Academic Catalog

Special Education (B.S.)

The Bachelor's of Science in Special Education leads to a grade-band certification (e.g., B-K; PK-3, 3-6, etc.) along with certification in Special Education in the area of Cognitive Impairment or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Candidates must meet the grade-band certification requirements and attain a Michigan Standard Teaching Certification in that grade-band in order to attain the Cognitive Impairment or Autism Spectrum Disorder certification.

Admission Requirements

Currently, students may be entered into one of our teacher certification programs upon admission to Wayne State University.

Degree Requirements

All students must complete University General Education Requirements, the Autism Spectrum Disorder or Cognitive Impairment concentration (some of these courses may also satisfy the University General Education Requirements), and the required courses for at least one grade band concentration (e.g., B-K, PK-3, 3-6, 5-9, or 7-12 grade band concentrations). If electing both the B-K and PK-3 grade band, note the course exceptions listed in the footnote^.

The total number of credit hours for the degree varies from 130 to 142 depending on how General Education Requirements are met and which grade band concentrations are elected. A minimum of 120 credit hours are required for the degree. Students may elect to complete the Adapted Physical Education K-12 concentration in addition to the requirements listed above. Electing to add the Adapted Physical Education K-12 concentration will result in 15 additional credit hours.

No grade below ‘C’ may be used to meet any requirement specific to the Special Education major or the PK-3 and 3-6 grade band concentrations.

General Education

When electing the B-K, PK-3, or 3-6 grade bands: Quantitative Experience (QE) will be satisfied by MAT 1110 or MAT 1120. One of the Natural Scientific Inquiry (NSI) required courses and the Natural Scientific Inquiry with Lab (NSIL) requirement will be satisfied by the combination of SCE 2100 and SCE 2105. The remaining General Education requirements will be satisfied by required coursework for a maximum of 28 credits.

When electing the 5-9 and 7-12 grade bands: Some of the courses cited in the grade bands may satisfy the University General Education Requirements (35 hours maximum).

Special Education

Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in Special Education must complete one of the following concentrations: Autism Spectrum Disorder or Cognitive Impairment.

Autism Spectrum Disorder K-12

Block A
SED 5000History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
SED 5075Consultation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching2
SED 5080Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning2
SED 5090Transitions for Students with Disabilities2
Block B
SED 6021Introduction to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder3
SED 6030Teaching Students with Cognitive, Behavior, and Communication Differences3
SED 6050Teaching Students with Communication Differences3
Block C
SED 6060Teaching Students with Movement and Sensory Differences2
SED 6070Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Autism3
Block D
TED 5790Directed Teaching and Conference for Special Groups6
Total Credits30

Cognitive Impairment K-12

Block A
SED 5000History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
SED 5075Consultation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching2
SED 5080Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning2
SED 5090Transitions for Students with Disabilities2
Block B
SED 5110Introduction to Teaching Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs3
SED 5115Observation and Assessment of Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs3
SED 5121Language Development and Instruction for Students with Moderate/Significant Support Needs2
Block C
SED 5125Teaching Students with Significant/Multiple Support Needs3
SED 5130Teaching Students with Moderate Support Needs3
Block D
TED 5790Directed Teaching and Conference for Special Groups6
Total Credits30

B-K Grade Band

Foundations (8 credits)
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
Early Childhood Education Foundations
ELE 2000Child Development: Birth-Age 83
ELE 2015Play: How Young Children Learn3
ELE 2020Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience3
ELE 2025Social Emotional Learning: Birth-Age 83
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching
ELE 2035Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood3
ELE 2050
ELE 2055
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience
Content Areas
SCE 2100
SCE 2105
Integrated Science Content PK-6
and Integrated Science Lab PK-6
MAT 1110Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I3
ELE 6200Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers3
ELE 6205Literacy Foundations3
ELE 6210
ELE 6211
Literacy Methods I (PK-3)
and Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3)
ELE 6040
ELE 6045
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K)
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: ECE Clinical Preschool
ELE 2075The Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education3
Curriculum and Assessment
ELE 6100Planning and Implementing Preschool Curriculum3
ELE 6110Planning Infant and Toddler Curriculum3
ELE 6030Assessment of Young Children3
Leadership and Partnership
ELE 2010Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities3
ELE 6130Early Childhood Advocacy, Leadership, and Administration3
Student Teaching
TED 5792Directed Teaching and Conference for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education6
TED 5791
ELE 6080
Directed Teaching and Conference for Pre-Kindergarten
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Preschool Learning Environment
Total Credits81

When adding the PK-3 Grade Band to the B-K Grade Band, the following exceptions apply:

1. ELE 6041 is not required. 

2. TED 5780 is not required. 

PreK-3 Grade Band

Block 1
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
Select one of the following (if adding the B-K grade band, select ELE 2000):3
Educational Psychology
Child Development: Birth-Age 8
MAT 1110Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I3
MAT 1120Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II3
SCE 2100
SCE 2105
Integrated Science Content PK-6
and Integrated Science Lab PK-6
Block 2
ELE 2020Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience3
ELE 6205Literacy Foundations3
ELE 6200Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers3
ELE 6210
ELE 6211
Literacy Methods I (PK-3)
and Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3)
ELE 6225Literacy Methods II (PK-6)3
ELE 6350Mathematics Foundations (PK-6)3
ELE 6370
ELE 6375
Mathematics Methods (PK-3)
and Mathematics Clinical Experience (PK-3)
ELE 6550Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6)2
SSE 5720Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers I3
SSE 6720Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers II3
ELE 6600Social Studies Methods (PK-6)3
ELE 6041Early Childhood Curriculum for PK-3 Teachers3
ELE 6800
ELE 6805
Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6)
and Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6)
Block 3
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar12
Total Credits79

