Academic Catalog

Film Studies (B.A.)

An admissions moratorium is in effect for this program.

The University offers two undergraduate degree programs related to film: the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Film offered by the College of Fine, Performing, and Communications Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Film Studies as described below.

The English Department offers a program in film and media studies for students interested in the history and criticism of film and media. Courses are designed to give students knowledge and critical skills in film analysis, key concepts in film theory, the major directors, emerging trends in new media scholarship, and an understanding of cultural and historical factors in film and media production and reception.

Please contact the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of English for further information.

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the departmental major  requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Students majoring in film studies must complete a minimum of thirty-four credits, distributed as follows:

Core Courses (Fourteen Credits)
ENG 2450/COM 2010Introduction to Film4
ENG 5993Writing Intensive Course in English0
Additional ENG courses10
Elective Courses (Twenty Credits)
Select twenty elective credits of the following: 120
Video Art
Time-Based Media II: Experimental Animation
The African-American Film Experience
African Americans in Television
Introduction to Audio-Television-Film Production
Studies in Film History (Max. 12)
Documentary and Non-Fiction Film and Television
Screenwriting (Max. 8)
Techniques of Film and Video Production
Film, Cinematography and Lighting
Topics in Film and Media (Max. 12)
Directed Study in English (Max. 6 (with film studies focus))
Italian Cinema (Max. 9)
Trends and Themes in Films of the Middle East
Polish and Yugoslavian Cinema
Russian and East European Film
Total Credits34

Electives should be selected in conjunction with the Departmental Undergraduate Advisor. Three elective classes must be taken at the 5000-level or above.

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