Academic Catalog

Early Childhood Education (M.A.T.)

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Early Childhood Education leads to a Michigan Department of Education (MDE) teacher certification in Birth-Kindergarten (B-K). Students will gain extensive classroom and clinical experience to develop the content, skills, and dispositions needed to successfully work in B-K  classrooms. Candidates must also pass the required Michigan Test(s) for Teacher Certification (MTTC) in order to be recommended for certification.

Degree Requirements (General M.A.T.)

The M.A.T. program is offered as a master’s Plan C program only and requires a minimum of thirty credits. Total credit requirements vary based on the applicant’s background in his/her teaching field at the undergraduate level and specialized requirements.

All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and the Graduate School's regulations governing graduate scholarship and degrees. Requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree must be completed within six years after completion of the first course to be applied to the degree.

Course work is distributed among two areas: Prerequisite courses and major courses. A teaching certificate is required in order to receive a M.A.T. degree.

Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revisions, and students are encouraged to consult their assigned advisor prior to each registration period to ensure that all requirements are met.

Prerequisite Courses

All Early Childhood Education students are required to complete the following prerequisite courses, which are required for a Michigan Teaching Certificate. It is recommend that applicants complete all prerequisite courses before admission, however, applicants may be admitted with two or three prerequisite courses remaining. 

Early Childhood Education Prerequisites for Admission

TED 6020Technology Integration in Teaching3
or TED 2020 Technology Integration in Teaching
MAT 1110Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I3
SCE 5100
SCE 5105
Integrated Science Content (PK-6)
and Integrated Science Lab (PK-6)
or SCE 2100
SCE 2105
Integrated Science Content PK-6
and Integrated Science Lab PK-6
ELE 6205Literacy Foundations3
ELE 6020Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience3
or ELE 2020 Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience
ELE 6010Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities3
or ELE 2010 Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities
ELE 6035Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood3
or ELE 2035 Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood
Total Credits22

Early Childhood Education B-K Grade Band: Major Courses 

Professional Clinical Experiences are integral parts of the program and must be completed during daytime school hours.

ELE 6210
ELE 6211
Literacy Methods I (PK-3)
and Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3)
ELE 6140Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education3
ELE 6050
ELE 6055
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience
ELE 6040
ELE 6045
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K)
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: ECE Clinical Preschool
ELE 6100Planning and Implementing Preschool Curriculum3
ELE 6130Early Childhood Advocacy, Leadership, and Administration3
TED 5791
ELE 6080
Directed Teaching and Conference for Pre-Kindergarten
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Preschool Learning Environment
TED 5792Directed Teaching and Conference for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education6
Total Credits36
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