Academic Catalog

World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (B.A.)

Students majoring in the B.A. in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures will gain proficiency in one or more world languages, which include Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish. As part of their course of study, students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program, such as the Junior Year in Munich (Germany); the semester or year program in Japan through the JCMU (Japan Center for Michigan Universities); a semester or year in Tours (France); spring break study abroad in Paris (France); as well as in other study programs in Italy, Latin America, Lebanon, Poland, and Spain. Students will attain a broad knowledge of one of the cultural geographies explored in our courses—East Asia, the Ancient Mediterranean, the Francophone world, German-speaking Europe, Italy, the Near East, and the Spanish-speaking world. The World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures program will develop students' linguistic and critical-analytical skills involving various types of texts. Students will also explore humanistic and social scientific approaches to world cultures. Linguistic and broadly-based cultural studies provide excellent grounding for various career paths, including law, business, medicine or health sciences, non-profit sector careers, teaching at the high school or university level, library and information science, museum practice, among others.

Program Requirements

Candidates must complete 120 credits in course work including satisfaction of the University General Education Requirements and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Group Requirements, as well as the departmental major  requirements cited below. All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the University and the College governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees.

Students should refer to the CMLLC program requirements page for admission, degree, and general education requirements.


Asian Studies Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 36 credits in Asian Studies coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level. 

Language Requirement
Select eight credits from the following courses in Language 1:8
Intermediate Chinese
and Intermediate Chinese II
Intermediate Japanese I
and Intermediate Japanese II
Select sixteen credits from the following courses in Language 2:16
Elementary Chinese I
Elementary Japanese I
Elementary Chinese
Elementary Japanese II
Intermediate Chinese
Intermediate Japanese I
Intermediate Chinese II
Intermediate Japanese II
Select three credits from the following:3
Advanced Chinese I
Advanced Japanese I
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select three credits from the following courses:3
East Asia to the 1700s
History of Modern East Asia
Languages of Asia
Politics of East Asia
Select six credits from the following courses:6
History of Japanese Pop Culture
Readings in the History of Modern China
Pre-Modern Japan
Modern Japan
Gender in Modern East Asia
Chinese Character Writing
Gateway to Chinese Civilizations
Chinese Mythology and the Supernatural
Introduction to Chinese Literature
Space and Everyday Life in Chinese Literature and Film
Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
Grammar of Chinese
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Japanese Culture through Myth, Fairy Tales, and Media
Culture Studies in Japan (Homestay and Study Abroad Tour)
Chinese Philosophy
Students will complete a research project linked to a 5000-level course or higher.
Total Credits36

Chinese Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 35 credits in Chinese studies coursework. Of these, at least 6 must be at the 5000 level.

Language Requirement
Select eight credits from the following:8
Intermediate Chinese
Intermediate Chinese II
Select nine credits from the following:9
Advanced Chinese I
Advanced Chinese II
Business Chinese
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select six credits from the following:6
East Asia to the 1700s
History of Modern East Asia
Languages of Asia
Politics of East Asia
Select six credits from the following:6
Special Topics in East Asian Studies
Chinese Phonetics
Chinese Character Writing
Gateway to Chinese Civilizations
Chinese Mythology and the Supernatural
Contemporary Chinese Pop Culture
Introduction to Chinese Literature
Space and Everyday Life in Chinese Literature and Film
Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
Grammar of Chinese
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Chinese Philosophy
Select six credits from any courses in ASN, CHI, or JPN outside the language of study.6
Students will complete a research project linked to a 5000-level course or higher.
Total Credits35

Classics, Greek, and Latin Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 32 credits in Classics, Greek, and Latin coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher. 

