Academic Catalog

Visual Arts Education (Teacher Certification)

The Visual Arts Education Teacher Certification requires thirty prerequisite course credits prior to admission to the program (usually taken during undergraduate studies in art), forty-four credits taken after admission to the College of Education, as well as Student Teaching. Potential students should make an appointment with coordinator Anita Ricks-Bates to discuss program requirements by calling 313-577-0490 or via e-mail at

Foundation Requirements (30 credit hours)
ADR 1050Drawing I3
ADR 1060Drawing II3
AH 1110Survey of Art History: Ancient through Medieval3
AH 1120Survey of Art History: Renaissance through Modern3
ACO 1200Surface Studio3
ACO 1230Space Studio3
or ACO 1270 Time Studio
ADR 2070Introduction to Life Drawing3
ADR 3070Intermediate Life Drawing3
APA 2000Introduction to Oil Painting3
ASL 2150Beginning Sculpture3
Intermediate Requirements (6 credit hours)
AED 5000Introduction to Art Education3
AED 5160Theory and Practice in Art Education3
Advanced Studio and Methodology Requirements (21 credit hours)
AED 5020Painting: Methods and Materials3
AED 5890The Art of Indigenous Cultures: Inclusion in the K-12 Curriculum3
AED 5070Methods and Materials of Sculptural Expression3
AED 5280Printmaking: Methods and Materials3
AED 5690Collage, Assemblage, and Multi-Media: Methods and Materials3
AED 5150Computer Graphics in the Classroom3
AED 5230Ceramics Education I3
Professional Education Requirements (17 credit hours)
The following courses must be completed prior to student teaching.
AT 7500Cultural and Social Diversity in Art Therapy3
EDP 3310Educational Psychology3
TED 2220Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling 2
or TED 6220 Foundations III: Foundations of Inclusive Schooling
RLL 6121Teaching Literacies across the Content Areas 3
AED 5100Topics in Art Education3
AED 5650Art Teaching Laboratory (coreq: AED 5100)3
Student Teaching Requirements (6 credit hours)
Students must take and pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Visual Arts Education Test #095 prior to student teaching.
TED 5780Student Teaching & Seminar (Half day field placement at the elementary or secondary level to meet State K-12 certification requirements)2
TED 5790Directed Teaching and Conference for Special Groups (Full day placement at the level you wish to teach full time: elementary or secondary)4
Total Credits80
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