Academic Catalog

Applied Mathematics (M.A.)

This degree is designed for students who are interested in applied mathematics or are interested in applying mathematics to areas outside of mathematics (e.g., biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, geology, medical science, physics, psychology, social science). The program is flexible in that it does not represent the teaching of any fixed body of knowledge. It does require two areas of concentration, one of these being the major in mathematics (pure and applied) with emphasis on the applicable subjects. The minor area is to be either in applied mathematics or in an area outside of mathematics (such as the above) to which the student is interested in applying mathematics. Mathematical methods are emphasized.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the Graduate School.

Applicants for the Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics should have a good background in the area in which they are planning to apply mathematics, but a bachelor’s degree in mathematics is not required. Applicants must have successfully completed course work equivalent to the following:

MAT 2010
MAT 2020
MAT 2030
Calculus I
and Calculus II
and Calculus III
MAT 2250Elementary Linear Algebra3
MAT 2150Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra3-4
or MAT 2350 Elementary Differential Equations
MAT 5070Elementary Analysis4
At least 3 more credits in Mathematics at the 5000 level.
Credit accrued in courses such as the history of mathematics or the teaching of mathematics, in which the study of mathematics itself is not the primary purpose will not be counted toward this requirement.

Program Requirements

This program is usually offered as a Plan B master's degree option requiring twenty-nine credits of course work plus a three credit essay. However, Plan A (master's thesis) and Plan C (course work only) options are available with the approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee.

  1. A minimum of thirty-two credits.
  2. A minimum of twenty credits in mathematics courses not previously completed from the following list (additional courses may be approved on an individual basis):
    MAT 5100Numerical Methods I3
    MAT 5110Numerical Methods II3
    MAT 5210Advanced Calculus4
    MAT 5220Partial Differential Equations4
    MAT 5230Complex Variables and Applications4
    MAT 5280Methods of Differential Equations3
    MAT 5350Logical Systems I4
    MAT 5400Elementary Theory of Numbers3
    MAT 5410Applied Linear Algebra4
    MAT 5420Algebra I4
    MAT 5430Algebra II4
    MAT 5520Introduction to Topology3
    MAT 5530Elementary Differential Geometry and its Applications3
    MAT 5600Introduction to Analysis I4
    MAT 5610Introduction to Analysis II3
    MAT 5700Introduction to Probability Theory4
    MAT 5710Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
    MAT 5740The Theory of Interest3
    MAT 5770Mathematical Models in Operations Research3
    STA 5800Introduction to Mathematical Statistics4
    MAT 5870Methods of Optimization3
    MAT 6420Advanced Linear Algebra3
    MAT 6500Topology I3
    MAT 6600Complex Analysis2-4
    STA 6830Design of Experiments3
    MAT 7200Ordinary Differential Equations3
    MAT 7210Partial Differential Equations3
    MAT 7230Finite Element Methods3
    MAT 7240Advanced Partial Differential Equations3
    MAT 7400Advanced Algebra I3
    MAT 7410Advanced Algebra II3
    MAT 7500Topology II3
    MAT 7510Algebraic Topology I3
    MAT 7520Algebraic Topology II3
    MAT 7600Real Analysis I3
    MAT 7610Real Analysis II3
    MAT 7700Advanced Probability Theory I3
    STA 7810Advanced Statistics Theory I3
    STA 5030Statistical Computing and Data Analysis3
    STA 5830Applied Time Series3
    STA 6840Applied Regression Analysis3
    STA 7820Advanced Statistics Theory II3
  3. A minimum of eight additional credits in the student's declared minor area.
  4. A final oral examination. All students in Plan C are required to take this examination. Students in Plan A or Plan B may, upon recommendation of the thesis or essay advisor, be excused from the final oral examination by the Departmental Graduate Committee.
  5. A public lecture on the thesis or essay for each student in Plan A or Plan B.
  6. By the time twelve credits have been earned, each student must submit a Plan of Work, approved by a departmental advisor, to the director of the program. In the Plan of Work, the student must choose Plan A, Plan B, or Plan C. The Plan of Work must be approved by the Departmental Graduate Committee, at which time the student will be advanced to candidacy. Students are not allowed to take more than twelve credits in the program unless candidacy has been established.

Each student in this program is ordinarily required to write a project-type essay for three credits under the direction of a supervisor in the Department of Mathematics and an essay advisor from some department related to the minor area, both of whom must approve the essay. (If the chosen minor area is in applied mathematics, the adviser in the major area can be the same as the adviser in the minor area.) The selection of advisors and topics must be approved by the Departmental Graduate Committee.

NOTE: The following courses cannot be applied towards this degree:

MAT 5070Elementary Analysis4

The following courses can only be applied towards requirement three for the minor in education:

MAT 6130Discrete Mathematics 3
MAT 6140Geometry: An Axiomatic Approach3
MAT 6150Probability and Statistics for Teachers4
MAT 6200Teaching Arithmetic, Algebra and Functions from an Advanced Perspective3
MAT 6210Teaching Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective3

Academic Scholarship: All course work must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

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