Language Requirement
Select eight credits from the following:8
Intermediate Ancient Greek I
and Intermediate Ancient Greek II
Intermediate Latin
and Intermediate Latin II
Intermediate Modern Greek I
and Intermediate Modern Greek II
Joint Language Study
Intermediate Ancient Greek I
and Intermediate Latin
Intermediate Ancient Greek I
and Intermediate Modern Greek I
Intermediate Latin
and Intermediate Italian
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select six credits from the following:6
Classical Civilization
Greek Mythology
Select twelve credits from the following:12
Athens and the Ancient Greek World
Byzantine Civilization
The Golden Age of Rome
Survey of Greek Literature
Survey of Latin Literature
Modern Greek Literature and Culture in English
Italy and Italians I
Italy and Italians II
Select six credits from the following:6
Any course beyond 2020 in the primary language. Any course in a second language (from GKA, GKM, ITA, or LAT). In joint language studies, any course beyond 2010 in either language.
Introduction to Greek Tragedy
Ancient Comedy
Medea in African American Literature
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
The World of Early Christianity
Byzantine Civilization
The Golden Age of Rome
Greek Identity from Antiquity to Modernity
Survey of Greek Literature
Survey of Latin Literature
Further Studies in Mythology
Special Studies
Italy and Italians I
Italy and Italians II
Italian Fairy Tales
Science, History, and Culture of Italian Cuisine
Dante in Translation: The Divine Comedy
Modern Greek Literature and Culture in English
Introduction to Global Stories
Introduction to Global Issues and Institutions
Globalization: Theories, Practices, Implications
Orientalism and Occidentalism, Past and Present
History of Ancient Greece
History of Ancient Rome
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Ancient Greek Medicine and Psychology
The Presocratics and Sophists
Classical Political Philosophy: What is Justice?
Students will complete a research project for two 5000-level courses.
Total Credits32

French and Francophone Studies Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 37 credits in French and Francophone Studies coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher.

Language Requirement
Select twelve credits from the following: 12
Intermediate French
French through Film I
French through Film II
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select sixteen credits from the following:16
French Cafe
Professional French through Literary and Filmic Texts
Topics in Sociocultural Analysis
Advanced French Composition and Conversation through Cultural Analysis
Translation Studies
Select thrre credits from the following:3
French Civilization: Beginnings to the French Revolution
Modern French and Francophone Culture
Understanding the Fairy Tale
Select six credits from the following:6
Topics in French and Francophone Culture
Topics in French and Francophone Literature
Renaissance to Revolution
Modernity, Postmodernity, and Extreme Contemporain
Topics in Sociocultural Analysis
Total Credits37

German Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 35 credits in German studies coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher.

Language Requirement
Select fourteen credits from the following:14
Intermediate German
Everyday Encounters in Language and Culture
Engaging Historical Moments
Exploring Modern Identities
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
GER 2710Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution: Transitional Moments in German Culture and History3
Select six credits from the following:6
Understanding the Fairy Tale
Introduction to Global Stories
Intercultural Competence for a Global World
Nazi Germany
Select six credits from the following:6
Products, Perspectives, and Practices of Culture
Advanced Communication in Oral and Written Discourse
German Translation Studies
Select six credits from the following:6
Holocaust Studies
Cultural Studies and Criticism
Texts and Contexts Since 1945
Topics in German Studies
Literature and Cultures of Minorities
Internship in German Studies
Foreign Language Instruction
Students will complete a research project linked to a 5000-level course or higher.
Total Credits35

Italian Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 34 credits in Italian language and culture coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher.  

Language Requirement
ITA 2010Intermediate Italian4
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select nine credits from the following:9
Italian through Film
Road to Italy
Caffe Italia
Italian Rebels
Select nine credits from the following:9
The Golden Age of Rome
Italy and Italians I
Italy and Italians II
Italian Fairy Tales
Science, History, and Culture of Italian Cuisine
Dante in Translation: The Divine Comedy
Select twelve credits from the following:12
Caffe Italia
Italian Rebels
The Birth of Italian Language and Literature
The Birth of Italy
Italian Theater Workshop
Topics in Italian Studies
Internship in Italian Studies
Languages of Italy
Dante's Comedy I: Inferno
Love, Politics and the Art of Elegance
Performing Italy
Total Credits34

Japanese Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 35 credits in Japanese studies coursework. Of these, at least 6 must be at the 5000 level.

