Academic Catalog

Multi-Age Education (B.S.Ed.)

The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in Multi-Age Education leads to a Michigan Department of Education (MDE) teacher certification in Visual Arts Education PK-12. Students will gain extensive classroom and clinical experience to develop the content, skills, and dispositions needed to successfully work in PK-12 classroomsCandidates who successfully complete all program requirements will earn an undergraduate degree. All candidates are required to earn a minimum GPA of 2.5 and earn a grade of “C” or better in all required program courses to earn the degree. Additionally, candidates must pass the certification-specific MTTC to be recommended for certification. To learn more about MDE teacher certification, please visit:

General Information:

A minimum of 120 credits are required for completion of this degree: satisfaction of the University General Education Program. All coursework must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and University governing undergraduate scholarships and degrees. All major, minor, and education courses must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better and an overall 2.5 grade point average to meet College graduation requirements. Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revision, and students are urged to consult assigned advisors prior to each registration period to ensure that all requirements are met.

Visual Arts Education PK-12

General Education Requirements
Visual Arts Education PK-12: The General Education Requirement for Cultural Inquiry is included in the Visual Arts Education PK-12 required coursework.
Approximately 25 credit hours are needed for General Education courses not included in the Visual Arts Education PK-12 coursework: Basic Composition, Intermediate Composition, Oral Communication, Quantitative Experience, Natural Scientific Inquiry, Natural Scientific Inquiry w/Lab, *Diversity Equity & Inclusion Inquiry, Civic Literacy Inquiry, Social Inquiry, and Global Learning Inquiry.25
ACO 1200Surface Studio3
ACR 2550Introduction to Ceramics3
ADR 1050Drawing I3
ADR 2070Introduction to Life Drawing3
AH 1110Survey of Art History: Ancient through Medieval3
AH 1120Survey of Art History: Renaissance through Modern3
AH 3750African American Art and Design3
APH 2400Introduction to Photography3
APR 2300Printmaking3
ASL 2150Beginning Sculpture3
AED 5000Introduction to Art Education3
AED 5100Topics in Art Education3
AED 5150Computer Graphics in the Classroom3
AED 5160Theory and Practice in Art Education3
AED 55002d Methods and Materials3
AED 55103d Methods and Materials3
AED 5890The Art of Indigenous Cultures: Inclusion in the K-12 Curriculum3
AED 6920Multi-Cultural Issues in Art Education3
EDP 5480Adolescent Psychology3
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
TED 2020Technology Integration in Teaching 3
TED 2200
TED 2205
Foundations I: Foundations of Education in Urban Spaces
and Foundations Field Experience
TED 2210Foundations II: Intersections of Culture, Language, Identity & Schooling2
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
TED 5100Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning2
TED 6630Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods I2
TED 6680Multi-Age Education Clinical Methods II3
TED 6770
TED 6720
Multi-Age Education Student Teaching
and Multi-Age Education Student Teaching Seminar
Choose One3
Watercolor Painting I
Introduction to Oil Painting
Choose One3
Space Studio
Time Studio
Note: Students must take the following courses for 3 credit hours: AED 5100, AH 1110, AH 1120 and EDP 5480.
Total Credits123
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