Academic Catalog

Geophysics Minor

Geophysics seeks to understand the inner workings of inner earth and its surroundings. A variety of physical measurements – involving seismic waves, magnetic fields, gravity, electric potential and satellite-based geodesy – are made to probe the interior and study the surface and internal process of our planet. The geophysics study encompasses field work as well as theoretical and experimental studies, through which students will learn about the mechanics of landslides, earthquakes and other natural hazards. Employment opportunities include oil, gas, petroleum and mineral exploration companies and environmental consulting companies. This minor could also serve as a pathway for entry to a graduate program in seismology.

The Geophysics minor requires a minimum of 23-25 credits.

Geology courses 1
ESG 1010Geology: The Science of the Earth3
ESG 1011Geology: The Science of the Earth Laboratory1
ESG 5210Environmental and Applied Geophysics4
Select one of the following:4
Structural Geology
Mathematical Methods in Earth Science
Isotopes: Applications in Geological and Environmental Sciences
Physics courses
PHY 2170
PHY 2171
University Physics I for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics I Experimental Laboratory
or PHY 2175 University Physics for Engineers I
PHY 2180
PHY 2181
University Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
and University Physics II Experimental Laboratory
or PHY 2185 University Physics for Engineers II
Select one of the following:3
Introductory Modern Physics
Methods of Theoretical Physics I
Classical Mechanics I
Introductory Modern Physics Laboratory
and Introduction to Computational Methods
Another PHY course above the 4000 level 2
Total Credits23-25

Two courses must not have been applied toward major requirements or another minor


 The course should be chosen in consultation with an advisor.

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