Language Requirement
JPN 2010Intermediate Japanese I4
JPN 2020Intermediate Japanese II4
JPN 3010Advanced Japanese I3
JPN 3020Advanced Japanese II3
JPN 2110Listening Japanese with Media and Animation3
or JPN 3030 Japanese Reading and Writing
or JPN 4010 Business Japanese I
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select six credits from the following:6
East Asia to the 1700s
History of Modern East Asia
Languages of Asia
Politics of East Asia
Select six credits from the following:6
History of Japanese Pop Culture
Pre-Modern Japan
Modern Japan
Japanese Culture through Myth, Fairy Tales, and Media
Culture Studies in Japan (Homestay and Study Abroad Tour)
Japanese Culture and Society I
Japanese Culture and Society II
Internship in Japanese Studies
Select six credits of any courses in ASN, CHI, or JPN outside the language of study.6
Students will complete a research project linked to a 5000-level course or higher.
Total Credits35

Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 34 credits in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures coursework. Of these, at least 6 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher.  

Language Requirement
ARB 2010Intermediate Arabic I4
ARB 2020Intermediate Arabic II4
Select nine credits from the following:9
Business Arabic
Advanced Arabic I
Spoken Arabic
Conversation and Composition
Media Arabic
Arabic for Healthcare Professions
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select eleven credits from the following:11
Medieval Arabic Texts
Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign/Second Language (TAFL)
Modern Arabic Literature in Arabic and English
Arabic Sociolinguistics
Structure of Arabic
Quranic Arabic
History of Arabic
Elementary Hebrew I
Elementary Hebrew II
Select six credits from the following:6
Introduction to Islamic Civilization of the Near East
The Age of Islamic Empires: 600-1600
The Modern Middle East
Trends and Themes in Films of the Middle East
Topics in Middle Eastern Studies
Islamic and Near Eastern Philosophy
Modern Israeli Culture: A Pluralistic Perspective
Arab Society in Transition
Muslim Personal Law
Quran: History and Interpretation
Islam and the Challenge of Modernity
History and Development of Islamic Political Thought
Total Credits34

Spanish Concentration

Students will complete a minimum of 34 credits in Spanish studies coursework. Of these, at least 12 credits must be at the 5000 level or higher.

Language Requirement
SPA 2010Intermediate Spanish4
SPA 2025Cultural Connections, Grammar and Composition I3
SPA 3025Cultural Connections, Grammar and Composition II3
Select six credits from the following:6
Spanish for Business and the Legal Professions
Spanish for the Health Care Profession
Advanced Composition
Spanish Phonetics
Advanced Grammar and Stylistics
Introduction to Professional and Literary Translation
Advanced Conversation
Directed Study
Internship in Spanish
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Literature, Culture, and History Requirement
Select nine credits from the following:9
Introduction to Cultural and Literary Analysis
Introduction to Early Modern Spanish Literature
Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature
Introduction to Colonial Latin American Literature
Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Latin American Literature
Spanish Culture and Its Tradition
Spanish American Cultures and their Traditions
Topics in Hispanic Culture or Language
Spanish Medieval Literature: Origins to 1500
Early Modern Spanish Studies
Spanish Literature of the Eighteenth Century
Spanish Romanticism
The Spanish Novel of the Twentieth Century
Spanish Poetry of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
The Comedia
Genres and Topics in Peninsular Spanish Literature
Colonial Latin American Studies
Latin American Novel to 1900
Latin American Novel in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Spanish American Poetry
Genres and Topics in Spanish American Literature
Spanish Literature of the Silver Age: 1900-1936
Unamuno's Existential Fiction
Select nine credits from the following:9
An additional three credits in SPA at the 3000 level or higher
An additional six credits in SPA at the 5000 level or higher
Students will complete exit interviews and a research project linked to a 5000-level course or higher.
Total Credits34
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