Marketing Design and Layout3
THR 3681Theatre Management: Patron Services and Development3
THR 5311Stage Design3
THR 5422Introduction to Scene Painting3
THR 5331Entertainment Design - Lighting I3

All courses in the department could serve as an elective in consultation with an academic advisor.

B.F.A. – Design and Technical Theatre

Plan of Study Grid
Fall SemesterCredits
COM 1010 Oral Communication: Basic Speech 3
ENG 1020 Introductory College Writing 1 3
THR 1121
Play Analysis
or Acting I
DNC 2460 Dance Improvisation 2
THR 2580
Fundamentals of Production Practice
or Dance Improvisation
THR 1451 Principles of Makeup (or General Elective) 1-3
Winter Semester
Social Inquiry (SI) 3
Cultural Inquiry (CI) 3
THR 1211
Acting I
or Play Analysis
THR 1451 or General Elective 1-3
THR 1030 Introduction to Black Theatre and Performance 3
THR 2651 (QE) or General Elective 2 3
Fall Semester
Intermediate Composition (IC) 3
Natural Science Inquiry w/ Lab (NSI) 4
THR 3301 Design Skills - Drafting I 3
THR 3341 Design Skills - Digital I 2
THR 2582
Intermediate Production Practice
or Entertainment Design - Lighting I
or Stage Management
Winter Semester
Civic Literacy (CIV) 3
General Elective 3
THR 3303 Design Skills - Drafting II 3
THR 4342 Design Skills - Digital II 1
THR 5315
Entertainment Design - Scenery I
or Intermediate Production Practice
Fall Semester
Natural Science Inquiry w/o Lab (NSI) 3
THR 3841 History of Theatre and Drama I 3
THR 3582
Advanced Production Practice: Pre-Production
or Advanced Production Practice: Production
Design & Technology Level 1 or 2 Course: THR 5331, THR 5335, THR 4321, THR 4331 3
1 or 2 Design/Tech Electives 3-6
Winter Semester
Global Learning (GL) Course; Possibilities: DNC 2000 or DNC 2400 3
THR 3842 History of Theatre and Drama II 3
THR 3582
Advanced Production Practice: Pre-Production
or Advanced Production Practice: Production
Theatre Elective 3
Design/Tech Electives 3-6 3-6
Fall Semester
Design/Technology Levels 2 or 3 Courses 3
Design/Tech Elective 3
Theatre Elective 3
Theatre Elective 3
THR 3583
Advanced Production Practice: Production
or Advanced Production Practice: Pre-Production
Winter Semester
THR 4996 Theatre Capstone: Design and Technology 3
Design/Tech Elective 3
Design/Tech Elective 3
General Elective 3
THR 3583 Advanced Production Practice: Production 2
 Total Credits115-125

Placement by test scores. Must take ENG 1010 first if: ACT English < 21, SAT EBRW < 520, or SAT Writing < 480.


See the General Education of the Undergraduate Bulletin for other QE options.

Elective Courses

Theatre Studio
THR 2581Theatre Studio - Performance1
Dramatic/Literature Electives
THR 1030Introduction to Black Theatre and Performance3
THR 1041Musical Theatre Appreciation3
THR 5821Black Dramatic Literature and Performance3
Design Elective
THR 3601Stage Management Studio - Principles2
THR 3603Stage Management Studio - AEA Contracts2
THR 3605Stage Management Studio - Health and Safety2
THR 4601Stage Management Studio: Event Management2
THR 4603Stage Management Studio - Commerce of Theatre2
THR 4605Stage Management Studio - Performance Management2
Theatre Electives
THR 3731Applied Theatre Studies: Community Possibilities3
THR 3735Applied Theatre Studies: Theatre in Education3
THR 3738Applied Theatre Practicum1-4
THR 5711Play Direction3
THR 5721Playwriting3
Design/Tech/Management Electives 2
ADR 1050Drawing I3
ADR 1060Drawing II3
AFA 2410Textiles3
COM 1600Introduction to Audio-Television-Film Production3
MUT 1100Introduction to Contemporary Music Theory3
MUA 2500Music Technology3
THR 3301Design Skills - Drafting I3
THR 3303Design Skills - Drafting II3
THR 3315Entertainment Design - Scenery I2
THR 3325Entertainment Design - Costume I2
THR 3331Entertainment Design - Lighting I2
THR 3341Design Skills - Digital I2
THR 3351Visual Communication for Theatre and Dance2
THR 3352Visual Communication - Costumes2
THR 3603Stage Management Studio - AEA Contracts2
THR 3605Stage Management Studio - Health and Safety2
THR 3651Principles of Theatre Management3
THR 4315Entertainment Design - Scenery III3
THR 4342Design Skills - Digital II1
THR 4371Entertainment Design - Projection Design2
THR 4601Stage Management Studio: Event Management2
THR 4603Stage Management Studio - Commerce of Theatre2
THR 4605Stage Management Studio - Performance Management2
THR 5315Entertainment Design - Scenery I3
THR 5325Entertainment Design - Costume I3
THR 5331Entertainment Design - Lighting I3
THR 5422Introduction to Scene Painting3
THR 5426Advanced Scene Painting3

Additional Design/Tech/Management Electives  may be taken in consultation with design area mentor.

Theatre Honors Programs (B.F.A degrees)

In order to enter the Departmental honors program students must have achieved academic excellence in previous work, such as a high school g.p.a. of 3.5 or a college or university g.p.a. of 3.3. Students must meet all regular major requirements including: the three of the following honors-option courses within their major taught by full-time faculty members (internships cannot satisfy this requirement),  at least one 4000-level seminar offered through the Liberal Arts Honors Program, a senior honors thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor in their major area (THR 4998) and maintain a minimum g.p.a. of 3.3 cumulative and in the major.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Departmental Honors in Theatre (fifteen credits)

Select the Honors Option in three of the following:9
History of Theatre and Drama I
History of Theatre and Drama II
Development of the Drama I: Greek to Eighteenth Century
Black Dramatic Literature and Performance
Makers of the Modern Theatre
Development of the Drama II: Nineteenth Century to Modern
Students may select the Honors Option in one of the following B.F.A. courses (three credits) to substitute for a course in the above requirement:
Introduction to Design for the Theatre
Acting IV
Acting V
Stage Design
Entertainment Design - Costume I
Entertainment Design - Lighting I
THR 4998Capstone Honors Thesis3
Honors Seminars 13
Total Credits15

HON 4200-4280 Honors Seminars (select one)

Student must maintain an overall 3.3 g.p.a.

For additional information, students should consult the Irvin D. Reid Honors College.

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