Academic Catalog

Early Childhood Education (B.S.Ed.)

Admissions Requirements

Admission requirement standards are similar across Michigan public universities. A minimum of 120 credits are required for completion of this degree: satisfaction of the University General Education Program; All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and University governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. All major, minor, and education courses, must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better and an overall 2.5 grade point average, to meet College graduation requirements. Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revision and students are urged to consult assigned advisors prior to each registration period to insure that all requirements are met.

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 120 credits are required for completion of this degree: satisfaction of the University General Education Program; All course work must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and University governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. All major, minor, and education courses must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better and an overall 2.5 grade point average to meet College graduation requirements. Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revision, and students are urged to consult assigned advisors prior to each registration period to ensure that all requirements are met.

Early Childhood Education: Required courses for the Birth to Kindergarten (B-K) Grade Band
General Education Courses28
The General Education Requirements for Quantitative Experience (MAT 1110) and Natural Scientific Inquiry w/Lab (SCE 2100/SCE 2105) are included in the B-K Grade Band coursework.
Approximately 28 credit hours are needed for General Education courses not included in the B-k Grade Band coursework: Basic Composition, Intermediate Composition, Oral Communication, Natural Scientific Inquiry, Civic Literacy Inquiry, Social Inquiry, Cultural Inquiry, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Inquiry, and Global Learning Inquiry.
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
Early Childhood Education Foundations
ELE 2000Child Development: Birth-Age 83
ELE 2015Play: How Young Children Learn3
ELE 2020Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Clinical Experience3
ELE 2025Social Emotional Learning: Birth-Age 83
ELE 2035Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood3
ELE 2050
ELE 2055
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: Infants and Toddlers Clinical Experience
Content Areas
SCE 2100
SCE 2105
Integrated Science Content PK-6
and Integrated Science Lab PK-6
MAT 1110Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I3
ELE 6200Diverse Children’s Literature for Elementary Teachers3
ELE 6205Literacy Foundations3
ELE 6210
ELE 6211
Literacy Methods I (PK-3)
and Literacy Clinical Experience (PK-3)
ELE 6040
ELE 6045
Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Content Areas (PK-K)
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: ECE Clinical Preschool
ELE 2075The Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education3
Curriculum and Assessment
ELE 6100Planning and Implementing Preschool Curriculum3
ELE 6110Planning Infant and Toddler Curriculum3
ELE 6030Assessment of Young Children3
Leadership and Partnership
ELE 2010Equitable Partnerships with Families and Communities3
ELE 6130Early Childhood Advocacy, Leadership, and Administration3
Electives as needed to reach the required 120 credit hours for the degree.
Student Teaching
TED 5792Directed Teaching and Conference for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education6
TED 5791
ELE 6080
Directed Teaching and Conference for Pre-Kindergarten
and Intentional and Inclusive Teaching: The Preschool Learning Environment
Total Credits120
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