3-6 Grade Band

Block 1
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
EDP 3310Educational Psychology3
MAT 1110Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I3
MAT 1120Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II3
SCE 2100
SCE 2105
Integrated Science Content PK-6
and Integrated Science Lab PK-6
ELE 6205Literacy Foundations3
Block 2
ELE 6200Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers3
ELE 6215
ELE 6216
Literacy Methods I (3-6)
and Literacy Clinical Experience (3-6)
ELE 6225Literacy Methods II (PK-6)3
ELE 6350Mathematics Foundations (PK-6)3
ELE 6380
ELE 6385
Mathematics Methods (3-6)
and Mathematics Clinical Experience (3-6)
SSE 5720Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers I3
SSE 6720Social Studies Disciplines for Elementary Teachers II3
ELE 6600Social Studies Methods (PK-6)3
ELE 6500Science Curriculum and Methods (3-6)3
ELE 6550Science Curriculum and Methods (PK-6)2
ELE 6800
ELE 6805
Methods for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6)
and Clinical Experience for Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogy (PK-6)
Block 3
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar12
Total Credits76

English Language Arts Grade Band 7-12

Foundational Courses
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
EDP 5480Adolescent Psychology3
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
Content Courses
ENG 2200Shakespeare: Writing about Texts3
ENG 2250British Literature: Writing about Texts3
ENG 2350American Literature: Writing about Texts3
ENG 2390Introduction to African-American Literature: Writing about Texts3
ENG 2430Digital Literacies: Writing about Texts3
ENG 2540Global Literatures: Writing about Texts3
ENG 5720Linguistics and Education3
ENG 5730English Grammar3
Choose 1:3
Queer Literatures: Writing about Texts
Women Writers: Writing about Texts
Choose 1 of the following courses:3
Stories of Detroit: Writing about Texts
Geopolitics and Literature: Writing about Texts
Environmental Writing: Writing about Texts
Introduction to Visual Culture: Writing about Texts
Comics and Graphic Novels: Writing about Texts
Introduction to Film
Literature and Religion: Writing about Texts
Living Writers
Or another 3 credit hour English course in consultation and with approval from advisor
Methods Courses
EED 5200Methods of Teaching English (7-12)3
EED 6120
EED 6125
Teaching Composition Methods (7-12)
and Teaching Composition Clinical (7-12)
EED 6210Language, Literacy, and Learning3
EED 6310Young Adult Literature3
EED 6330
EED 6335
Teaching Literature Methods (7-12)
and Teaching Literature Clinical (7-12)
Final Clinical Experience
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar12
Total Credits79

Mathematics Education Grade Band 5-9
(An admissions moratorium is in effect for this concentration.)

Foundational Courses
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
EDP 5480Adolescent Psychology3
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
Content Courses
Note: Placement based on prior coursework or testing is required before registering for MAT 2010. Additional courses may be needed before taking MAT 2010.
MAT 1800Elementary Functions4
MAT 2010Calculus I4
STA 1020Elementary Statistics3
or STA 2210 Probability and Statistics
MAT 2860Discrete Mathematics3
MAE 5100Geometry for Middle School Teachers3
or MAT 5180 Geometry for Middle School Teachers
MAE 5130Problem Solving for Middle School Teachers (5-9)3
MAE 5140Proportional and Algebraic Reasoning for Middle Grades Teachers (5-9) 3
MAT 5420Algebra I4
Method Courses
MAE 6075Historical and Social Contexts of Teaching Mathematics (5-12)3
MAE 5150
MAE 5155
Methods and Materials of Instruction: Secondary School Mathematics
and Secondary Mathematics Clinical (7-12)
MAE 6050
MAE 6055
Teaching Mathematics Methods in the Middle Grades
and Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades Clinical (5-9)
Final Clinical Experience
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar12
Total Credits70

Mathematics Education Grade Band 7-12

Foundational Courses
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
EDP 5480Adolescent Psychology3
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
Content Courses
Note: Placement based on prior coursework or testing is required before registering for MAT 2010. Additional courses may be needed before taking MAT 2010.
MAT 2010Calculus I4
MAT 2020Calculus II4
MAT 2030Calculus III4
MAT 2250Elementary Linear Algebra3
STA 2210Probability and Statistics4
MAT 2860Discrete Mathematics3
MAT 6140Geometry: An Axiomatic Approach3
MAT 5420Algebra I4
Methods Courses
MAE 6075Historical and Social Contexts of Teaching Mathematics (5-12)3
MAE 5150
MAE 5155
Methods and Materials of Instruction: Secondary School Mathematics
and Secondary Mathematics Clinical (7-12)
MAE 6050
MAE 6055
Teaching Mathematics Methods in the Middle Grades
and Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades Clinical (5-9)
Final Clinical Experience
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar12
Total Credits72

Adapted Physical Education K-12 Concentration (Optional)

Students may elect to complete the Adapted Physical Education K-12 concentration in addition to the requirements listed above.

Courses that are included in Cognitive Impairment or in either of the grade bands listed above:
SED 5000History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Teaching Students with Disabilities2
SED 5080Supportive Environments, Engaged Learning2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
Additional courses required for the Adapted PE Concentration:
HPE 6400Physical Activity in Pediatric Disabilities (Additional courses required for the Adapted PE Concentration:)3
HPE 6410Teaching Adapted Physical Activity and Sport3
HPE 6420Teaching Aquatics to Special Populations3
HPE 6430Physical Activity Assessment in Special Populations3
HPE 6440Leadership Training and Practicum in Adapted Physical Education3
Total Credits21
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