Academic Catalog

Anthropology and Urban Sustainability (Ph.D. Dual-Title)

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program in Anthropology can apply to earn a Ph.D. in Anthropology with a dual-title in Urban Sustainability. This dual-title degree is designed to prepare professionals to solve challenging urban problems that require working across disciplines. Students enrolled in this dual title program take courses in topics and develop specific skills relating to urban sustainability. Students in Anthropology will also conduct an internship or science exchange in Urban Sustainability, help develop and participate in colloquia and seminars, perform community service, and write funding proposals. The dual-title coursework follows competencies outlined by the Transformative Research in Urban Sustainability Training program.

Applicants must meet the admissions standards of the Graduate School and the Department of Anthropology and be first offered admission to the Anthropology doctoral program.

Students are required to take six core courses plus 12 elective credits of Urban Sustainability coursework. A minimum of 7 of the 12 elective credits must be from coursework outside of the student's home department.

Core Courses
Urban Anthropology
Sustainability of Urban Environmental Systems
Energy, Emissions, Environment (E3) Design
Health and Risk Communication
Essential Research Practices: Responsible Conduct of Research
Environmental Planning
Elective Courses
Urban Archaeology
Archaeological Laboratory Analysis
Field Investigations in Biological Sciences
Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment
Principles of Toxicology
Landscape Ecology
Sustainability Assessment and Management
Pharmaceutical Waste: Environmental Impact and Management
Applied Environmental Microbiology
Special Topics in Civil Engineering II 1
Crisis Communication
Advanced Regulation and Regulated Industries
State and Local Public Finance
Advanced Urban and Regional Economics
Principles of Environmental Health
Geological Site Assessment
Environmental Fate and Transport of Pollutants
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Geology
Environmental Law
Urban Planning Process
Cities and Food
Planning Studies and Methods
Land Use Policy and Planning
Geographic Information Systems

In order to satisfy the elective requirement, the topic area must be relevant to the program. Students should consult with their advisor for details.

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